JESUS STILL HEALS. From my book "The weeping prophet" Amazon 5 - TopicsExpress


JESUS STILL HEALS. From my book "The weeping prophet" Amazon 5 star book. TESTIMONIES Family of Voodoo Sept, 2010 A year ago you prayed for me and the baby I was carrying. The doctors said my child will never walk and will be born with so many complications probably will never live a normal life. You said the Lord just told you, that I will have a healthy baby. You also said your baby was conceived to be a prophet of God. Another thing, you paused for a second you asked me this question” who has a mental illness in your family?” I said my husband. You said the devil is leaving him right now .I heard you in your prayer breaking the Voodoo curse in Jesus name. You also asked me this question, who practice Voodoo? Are you from Haiti? I said yes, we all are from Haiti. Man of God, It has been a year since you prayed for us. My son is now a year old and very healthy. My husband is living a normal life delivered from Voodoo. Thank you man of God! J .From Miami Lymphoma cancer In June 2010, a disparate lady asked me to pray for her. She said she has Lymphoma type of cancer all over her skin. Her body was covered with boils and sore hardens and fills with pus. The Doctor gave her few days to live. As I was listening to her painful and emotional plea, I felt in the Spirit she was going to be healed. I said to the woman, let us pray. This was my prayer, demon of cancer! hear me and hear the Word of the Lord. I command you in Jesus name come out of her body never to return again. I thank you Lord for hearing me as you always hear me” It was a very short but very effective prayer. Few days later I was told by the prayer department manager a lady that I have prayed few days ago called the Christian Broad casting Network gave her testimony that cancer was completely gone. With God everything is possible. The word works only if you work it. Lieutenant Bill Vietnam veteran: I remember one caller, a Vietnam veteran called Lieutenant Bill. In all my years of ministry I have never heard a man cry like a baby because of the excruciating pain he was experiencing. He had endured cancer of the stomach for fifteen years. Doctors gave up on him. As I was listening to him, I felt compassion for this man. I began to ask the Lord to heal him. I knew in my spirit he was going to be healed. Under a mighty anointing, I told Lieutenant Bill to place his hand on his stomach as a point of contact. As I commanded the devil of cancer to come out of him, I felt a power flowing through me. The pain left him. I heard him saying, “I am healed. The pain is gone. I am healed! I am healed! I felt heat moving in my stomach. The pain is gone.” A week later Lieutenant Bill called the Network’s and gave his testimony that he was completely healed from stomach cancer. Demonic cancer: “Cancer ate my lungs.” A man with terminal cancer asked me for prayer. I could not hear a word that he was speaking because his throat, his lungs, and chest were eaten by the cancer. His vocal chords were gone. All I could hear was him whispering, “Cancer, cancer.” The Spirit of the Lord spoke to my heart to cast the demons of cancer out of him. I did. The demons started to manifest and came out one by one by the man coughing. When the last demon left him he could breathe well. His voice came back, and the tightness in his chest and all the pains were gone. He was completely delivered. Let me make something clear: not all cancers are demonic, even though the devil is behind all sickness. God is a good God. Matthew: “I am hearing voices.” Matt hew was suffering from bipolar disorder. He heard voices on a regular basis. In fact, they had been troubling him since he was young boy. I asked Matt hew if there was anyone in his family’s history with bipolar disorder. He mentioned a few. I knew I was dealing with strongholds and generational curses. I commanded the spirit to leave him and for family curses to be broken. A few months later he called and testified that all the troubling voices were gone. He was completely delivered. Let me make a remark about mental illness: from my experience and the Word of God, I believe most of the time it is demonic. Matt hew was troubled by the enemy’s voices. The Word of God says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Maria: “My car stalled.” Sister Maria was driving her car on the freeway one night around ten o’clock Eastern time. Suddenly her car stalled and would not start. She called TBN prayer hot line. The first thing I told her was not to panic. Then I heard that small voice saying, “Remember the fi g tree that Jesus cursed and the storm Jesus spoke to?” I said, “Yes, Lord.” The voice said “Then do what Jesus did!” This was my prayer: “Jesus spoke to the tree, and the tree heard Him. He spoke to the wind, and the wind responded to Him. Now, car, hear the word of the Lord, In the name of Jesus, start!” I instructed the lad to turn the key in the ignition. The car started. I could hear her rejoicing. Every creation of God has an ear to hear. Jesus said, “If they [the people] keep quiet [and do not praise Him], the stones will cry out” Luke 19:40, niv). Even the stones have ears to hear the voice of the Lord. After all, the world was created by the spoken word. My refrigerator stopped working.” There was an elderly lady on Social Security who was a regular caller. In the past, I had prayed for her for several things. This time she was a little sad. Her refrigerator had given up on her, and she did not have enough money to buy a new one. She wanted me to pray for her finances. Here again, that small voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: “Tell her to lay her hands on the broken refrigerator.” I did. I then prayed the same prayer I prayed for the car. I said, “Jesus spoke to the fi g tree, and the fi g tree heard Him. He spoke to the storm, and the storm obeyed Him. Now! Refrigerator, I command you in the name of Jesus, start!” It did. Every time she called TBN she would say, “Asfaw, the refrigerator is still working.” “I am on an Oxygen tank.” “I am on oxygen support, but I believe the Lord can heal me.” I knew this woman had faith because I received the confirmation of the Holy Spirit. I told her, “The Lord is going to heal you right now.” I prayed a simple prayer: “Holy Spirit, breathe upon this woman’s lung, for Jesus Christ’s sake.” The Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Tell her to breathe in and out three times.” The woman did, and the Lord healed her. A week later the same woman called Trinity Broadcasting Network to report that she was healed completely—no more oxygen support. I could tell you hundreds upon hundreds of testimonials like this. “Cancer ate my body.” “I have cancer all over my body and in my bones. I am in wheelchair. I am a church going woman, but I haven’t been to church in a long time.” As she was telling me her story, I was listening to the Holy Spirit, as I always do when I am praying for people. I commanded the demon of cancer to bow to the Name above every other name. The power of God went through her body. I told her to get up from her wheelchair and walk, in Jesus’ name. She did and she walked. She said, “I can’t wait until I go to my church this coming Sunday. My pastor and the church will be surprised.” She was so happy. Our God is a good God. Shawn: “Doctors gave up on me.” Shawn had pain in her head, back, and all over her body. When I heard her voice on the phone, I felt a very sharp pain course through my body. I knew by the word of knowledge that I was experiencing or feeling what she felt. I commanded the pain to leave her body. It did. The pain in her head and her back were all gone. She started shouting, “Yes! Yes! Thank you, Lord!” She was surprised how I knew that she had pain in her brain. I told her, “By the word of knowledge. When I am operating in the word of knowledge, I will feel pain in the same organ or area that the person I’m praying for is feeling. Or I can hear that small voice telling me by name. For example, I will hear ‘kidney’ or ‘heart’ or any part of an organ.” When the Lord gives me the word of knowledge, the person I’m praying for gets healed. Tina: “Tumor in my brain” Tina had a problem similar to Shawn’s; she had a very sharp pain in her brain. She told me she had had it for many years. Tina had a tumor in her brain. The same word of knowledge came upon me and I felt a very sharp pain in my brain. It felt as if someone put a knife right in the center of my head. Tina did not get a chance to tell me what I should pray for. The very second I heard her voice on the phone and felt the pain I commanded that tumor to disappear in Jesus’ name. Th e pain was gone and Tina believed she was healed from the brain tumor. Jerome: “My toe is killing me.” Jerome had diabetes, which was affecting his leg and toe. The word of knowledge came upon me and I felt sharp pain in my left toe. Jerome had pain from diabetes in his left toe. God healed him. The gift of knowledge reveals to me before the person tells me anything about their problem. I either hear the voice of God or I begin feeling the same way that person is feeling. Sometimes I could see the infected part of the body. “I am not pregnant, I have a tumor.” I remember a few years ago, when the Lord first gave me the gift s of the Spirit, a woman asked me to pray for a tumor she was carrying in her stomach. She said, “I look like I’m nine-months pregnant. But I am not pregnant. I have a very large tumor in my stomach.” As I was listening to her, the Lord spoke to me to tell her put her hands on her stomach as a point of contact. She did. I only spoke a few words: “Tumor, melt in Jesus’ name.” Right after I commanded the tumor to melt, the woman said her stomach went flat immediately. The tumor disappeared. Brothers and sisters, just speak the Word. The Word works only if you work it. Stroke Henry had been suffering from the effects of a stroke for a long time. The word of knowledge came to me and I called out the stroke and prayed for him. He can now move his arms, legs, and neck. He received an instant healing. kidney failure Jamara had been suffering from kidney failure. Pain would constantly shoot all over her body. By the word of knowledge I told her, “Th e Lord is going to heal you.” Aft er I rebuked the sickness, the pain left her. She believed the Lord also healed her kidney. Foot pain Ruth asked me to pray for a man who had cancer. He was not expected to live. While I was praying for the man, the Holy Spirit brought to my attention to pray for Ruth. She had a foot problem. When I told her what the Lord just told me, she was surprised. She said, “How did you know? Did the Lord tell you?” I said, “Yes.” The Lord healed her right away. These are just a few of hundreds of testimonies to lift up your spirit. Jesus is still the Healer. Just believe! Parkinson’s disease and shaking syndromes Edith said, “My body is shaking violently. I have Parkinson’s disease. I am in pain. Please pray for me.” As I was led by the Holy Spirit, I said to Edith, “Do you believe that the Lord can heal you right now?” She said, “Yes.” I began praying and took authority over the disease. I knew in the spirit she had been touched by God almighty. I asked Edith if the shaking was gone. She said all the pain and all the shaking were gone. She said, “I can move my fingers and my arms, which I could not do before.” Praise the Lord forevermore. “My wife came home This morning you prayed for me, for my wife to come home. She left me and my children months ago. A few hours after your prayer, she called me from the airport. She is coming home.” This was the day before Valentine’s Day. That is what I love about my Jesus. He is the God of love and restoration. I was so happy for them. Adala and daughter: Pituitary gland A mother asked for prayer for her daughter. Before she told me what the problem was, I knew by the word of knowledge and called out brain sickness. The woman answered, “My daughter, Lisa, has a problem with her pituitary gland.” I did not even know what the pituitary gland was until she explained it to me. I prayed and commanded her daughter to be healed in Jesus’ name. Debra: Degenerative disc As I prayed for Debra, I felt strong anointing on me. I said to her, “What is going on with your body?” She said, “Th e power of God is flowing. My pain is gone, and I can move my arms and my back. I am healed! Thank God!” Delma: Tumor in a child’s chest A mother asked me to pray for her eleven-year-old son. She said, “My son has a tumor in the left side of his chest. Please pray for him.” In an authoritative voice I said, “Where is your son?” She said, “He is sitting here.” I said, “Lay your hand on his chest.” As I was commanded the tumor to be gone I heard the child shouting, “It disappeared! It is gone!” Brothers and sisters, I hope these testimonies give you hope, for Christ is the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). Dislocated arm A few years ago a tree fell on Arty injuring his shoulder and dislocating his arm. A word of knowledge came to me and I felt a pain in my shoulder. I was feeling what he was feeling. After I prayed for him, I instructed him to do what he could not do before. He said, “T ere is no pain. I can move my arm, which I could not do before.” He was healed completely. Judy: “I am blind in both my eyes.” Judy had only 3 percent of her eyesight. This was my prayer: “Lord, eyes are meant to see. Now, you blind spirit, come out of her! Open! Lord, let your light shine on her and disperse the darkness. I thank you, Lord, for hearing me; you always hear me.” Right after I prayed, I instructed Judy to read something. She said, “I am feeling heat on my eyes. My eyes are getting clearer.” She started reading a book. The Lord, in His mercy healed her. I hope you are blessed and encouraged by these testimonies. The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do.—John 14:12 Just believe.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 01:43:23 +0000

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