JESUS THE CREATOR ALL THINGS ARE CREATED BY HIM “For by [Jesus] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by [Jesus], and for [Jesus]: And [Jesus] is before all things, and by [Jesus] all things consist.” - Col 1:16-17 1. The Doctrine of Creation a. In six days God made … all that in them is - Exodus 20:11, 31:17 b. All things created by Jesus Christ - Eph 3:9 (John 10:30) c. Paul has the clearest statements of Jesus the Creator – Col 1:16-17 d. “consist” – def. to stand to be, to be fixed, to exist, to be composed, to subsist e. Theological importance of Creation i. The power of God (Jesus) – Rom 1:20, Acts 17:24,28, 1 Chron 6:25-27 ii. One man sin entered, death by sin - Rom 5:12, Col 2:9 2. “All Things” a. All inclusive – “all things” – John 1:3; there is nothing that was made left out b. “in heaven and earth” – universal – Gen 1:1 c. “visible and invisible” – includes any spirit beings - d. Possessor of heaven and earth - Gen 14:19-22; Heb 1:2,10 & Psalm 102:25 e. The heaven is the LORD’s - Psalm 115:16 f. The kingdoms and powers - Col 1:13-14 g. We wrestle against the rulers of darkness – Eph 6:12 3. Biblical Accounts of Creation a. Prophecy exalted God’s creation power over other gods b. “Thou art LORD alone” - Neh 9:6 c. Psalm 146:5-9 & Luke 4:18-19 d. By the word of the Lord - Psalm 33:6,9 & John 1:3 - Psalm 104 e. I was setup from everlasting - Proverbs 8:22-31 f. Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Isa 40:9-12,26-31 g. “I am the LORD” - 42:5-8, 43:3 &15, 44:6,24; 45:11-12, 18 h. All other gods shall perish - Jer 10:1-12 i. Mighty God, mighty in work - 32:17-19, (Jer 51:15-16 & Psalm 29) j. Pentecostal creation ministry - Acts 4:24 k. In the end when the kingdoms are conquered - Rev 14:7 l. The Mighty God is Jesus – Isaiah 9:6; Rev 1:8,11,18; 4:8-11 4. Complete in the God of Creation a. Mystery exalts Jesus as Creator to make “all things” new through reconciliation b. We live for the one who died for us – 2 Cor 5:15 c. It was the righteousness of God in Christ –2 Cor 5:21, Rom 3:22 d. You are complete in God (Jesus), not a man, nor in yourself - Col 2:9-10 e. We can reside in heavenly places because he was ‘before all things’ Col 1:17
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:24:54 +0000

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