JESUS VICTORY OVER SATAN IN HELL (The Fall Of Lucifer – part - TopicsExpress


JESUS VICTORY OVER SATAN IN HELL (The Fall Of Lucifer – part 2) On the CROSS, that dying rubber asked our Ever Blessed Jesus to remember him when He gets to paradise. Please note that he admitted that he was a sinner & deserved his punishment unlike his colleague who felt d judgment meted on him was unfair. Jesus replied him, ‘I say to U today, U will be with Me in PARADISE. You will be shocked at the Billions U’ll see in heaven. The reason is, many received The Redeemer at their dying hour. Any time someone’s dying, d FORGIVER ALWAYS STAND BEFORE THEM WITH OUTSTRETCHED ARM BEGGING THEM TO ACCEPT HIS MERCY AT EVEN THEIR DYING MOMENT – WHAT MANNER OF LOVE IS THIS? Remember He said, ‘U shall be saved, U & your HOUSEHOLD’ He didn’t lie. When you a Christian prays for your unsaved relatives even only once, that prayer hovers around them throughout their lifetime on their earth-walk. They can’t escape hearing the voice of the Spirit calling on them to accept Jesus. U don’t know how many did that before they actually died. This is also one of d reasons I believe that Whitney Houston’s in heaven & shockingly….Michael Jackson too. Where is this PARADISE? That was the 1st Paradise. It was originally called Abraham’s bosom. It was situated 17 miles from Hell itself which is in the centre of this planet Earth. There was a GREAT GULF separating both regions. It was a beautiful place with houses, mountains, rivers etc. This was the best place The Almighty could prepare for them since they weren’t Reborn, Recreated, Born Again, washed by d Messiah’s Blood or since they didn’t have Eternal Life yet – except a man gets reborn, he can’t see…according to our Hero Jesus. On that CROSS, Messiah Jesus told John to behold his momma. That is significant. He couldn’t die as The Son of Mary, disconnecting Himself. On that CROSS, He became the SUBSTANCE CALLED SIN. He took upon Himself your sins & mine & was sentenced by The Monarch of The Universe resulting in dying (NOT DEATH). This Jesus, The Great God of Glory took that rubber to Paradise & He Himself descended into Hell (Jonah’s life prophesied this). Follow me, let’s open d curtain to see what transpired. In Hell, Satan had to call all his high ranking demons to witness this supposed show – remember, he’s a proud figure who never learns (bcos he corrupted his wisdom) – it took quite some hours for all d high ranking demons to assemble around This Jesus in Hell. E. W. Kenyon said he, ‘believed this was one time NO demon was present on Earth’, bcos they all wanna see their supposed prisoner. Meanwhile in Heaven, The Father of Justice was calculating d TIME. They all gathered Him with Satan’s high ranking officials at the frontline trying to make Him bow to Lucifer as Weymouth’s translation pictured it. But, glory to d Most High forever! Jesus released LIGHTNING JOLTS OF FIRE POWER OF LOVE FROM WITHIN HIMSELF. He stretched His hand towards them turning around as they circled Him. From the hand of Jesus came LIGHTNING FIRE & MARED those high ranking officials SPOILING THEM. That is the reason all high ranking demons has burnt appearance. He then move to the BIGGIE, disarmed him. He took from him all d diamond, gold, silver, sapphire, topaz, chalcedony, emerald, carbuncle, etc from him. MAIN EVENT: He took from him the KEYS TO THE GATES OF HELL. U C, before Jesus resurrection, the former saints were all their lifetime subject to bondage because of d fear of DEATH. Since Jesus resurrection, the fear of DEATH has been DELEATED. Instantly, 2 bango-like chain appeared in Satan’s wrists. U know Y? that’s where Angel Michael will hook his chains & drag him to d bottomless pit. To die is gain. Paul said, for a Child of Jesus to die is far better than staying here. Never be afraid of death, I’m speaking to someone. Satan still try to terrorize some with death – he can’t. Jesus brought LIFE & IMORTALITY through d GOSPEL. Now, paradise is no longer in hell. He’s moved it to the 3rd heaven. Love casts out all fear. When Believers of Jesus die, they don’t experience DEATH. Be perfected in LOVE & satan will have nothing in you. Be bold! Satan is like an ANT in comparison to U in-Christ. Don’t give any place to the devil. Cast him out whenever he shows up. Resist d devil – don’t assist him as some do. We’ve been given AUTHORITY by Jesus – use it! All sicknesses are caused by satan, rebuke that devil & he’ll flee & d sickness will be gone. Brothers & sisters, lets take our place. We are in the END TIMES which started last year’s 2012. Let’s take advantage of the POWER OF D CROSS (Jesus Wordz, Sidespin)
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 07:27:08 +0000

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