JESUS WAS IN INDIA.......... JESUS CHRIST WAS IN INDIA AT A PLACE "ROZABAL" IN KASHMIR... This has been proved recently but , preached much before by "PURUSHOTTAM of PRESENT AGE" SRI SRI THAKUR ANUKUL CHANDRA. Below are few insight into the matter.... Yashendra: Well, I have been aware about the issue of Rozabal since long. Always wanted to explore the issue myself, but, you know, it requires resources & facilities. Luckily, an opportunity came I submitted this project to the producers. We also think that the Rozabal can become a major tourist destination in India. It’s a great symbol of convergence of all the major ideologies of the world today. Christianity-because its supposed be the tomb of Jesus himself. Vedic: because Jesus travelled to India also in his teens & youth to acquaint himself with Indian wisdom in Puri, Varanasi, Rajgriha etc. He also interacted closely with the Shiva-worshipping Nath sect. He is still revered as one of the ancient Nath-Yogis. He was highly supported by King Shalivahan & King Gopananda. Ancient inscriptions in Srinagar have revealed that Jesus as Youza Asaf was requested by King Gopananda to guide repair of the ancient Shiva Temple atop Gopadri Hill in the city. Vedic thought subscribes to the view that Advents ( Messengers of God) keep appearing from time to time to re-establish the principles of life & growth. According to Dr. Fida Hassnain, a leading authority on Rozabal & Ex-director of Jammu & Kashmir’s Deptt. Of Archeaology,Museums & Research, the actual grave in Rozabal is in Jewish direction & style & the small rock temple above it in Vedic style. Buddhist: Because Jesus as Youza Asaf guided Buddhism. He is also supposed to have been the main force behind the 4th Buddhist Council which took place in Harwan, Srinagar while he was living in the area.King Kanishka, who was a Buddhist, issued two coins, one in the name of ‘Budho’ while the other in the name of ‘Yuzo’. Thus, its obvious that he respected Buddha & Jesus equally. Islamic: Quran respects Jesus as one of the Prophets. It is so well-known. After the arrival of Islam in India, Islamic saints continued the ‘Rishiyat’ (Rishi-order) of Kashmir which is still going on. Started by Vedic Rishis, carried forward by Buddhist monks, this was continued by the Islamic Saints. Bam Uddin, Zam Uddin, Nasir Uddin, Payam Uddin, Qutab-Uddin, Qayam-Uddin, Shingar Bibi, Dih Bibi, Sheikh-Ul-Alam Hazrat Noor-Uddin Wali etc. have been some of the famous names. Baba-Zain-ud-Din Wali’s shrine at Aish Muqam (near Pahalgam) is considered to be an ancient cave of the Rishis where Isa ( the name by which Jesus is known in the East) also spent some time. Isa’s supposed rod (staff) is still preserved there. The great Islamic saint Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, in late 19th century, did fabulous research on the Rozabal Shrine & called it the tomb of Jesus. He had got the tomb thoroughly investigated & also checked the historical records & local traditions of the area. Thus, Rozabal is a convergence point of all major thoughts of the world !
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 14:32:05 +0000

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