JH News and Guide editor acknowledged receipt of this letter and - TopicsExpress


JH News and Guide editor acknowledged receipt of this letter and did not print it this week. What are your thoughts about that? Dear JH News & Guide Editor: This letter is in response to your article published under the byline of Emma Breysse, dated October 1, 2014, and entitled “Watsabaugh gives up, note holders get house.” You are advised that your article veers dangerously close to public libel and contains significant false and misleading assertions. Therefore, I require that you publish this letter as a counter statement to correct the public record. To begin, your title is completely false. Neither did “Watsabaugh” give up, nor did the note holders get the house. The family Watsabaugh remain in the home, remain in possession of the land and property, and have not now nor will they ever “give up”. Secondly, the note holders have neither proven their claim, established legal or lawful possession or hold of the home, land or property, nor have they prevailed in the civil/commercial jurisdiction of the public court system. You assert that Watsabaugh is a “sovereign citizen” or has claimed to be so, which is utterly false, as he is not such a thing nor has he ever claimed to be so. The living man, known as bradly allen, of the House of Watsabaugh, has learned that Commerce and Courts are a battlefield in which the rules are made to perpetrate fraud and theft by Corporations. The Corporate world thrives off of controversy and scarcity. His first action, in protecting his land and home, was to stand on what he thought was constitutional law, but he soon discovered that the constitution was not honored in the US Military Corporate takeover of America, and does not exist in today’s court systems. Therefore, by continuing and prudent research, which is the right of everyone in this land, he uncovered the truth and what was actually required to assert and hold the land upon which the home that he built stands. Additionally, steps have been taken to bar the alleged “note holders” and the commercial courts from proceeding in their attempt to take that home. By stating that the plaintiffs in the referenced case are the “note holders” your paper is attempting to proclaim a legal determination without proof and this in fact represents public libel and slander, for which you can be held liable, and thus requires the publication of this response to correct the record. Yes, its true, the Republic (we the people) of America has no standing in the current Corporate Courts! They are corporations in commerce for creating revenue and profit and nothing more. The living man, bradly allen, chooses to rise above the battlefield and stand as a living man upon the land which the Great Spirit has provided him, and which he holds in a manner that cannot be touched by such commercial enterprises. He is not a “sovereign citizen” (which is an oxymoron), nor the corporate fiction created for the purpose of accessing his estate and attempting to enslave him in servitude. Amongst the many misrepresentations and lies in the aforementioned article (which was published without any attempt to contact him to clarify the record or establish the truth of the matter), there was one truth: bradly allen and the land of his private claim and absolute title thereof, are exempt from the jurisdiction of the courts. He chooses not to participate in the false battle, and chooses to live within the Laws of the Great Spirit-GOD (do not trespass) and to be in honor within International Laws and long enduring principles of Law! Your public article is in fact such a trespass and again carries potential liabilities. There is no truth or honor in the Corporate Court System, and the people of this land are waking up to that fact, and establishing the means and methods to step out of that arena while still retaining their rights and capacities. I, the living man, have the hope that we can all become more aware of the depth of theft and fraud perpetrated by the US CORPORATION (see United States Code title 28, Section 3002 where it clearly states that the United States is a corporation), and stand as Living Men and Women (not corporate fictions) to protect honor, truth and justice. The foundation of corruption started on this soil long ago, with crimes against humanity and the theft of land perpetrated against the Native American First Nations, and it continues today against the rest of the population. It is bradly allens will to follow his oath to be Protector of all Mankind, and Protector of the Earth; to establish, maintain, serve and protect Absolute and Eternal Peace on Earth, the Right of free-will Choice, and to return the Equity and the Abundance to all Mankind that is rightfully ours. With love and Honor, I remain upon the soil... bradly allen, Executive Trustee, BRADLY ALLEN WATSABAUGH TRUST
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:08:30 +0000

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