JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME. JOHN 14,6. Countless people are convinced that all the worlds religions are on an equal footing; they simply represent different ways of fulfilling Gods requirements. This had lead to a story in which God is presented as living on the summit of a high mountain. The human race is at the foot of the mountain and attempts to reach the peak by various routes; all aim to reach God. One takes the route of Buddhism, another Islam, a third chooses the route of Hinduism etc.... Any benevolent and tolerant observer might think it makes no difference from which starting-point one sets out: the summit must be reached some time. Is this really the case? Is the illustration an apt one?? Holy scripture maintains that none can come to God on self appointed pathway, no matter where he/she starts. The only way that God can accept is Jesus Christ, his own, beloved son. That is why Jesus came down to us as true man, yet without sin. When he died on the cross, he established the condition by which those who have fallen in sin can meet God. All can approach God, resting on the merits of the redeemer. That is the way appointed by God. No other way has any validity for Him. Are you in worshiping of man made god, i mean bowing to a statue, Oh..! Thats a gross sin before the Lord. Are you into patronizing native doctor? If you die in that sin the torments of hell is unbearable.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 07:30:32 +0000

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