JFK ASSASSINATION, Part 16. QUOTATIONS: JIM MARRS (author and - TopicsExpress


JFK ASSASSINATION, Part 16. QUOTATIONS: JIM MARRS (author and assassination researcher): In reviewing the experiences of the people in Dealey Plaza the day Kennedy died, it is apparent that not one single person saw the assassination as it was described by the Warren Commission. CHERYL McKINNON (Reporter for the San Diego Star News): I am sorry to say that the only thing I am absolutely sure of today is that at least two of the shots fired that day in Dealey Plaza came from behind where I stood on the Knoll, not from the Book Depository. SAM HOLLAND (railroad signal supervisor): There was definitely a shot fired from behind that picket fence and theres no doubt in my mind and never will be because I was on the spot and saw the smoke. STARVIS ELLIS (Dallas motorcycle patrolman) There was a hole in the left front windshield.....you could put a pencil through it. EVALIA GLANGES (2nd year student at Southwestern Medical University): It was very clear, a through and through bullet hole through the windshield of the car from the front to the back. CHARLES A. CRENSHAW, MD (attending emergency room physician who administered to the president at Parkland Hospital): I identified a small opening about the diameter of a pencil at the midline of his throat to be an entry bullet hole. Dr. Perry decided to perform a tracheotomy on the Presidents throat, where the bullet had entered his neck, between the second and third tracheal cartilages. RICHARD CARR (witness): The FBI came to my house - and said they heard I had witnessed the assassination... They told me, if you didnt see Lee Harvey Oswald up in the School Book Depository with a rifle, you didnt witness it. I said, Well, the man I saw on television that they tell me is Oswald was not in the window of the building. Thats not the man. And (one of the agents) said I better keep my mouth shut. He didnt ask me what I saw, he told me what I saw. JEAN HILL (witness): The FBI took me into this little room where I met Arlen Specter.....He kept trying to get me to change my story.... I told him Im not going to lie for you. He got angrier and angrier and finally told me. Look, we can make you look as crazy as Marguerite Oswald.....We could have you put in a mental institution if you dont cooperate with us. He gave me his word that the interview would not be published unless I approved what was written. But they never gave me a chance to read or approve it. When I finally read my testimony as published by the Warren Commission.....it was a fabrication from the first line. CHARLES A. CRENSHAW, MD: I was amazed. Here were pictures of President Kennedys autopsy taken at Bethesda Naval Hospital, but the photographs show a back of his head that was different from the wound I witnessed. No, these arent the same wounds I saw at Parkland. From these pictures it appears that someone performed some surgery on the President between the time his body left Parkland Hospital and when these photographs were taken. SEN. RICHARD SCHWEIKER: I think the Warren Commission has, in fact, collapsed like a house of cards. And I believe the commission was set up at the time to feed pablum to the American people for reasons not yet known and that one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of our country occurred at that time. PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN: I never had any thought when I set up the CIA, that it would be injected into peacetime cloak-and-dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment that I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so far removed from its intended role. DR. SIDNEY GOTTLIEB (CIA): Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat,, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest? JAMES FILES (CIA/Mob dual-asset and confessed assassin): Hate is not a reason to kill. At least for me its not. For me its just following orders. Nothing personal. SAM GIANCANA (Chicago Crime Boss as told to his brother): Two sides of the same coin, thats what we are. Sometimes our government cant do shit on the up-and-up. Sometimes they need a little trouble somewhere or maybe they need some bastard taken care of...They cant get caught doin shit like that. But we can. Guns, a hit, muscle, whatever dirty work needs to be done. Were on the same side, were workin for the same things.....We took care of Kennedy.....the hit in Dallas was just like any other operation wed worked on in the past.. CHARLES NICOLETTI (Giancanas lieutenant as told to Zach Shelton): We blew his brains out. JIM GARRISON (former New Orleans Attorney General): To anyone with a grain of intelligence, it should be apparent that John Kennedy was eliminated by forces desiring the continuation of the Cold War - an artificial conflict draining the assets of and greatly changing, for the worst, the character of our nation. HUGH McDONALD (Author and law enforcement investigator): America, at the seat of its government, is so sick that many doubt its ability to recover. Young people are so turned off by politics that they dont take the trouble to go to the polls. LEE HARVEY OSWALD (Alleged JFK assassin): That is not a picture of me; it is my face, but has been superimposed - the rest of the picture is not me at all, Ive never seen it before...That small picture is a reduction of a larger picture that someone I dont know has made...someone took a picture of my face and faked that photograph...I didnt shoot anybody sir...Im just a patsy. HUGH C. McDONALD: To me, none of Oswalds actions are those of a man who has knowingly just committed a murder. They are the actions of a man totally confused - misled, betrayed, irrational, perhaps - but not guilty of the crime he is supposed to have committed. JESSE VENTURA: The fact that we have been lied to about the JFK assassination is so obvious that its outrageous. The government cover-up was, and still is, so transparent that its ridiculous. MARGUERITE OSWALD: I hope and know the future will vindicate my son entirely. It took us 15 years to come this far. It may take another 15 years or longer. I probably wont be around, but the world will know that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent of the charges against him. JAMES FILES: They will never change the history books and a hundred years, even a thousand years from now the books will read that Lee Harvey Oswald did the act and that he acted alone. All our history is based on one lie after another. ALLEN DULLES (Former CIA director and Warren Commission member): But nobody reads. Dont believe people read in this country. A few professors will read the record...the public will read very little. GARY WILLS (author): Once a lie is floated it must be protected long after its first use has become irrelevant if people are to believe future lies. JIM GARRISON: Once a government has set its course in this direction, its very inculpability will rob it of the freedom of turning back. HUGH McDONALD: And thus the sickness began, and from that day to this it has grown through the whole fibre of American society. Trust no one. Tell the people only what is good for them to know. Conceal the truth in the clever use of words and the manipulation of facts. Figure out the scenario. Try for a limited hang-out. Cover up. Deny. BILL HICKS (late comedian) If the Kennedy assassination is dead history that occurred too long ago to matter, then stop talking to me about Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:06:35 +0000

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