JESUS WAS AN ANTI-CHRIST (NEW ANARCHADIA ARTICLE PRE-RELEASE) No real anarchist study has even been conducted on the origins of Jesus born in Nazareth. There is a lot of information about Judas Iscariot, most of it fiction prancing around as reality. Where it does get interesting, is how you can catch religious historians in their own lies, trying to rewrite history. God and the Devil are purely of Judaic origin, which in turn Judaism is a copy of a bunch of even older middle-eastern doctrines of mass control; which all failed. The Old Testament is simply a translation of the Torah from Hebrew to Koine Greek, and the new Testament was funded by the romans who hired a bunch of crackpot monetary opportunists in Lugdunum and other roman imperial towns, to rewrite history. The ultimate goal obviously to perpetuate hierarchism (Capitalism: Money Worshipping, Monetarism, Feudalism, National Socialism, Socialism, Communism, Constitutional Monarchism, etc… what ever you want to call it they’ll just change the term). A history which to this day plagues us with Sparta-typed slaves who dream of being free, only to enslave themselves once more to MONEY, their ultimate language of worship. One in which they are always united to defend, otherwise always divided until murder does them part. Where it really gets interesting is to see how the british Britannica tried to rewrite the same history, which would inevitably prove the complicity to this day of the City of London (created by the romans), and that of past capitalist empires. But before I get to that, let me explain the backdrop to the plot. Or at least how I, an anarchist, see it: Jesus born a bastard son into a jewish family, which was like being born a negro, in a family full of white slave owners; Jesus then became an atheist, decided to help the poor, so that turned him into an anti-capitalist (against the worship of money). Which in essence is the same reason Hitler murdered 6 million atheist anti-capitalists, while allowing 3 times as many capitalist faithful jews to escape (those who could afford an escape). Stalin, Mao and every communist dictator since did the same thing, except they reversed the argument, they called anyone who tried to go against the imperialist globalist funded tyranny, an anarchist, and sent them to the gulags (this included over 7 million atheists of jewish genealogy). After Jesus died a movement was born, called the Sicarii, meaning (dagger-men). An ironic comparison can be made, where in New York City and Chicago at the start of the 20th Century, jewish atheists who were also anti-capitalists (anarchists), were murdered by the police, who dubbed them “knife carrying lunatics”. Most of these people were simply independent citizen journalists and hard working angry slaves. But the U.S Government needed a reason the kill them for the British Government and their stock owners, just as Manifest Destiny was used to murder 145 million native americans for british corporate expansions such as Wall Street. Now the Britannica, tried to lie and say that Judas Iscariot is the one who started the Sicarii movement, which was a movement against the romans and “faithful” jews, both money worshippers*. Just as the Britannica and every single English Dictionary in concordance since, leave out from the definitions of “Right-Wing” and “Anarchism”, that since Ancient Greece, Anarchism is etymologically the antonym of Hierarchism. And english history books, definitely leave out the fact that the ancient greeks thought that Hierarchism was anti-democratic, and that Anarchism was democratic. According to Josephus a zealot at the time of the Sicarii, “ the Sicarii were antagonistic to a larger grouping of Jews referred to as the Zealots, who carried the main burden of the rebellion. Josephus emphasizes that the Sicarii were considered more extreme than the Zealots, to which group Josephus belonged until defecting to the Roman side. “ Which goes even further to prove, how important it was for the romans to kill and censor these anarchistic movements, which were against hierarchy. Then dub them pejorative things like “zealot” or “knife murderer”. Hierarchy being the antonym since ancient greece of anarchism. So after manufacturing the bible, God, the Devil, murdering Jesus and his followers, the romans and jews funded the king Muhammad, who just like King James translated the Torah into his own language. They called it the Koran. The CIA and British Secret Service fund Al Qaeda today, not only to murder christians and atheists, but also to control those regions for their valuable resources. The Torah being a sort of Manifest Destiny ideology sold to dictators, to “conquer” (control) “their” people (as traitors), just as the Book of the Dead, 10 commandments, Bible, Coran, Capitalist Constitutions pretending to be democratic and Communist Manifesto. Then the romans and jews created the Catholic Church and Vatican. The Vatican was built on top of a hill, where millions of anarchists like Jesus, had been crucified in order to perpetuate hierarchism. The City of London, which was created by the roman empire (the british people cannot get rid of this supranational corporate feudalist state), which to this day has been funding “ideologues” like Aleister Crowley who helped start WW2, Freemasonry and the Church of Satan with his doctrine “Love is the law”, or L. Ron Hubbard and CIA funded Scientologists, or the Fabien Society, or Hitler who told his SS that they were all descendents of King Arthur’s court. That is why the SS never attacked the British Monarchy, only the British People. They also fund all of the world’s fiscal paradises and fascist dictatorships (which are good alternative banks to ones which pretend to be democratic and have justice). britannica/EBchecked/topic/307411/Judas-Iscariot
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:58:52 +0000

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