JESUS did not come to CONDEMN but to SAVE ... And JESUS didnt FAIL - TopicsExpress


JESUS did not come to CONDEMN but to SAVE ... And JESUS didnt FAIL ( nor can he!) He paid everyones sin and he will draw all people unto himself. Thats the victory of what JESUS did at CALVARY. It is GODS WILL and his OATH he saves to the uttermost . Dont despair , GOD is LOVE , ALL THE TIME, for ALL the world. GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD ..HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGITTEN SON. That at the name of JEEUS Every tongue confessing JESUS CHRIST IS LORD , to the Glory of the father. Its the fathers GLORY that ALL people shall now their knee and confess JESUS CHRIST. That GOD WILL BE ALL IN ALL. **JESUS DOESNT FAIL** The Holy Spirit answers, I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for ALL MEN ... for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED... 1 Timothy 2. *God Said he will have ALL MEN to be SAVED! (JN 12v32 ) . Thats exactly what Jesus did when he died in our place ! Remember, the wages of SIN is Death. Not eternal torment as religion states !! Otherwise God would be psychotic & double minded as he said HE SO LOVED THE WORLD ... The word SO means much more than we know or understand. If you love your spouse or children so much, theres nothing you wouldnt do to protect them even from themselves ! Evil is of the devil .... Therefore eternally tormenting a person is inhuman and insane!! ASK YOURSELF....IS GOD ABLE OR POWERFUL ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING HE DESIRES? THE ANSWER MUST SURELY BE YES ..... HE IS ALMIGHTY GOD ,ALL KNOWING AND ALL LOVING God says in his word he hasnt given us a spirit of FEAR, therefore who or what can we be afraid of ? Certainly not Satan or what Adam did in the beginning? Be anxious about nothing the bible says. JESUS is in us. (Colossians 3v1-4) The World is in JESUS ( whether we like to believe it or not?). JESUS said we have the power to LOVE our enemies ..IT IS GODS POWER AND HE DOESNT EXPECT FROM HIS CREATION TO DO SOMETHING HE CANNOT DO HIMSELF ... JESUS said he did not come to CONDEMN the world but to SAVE it! CAN JESUS FAIL? IF SO, THEN HIS LOVE AND THE LOVE OF THE FATHERS IS WEAK INDEED? DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT ADAM DID IS MUCH STRONGER THAN JESUS? THE TRUTH IS HIS LOVE IS MUCH STRONGER AND HE IS MORE THAN A CONQUEROR ... JESUS GAVE HIMSELF AS A RANSOM FOR ALL... The worst of all sinners is no problem for God to transform and We are sinners only because of ADAM...Think about it and ask the Holy Spirit to answer you , which he will do. Study and research the various errors in the KJV & NIV ! Greek words AION & OLAM are not forever or everlasting in the GREEK! There are major errors in Matthew 24 and Jonah, Exodus, Daniel and so on! Can you Guess who is responsible for these errors... SATAN through those he has deceived & corrupted. It is against GODS WILL and his OATH when you consider HE is LOVE! For God so loved the world...He saved us from SIN and SATAN. .. He hates SIN , which JESUS took upon himself, and LOVES the SINNER ( the world !) Whilst we were yet sinners CHRIST died for the whole world ! Jesus died not you or me ? JESUS is the only sacrifice which is perfect and complete ( Exodus 28 .. the high priestly sacrifice !) And I would add, would God that he might have prayed for the salvation of ALL MEN , He prayed for five - and they were all saved. Praise God for that! But we are commanded to pray, supplicate, intercede, and give thanks for all men...for God will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2v3-4. Whatsoever you ask in My name, I will do it. What awesome power! Ah, we know it works for needs, money, jobs, healing, problems, -carnal things. But does it work for the souls of men? Dare we ask for the salvation of all men with the same confidence that God will grant our request when we ask for a new pair of shoes? The Holy Spirit answers, I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for ALL MEN ... for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED... 1 Timothy 2. Those foolish people who in their willful and petulant ignorance dare to say, If God is going to save everyone, why need I bother? really do not deserve either recognition or an answer. Since my eyes have caught a vision of the supernal glory of the will of God to save all men, and my ears have heard the Word of the Spirit saying, I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, my heart responds with the greatest eagerness, for the greatness of His infinite love and purpose for every man who has ever lived, sets aflame the love of God in my heart until every breath I breathe is a fervent prayer, Your will be done! Your will be done! This is the hope that consumes my life and all my waking hours, and beside it all else is the grossest and lowest vanity. Stir yourself in repentance and in prayer and in consecration, you carnal minded, blessing-seeking souls who think you shall enjoy the glories of heaven while billions for whom the Christ died writhe in the tormenting flames of hell, possessed by the devil forever. How narrow our prayers sometimes can be. We pray so often for ourselves: me and my wife, my son John, we three, no more. How broad our intercession should be! When we come before the throne of the God whose Kingdom we represent, there must be a catholicity, a universality, about our prayers. And to any who still think our prayers are wasted if God will save all men in the end anyway, I now say - In my mind there could be nothing so frustrating, vain, meaningless, vexing, and futile as to be given a ministry of intercessory prayer on behalf of Gods creation knowing that for the most part my time, effort, energy, and ministry would end in failure as most of those I pray for will never be saved anyhow! To be commanded to pray for all men, intercede for all men, when only a few, a mere handful would ever be affected by that prayer could represent either utter foolishness or absolute impotence on Gods part, for the devil would win out in the end anyway (em. web ed.), possessing for ever the souls of those on behalf of whom we had done battle! Ah, dear ones, the salvation of all men in no measure diminishes our responsibility to the lost; it increases it a hundred and sixty billion fold! Previously I felt responsible to pray for the few I hoped could be rescued through my effort in God; now I am responsible to pray and pray and pray, and battle and battle and battle for the souls of all men until the battle is won and the enemy has not even one left! It is those who believe most men will be eternally lost who should give up their praying - not we, who have the assurance that our prayers actually CAN and WILL be answered! I WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME With what new and wonderful significance does the proclamation of Jesus Christ now echo through the corridors of our spirits as we hear the impelling words sound from His lips, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me (Jn. 12:32). This speaks not of Christ being lifted up in our daily living, or in praise, or by preaching, but upon the cross of Calvary, dying for the sins of the world. The verse following the one quoted above makes this very clear: And this He said, signifying what death He should die. Again, ... as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up (Jn. 3:14). Whenever there is introduced into any revelation this I will of God, then you immediately erase the will of man, the self-efforts of man to fulfill His will, and are brought face to face with the sovereignty of the grace of God. In the face of the sovereignty of Gods purpose all of mans hostility toward or unbelief regarding what God says He will do is as nothing, for whenever God decrees I will do it, all of mans unbelief cannot deter the sovereign operation of His grace. Man has the tremendous powers of will. Man can say I will, and he can say I will not; and when a man says I will not, to God, he will go down as swift as an arrow to its mark, swift as a stone into the depths of the sea; he will sink to the deepest depths; he will be cast down to endure the judgment of fire and brimstone until his breaking comes. Learn this, O man, and you will know a great truth: mans will is subject to Gods will! The will of God is always the higher will. In the will of God lies the origin of all creation - its very existence, its joys, its power, its glory. In the will of God lies the origin of redemption - the fact of it, its power, its glory. In the will of God alone lies the origin of the grace of God in the life of each of His children - its being, its power, its blessedness, its glory. The Lord Jesus Christ became man in order to do the will of God, and also to teach us what is Gods will, and how to do it. On one occasion we read, And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if You will , You can make me clean. And Jesus put forth His hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed (Mat. 8:2-3). I desire to impress upon your mind and heart, dear reader, these words, the words of Jesus: I will. The most important of all things is first to know Gods will, and secondly, to do the will of God. I would call your attention to the prayer of the leper. That is a prayer which neither you nor any Christian should ever offer. It is a wicked prayer for you to offer. It is a prayer that will be fruitless. The leper said, Lord, if You will, You can make me clean. That leper was ignorant. In his case there was this excuse for him: that the Lord Jesus Christ was only unfolding His mission, and that He had not fully revealed Gods will. Ignorance of the Lords will was the one thing which stood in his way of getting the healing. He saw that Christ was able. He said, You can make me clean. But he was in doubt as to whether Christ was willing. Therefore he said, Lord, if You will. The Lord said, I will, and the moment He said that, there was no more If You will in that mans heart. Let me illustrate. Supposing now that you and I are talking together on the telephone, and after some remarks you say to me, Bro. Eby, may I see you this morning? You know many precious folk want to come by and see us, about the same time sometimes, and sometimes would like to stay and visit for a few hours, or days, and sometimes they cannot do it, because I am a very busy man, and have an immense number of things to do. The work load is such that I must spend a full fifty to sixty hours in my office each week with correspondence, study, writing, and attending to many matters; then often travel out on weekends in ministry among various groups of the Lords people. Generally, when we have visitors, or when I go away for a few days of meetings, I must then work overtime the same number of hours in order to keep up with those things the Lord has entrusted into my hands here. Many people do not understand this. But you have said to me: May I see you this morning? and I say: Yes, if you will come to my house I will see you at eleven oclock today. Well, now, suppose you come to my house at eleven oclock. Suppose you ring the bell at the front door, and you say to my wife, Bro. Eby told me that if I came he would see me at eleven oclock. All right, she says, pointing, there is the office door; knock there. Suppose you come back down the walk near to my door, and you lie down on the walk-way, and begin to howl like this: Oh! Bro. Eby, if you will, if you will, you can see me in your room. Oh! Bro. Eby! if you will. Well, I wonder who is making all that noise, and open another door into the house, and my wife comes, and I say, Honey, who is out there making that noise? Oh, it is a person you told to come and see you this morning, and I told him to knock at your door. And what did he say? The person said to me, Oh, it is so good of Bro. Eby to invite me to come. Oh, I wish he was willing. Oh, if I only knew he was willing. I said, Did Bro. Eby not tell you he was willing? Yes, and I wish I could believe it........ Oh, Bro. Eby, if you will, if you will, and you keep on howling like that, and I say, Honey, go tell the person I am willing to see him. Bring him right in. You come up closer and begin howling again, Oh, Bro. Eby, if you will. Honey, tell that person to come in at once. He wont come in, Dear. Why? He says it is too good to be true; he wont come in unless you go out. So I go out and say, My dear friend, I told you to come to my house at eleven oclock, and I am willing to see you. Oh, Bro. Eby, I wish I could believe it were true. Oh, if you will, if you will. Now, would that not be great nonsense? But that is the way people talk to God and about God. Jesus said to the leper, I will - be clean. And straightway his leprosy was cleansed. In this case the leper said, Lord, if You will. And Jesus answered, I will. But in Jn. 12:32 no man is inquiring concerning the will of God. The omnipotent and sovereign Lord and Redeemer of heaven and earth issues the wonderful and certain fiat: I W-I-L-L DRAW A-L-L M-E-N UNTO ME! When the Lord Jesus Christ says I will, no man on earth has any right to even question whether or not He will. It is a wicked blasphemy to say that He will not do what He has said He will do. The WILL OF GOD is that all men be saved. And yet I hear many Christians, and some who profess to be walking in sonship, impiously saying, I do not believe that God will save all men. To which I say, It doesnt make any difference what YOU believe, your unbelief does not make the power of God of none effect. Jesus says, I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me! It does not mean that, they argue, it means He will draw all of the elect, or He will draw all men who believe, or He will draw all kinds of men. But how many does it say He will draw? All men. To which I answer, If that proclamation is not true, if He is not strong enough, and purposeful enough, and loving enough to draw every spirit on earth and in hell, and throughout the universe, to Himself, then He has told a lie. If He can, but wont, then He is a mean, hard, vindictive, sadistic tyrant. And if He cant, then Hes not God Oh, Bro. Eby! they cry, that is heresy! But, I say, that is Jesus. Was He a heretic? Oh, no; you do not understand, we can explain all that away, and you must not talk like that. But they explain and I still dont understand! Has the first Adam more power than the second? ALL were made partakers of the sinful nature through the fall of one man (Rom. 5:12; I Cor. 15:21-22). Adam had power to take the whole human family down with him; even without their consent. If he being of the earth, earthy, could do this, how much more power will the second Adam show in lifting all again, through His death and resurrection! Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. He did not say He would draw them if they decided to come, or He would draw them, and they could come if they chose; but if He was lifted up (which He was), I WILL DRAW ALL UNTO ME. It is not a partial drawing, an action to be yielded to or resisted according to the whims of the subject. It is a complete action, the subjects are drawn irresistibly and totally. If the drawn ones merely sensed His drawing but could resist, Jesus would have said, I will cause all men to sense my drawing power. But the wonderful words unto Me denote the object and the end of the drawing. He says not, I will draw all toward Me, but unto Me. A total, completed action. I will draw all men UNTO ME all the way! Hallelujah! It should be clear to every thinking mind that the last Adam has more power than the first; that the Almighty cannot fail; that He has a plan by which He will cause ALL to come at the appointed time, praise His wonderful name! Are you agitated over the wayward condition of sons and daughters, or of other loved ones. Then rest in Gods provision, for he has appointed a time when they too shall come to Christ. And if they are not responding to the many attempts to convert them, then it is because God is not calling them yet. But never fear, in due time He will merely point His finger at them and all of heavens hosts will converge upon them to bring them to their promised and purchased salvation. Paul Mueller relates the following story which so beautifully documents Christs power and ability to draw all men unto Himself: Some years ago, during our missionary tour in Nigeria, West Africa, we were told a fascinating story of a people who lived on an island off the coast of Africa. These island people were in a remote area and somewhat isolated from the mainland, but God sought to bring a significant number of people on this island to salvation. There were no missionaries or other Christians on the island, so the Lord gave a dream to the chief of the tribe. In the dream, the chief was told to erect a cross and call the entire tribe to present themselves before that cross. As the people came bowing before the cross the chief had erected in obedience to the dream, they came without understanding of the significance of the cross. But they came nevertheless, for it was the command of the chief. However, as they came and bowed before that cross, they wept in repentance and their lives were changed by the power of God. Later, a missionary came to the island. He found the people serving God as best they knew, and he explained more fully to them the ways of the Lord. Beloved, when God wants to bring a people unto Himself, He is well able to do so, even to reach out to them without the use of human vessels, if need be. The Christ has been lifted up from the earth and now has all power in heaven and earth! In due time He will bring His redemptive process into glorious fulfillment and consummation. If God wants to save some Russians, He is well able to reach inside the iron curtain and take those lives unto Himself that are appointed of the Father. If He wants any number of Chinese, He is able to apprehend them unto salvation in spite of the iron rule of an atheistic government. There is no continent too dark, no people too enslaved by satanic powers, no man too incorrigible but what His power can reach them. Christ has been lifted up from the earth, and HE WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO HIMSELF. You can count on it! GODS OATH - TO SAVE ALL! The purpose of God to save all men is as unalterable as His nature of love and His character of holiness. Not only has God stated that He will save all men, not only has God promised that He will save all men, but God has sworn by an oath that He will save all men! This truth stands forth in clarity in the glorious words declared openly by God Himself. In fact, when God could find no greater, He swore an oath by Himself, vowing that every promise He had made unto the children of men would be accomplished. What He had spoken He was well able to perform. God is faithful, who also will do it! What does Gods Oath entail? We are warned never to swear, or make a vow; either by heaven or by earth. For it is better never to make a vow, than to make one, and then not be able to keep it. Great penalty can be incurred upon our carelessly made vows and pledges. We see this in the reckless vow made by Jephthah. In Judges 11:30-40 we read that he vowed a vow unto the Lord which caused him and his daughter great pain, sorrow, and loss. Gods Oath, sworn by Himself, is an expression of Gods utter devotion to His Word, spoken in a solemn vow to His whole creation. Let us consider only one of these unconditional promises revealed and confirmed by Gods own Oath: Look unto Me, and BE SAVED, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I HAVE SWORN BY MYSELF, the word is gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that UNTO ME EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, EVERY TONGUE SHALL SWEAR (Isa. 45:22-23). Wherefore God also has highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that EVERY TONGUE SHOULD CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord, To THE GLORY of God the Father (Phil. 2:9-11). I have sworn by Myself. The word sworn is from the Hebrew SHABA meaning to SEVEN oneself, i. e. swear, by repeating a declaration seven times. The number seven is used in the Bible to indicate completeness and perfection and is used as the basis for swearing to point to the sureness and sacredness of that which was sworn. And just what has God sworn that He shall accomplish? Unto Me EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, EVERY TONGUE SHALL SWEAR. Many people who do not believe the truth of the salvation of all men do believe the words quoted above. But they take them entirely out of context and wretchedly distort what God has said. They feel that this bowing of the knee and confessing unto God by every man is a sort of compulsory adulation rendered by beings who cant help themselves, a sort of Heil Hitler! extracted under pressure from conquered subjects. Such persons believe that God will grind His enemies into subjection, FORCING a confession of His Lordship through their clenched teeth, just before sending the sinners and unbelievers away to eternal doom. Just what good this would do, I do not know. I would draw your attention to this Oath of God as reiterated and expanded by Paul in Phil. 2:10-11. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER. These are not conquered subjects compelled and coerced into bowing and confessing allegiance to a hated but almighty God. The character of the speech, the structural form of the language used here reveals something far greater than a forced confession! Arthur S. Way so beautifully renders these verses - Because He stooped so low, God uplifted Him very high, and has freely given Him The Name - The Name that is above every name, decreeing, In the Name of Jesus shall every knee bend in prayer, alike of dwellers in heaven, on earth, in the underworld , and every tongue shall utter this confession, Jesus the Messiah is Lord! So rendering glory to God the Father. The Amplified Bible reads, That at the name of Jesus every knee must bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue frankly and openly confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. The word translated bow is KAMPTO, found in the Bible only in Pauls writings, and means TO BOW IN WORSHIP. The meaning is clarified when we understand the Spirit that moved Paul when he said, For this cause I BOW my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:14). No compulsory adulation there! What love and worship and adoration moved Paul to BOW low before the One whose love had completely won his heart in unmovable allegiance. He was captivated by this altogether lovely One. Humbled by the knowledge that he was the chiefest of sinners, and awed by the love and mercy of the Lord, he bowed his knees - worship and adoration freely and spontaneously flowing from every part of his being. For the present time, such bowing, such worship, is found only in the firstfruits - those whom God has apprehended and drawn to Himself in this age. But we read of a coming day, witnessed in spirit by the beloved apostle John - And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth ... heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sifts upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever (Rev. 5:14). As one has written, All, we are told, will bow the knee. This is always a sign of fealty and worship. Surrender to a conqueror is not indicated by bowing the knees, but by raising the hands high above the head. In one of the darkest days of Israels defection God reserved seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal (Rom. 11:4). It is clear from this that this is no mere perfunctory performance, but that it involves a hearty homage. If He spared those who did not bow the knee to Baal, how much more will He save those who bow the knee to the Saviour of His selection? This gives the key to Gods Oath in Isa. 45:23; Unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. When this great Oath is fulfilled it will be found that it was only by virtue of a SAVIOUR that every knee has bowed and every tongue confessed to God. They all bow at the name of Jesus! Jesus signifies Jehovah is salvation. Ah - it is in the name of God the Savior that they bow! Not in the name of God as judge, general, or dictator. To bow in this Name can indicate but one thing, the acceptance of Him as their Saviour. And notice now, precious friend of mine, upon the basis of Gods Oath to cause every knee to bow and every tongue to swear allegiance He commands, Look unto Me, and BE SAVED, all the ends of the earth ... I have sworn ... every knee shall bow ... every tongue shall swear (Isa. 45:22-23). This is not a declarative sentence. It is an imperative sentence and carries all the weight of a command by the sovereign Lord of the universe! God commands all to be saved and then proceeds to swear that He will do it, and every knee shall bow in worship before Him, offering up the fruit of their lips, even praise to His name. Those who suppose that it is through clenched teeth that the conquered masses will acclaim Him as Lord completely miss the message of the above passage. But how wonderful that Gods Oath is an Oath unto salvation for all men! Unto Me every tongue shall swear (allegiance) (Isa. 45:23). And every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:11). Consider now the wonderful statement made by Paul in I Cor. 12:3, Wherefore, I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed: and that no man CAN SAY JESUS IS LORD, but by the Holy Ghost. This surely makes it plain that this is not a forced confession, but one coming through the lips of men under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It becomes a willing acknowledgment and acclamation. This word confess, from the Greek EXOMOLEGEO, means to speak out the same thing. To give the same confession from our heart, as truth known by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth ... shall not speak of Himself ... He shall glorify Me... (Jn. 16:13-14). And filled with His Spirit, all creation shall utter only that which glorifies God. Their confession is to the Holy Spirits confession! The word translated confess is also used to mean praise or acclaim. The same Greek word is used to express Jesus gladness as recorded in Mat. 11:25 and Lk. 10:21. He said, I thank You, Father, BLESSED & FREE FOREVER.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:12:22 +0000

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