JIHAD IS INDIVIDUAL OBLIGATION ON EVERY MUSLIM MALE WHO IS MATURE AND WHO IS CABABLE HIYA AL JIHAD COME TO THE JIHAD IN SYRIA INDEED THE KUFFAR HAVE GATHERED THEIR FORCES AND HAVE PUT ALL THEIR POWER INTO FIGHTING OUR BRAVE BROTHERS FROM ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND ASHAM AND JEBHAT AL NUSRA IN ASH SHAM AND WE SHOULD NOW ALSO PUT ALL OF OUR COMBINED POWER TOGETHER AS MUSLIMS IN ORDER TO DESTROY THE MUSHRIKEEN AND THE BATTLE OF MALHAMA THAT HAS NOW BEGUN IN SYRIA SHOULD BE SUPPORTED BY ALL MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE, IF YOU LOVE ISLAM AND THE SHARIA OF ALLAH SWT NOW IS THE TIME TO PROVE IT COME TO THAT WHICH WILL GIVE YOU LIFE IN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAH SWT SAYS IN SURA TAWBA .... and fight against the kuffar collectively , as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allah is with those who are Al-Muttaqun.. March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you but knew. JIHAD IS FARD UL EYN MEANING IT IS AN INDIVIDUAL OBLIGATION FOR EVERY MUSLIM MALE MATURE WHO IS A CAPABLE OF GOING TO THE LAND OF JIHAD, HE MUST AT LEAST TRY TO GET THERE, AND NOT TO TRY OR TO JUST SIT AT HOME WHEN YOU ARE CAPABLE OF GOING IS A MAJOR SIN. SOME BROTHERS THINK THAT THEY CAN CHOOSE TO SUPPORT TO JIHAD BY THEIR WORDS THEIR WEALTH AND BY DOING DEMONSTRATIONS AND YES THIS IS TRUE BUT THIS APPLIES ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED TO GET TO THE JIHAD AS THIS IS THE TOP PRIORITY AND OBLIGATION FOR ANY MUSLIM MAN ESPECIALLY AT THIS CRITICAL TIME WHEN WE SEE THE BLOOD OF MUSLIM MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN SPILT LIKE WATER FROM ASH SHAM TO AFGHANISTAN AND THE KUFFAR HAVE INVADED EVERY HAND SPAN OF MUSLIM LAND. O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter. this akham of jihad comes from the ulema of mujahideen its from the rules regarding jihad from the sharia and this is also from the minhaj of alqaeda way that is directly taken from Quran and sunnah with daleel clear direct for everyone to see sheik Abu qatada sheik Abu Muhammad al maghdisi and all other notable current ulema agree that jihad is fard ul ayn and if u have no excuse regarding illness etc u must try to get to the lands of jihad and to say youre staying to live among the kuffar as its more important to command good forbid evil do demonstrations etc and although these are very good actions in normal times this is not obeying the command of Allah swt as the worship of our time this time we live in is indeed the jihad for example when its time to fast we fast when its time to pay zakat we pay zakat Allah swt says in Quran qutubu alaykom zakat we dont make excuses as the time for that particular duty has entered and we must do or be sinful and indeed this is from the akham of the sharia of Allah swt. Allah SWT says in Quran qutubu alaykom qital fighting is prescribed upon you. there is no getting around this point and indeed we all must ask ourselves when we look at the photos from Syria and beyond why would anyone want an excuse not to go and fight when the reward is so huge and indeed the sin and punishment is also huge may Allah swt bless us all with ilm hidhiya understanding of the ilm and place us o the correct aqeedah ameen MY DEAR MUSLIM BROTHERS THIS IS A TIME OF GLOBAL WAR AGAINST ISLAM AND MUSLIMS AND AS WITH EVERY WAR TWO VITAL THINGS ARE REQUIRED AND THESE ARE MONEY AND MEN AND A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF BOTH. THE HADITH OF MUHAMMED (SAW) SAYS WE MUST ALL HAVE NIYAT INTENTION TO GO FOR JIHAD BUT IN REALITY WE MUST ALL DO MORE AND ACTUALLY PREPARE OURSELVES FOR THE BATTLE AS ALLAH SWT SAYS IN QURAN IF THEY WERE SERIOUS ABOUT GOING FORWARD FOR JIHAD THEY WOULD HAVE PREPARED THEMSELVES AND SO TO PUT OUR INTENTION INTO ACTION TAKES A LOT OF EFFORT BUT THE REWARD IS JANNAH INSHALLAH TO BE WITH THE PROPHETS AND THE SHAHEED INSHALLAH AND TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF ALLAH SWT FOREVER. Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause , then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah). TO GET TO JIHAD AND TO FIGHT FOR THE SHARIA OF ALLAH SWT TO BE IMPLIMENTED OVER THE EARTH INSHALLAH TAKES BOTH EFFORT AND SACRIFICE AND WE MUST DIVORCE OURSELVES FROM THIS LIFE IN ORDER TO BE SUCCESSFUL. WHAT CAN BE BETTER MY BROTHERS THAN TO GO FORWARD TO FIGHT IN DEFENCE OF ISLAM AND MUSLIMS AND TO BE PART OF THE VICTORIOUS GROUP THAT WILL ESTABLISH KHILAFA INSHALLAH IS THERE ANYTHING BETTER THEN THIS. ALLAH SWT SAYS IN QURAN ALLAH SWT HAS PURCHASED FROM THRE BELIEVERS THEIR LIFE AND THEIR WEALTH AND HAS PROMISED THE JANNAH THEY WILL FIGHT AND THEY WILL DIE THEY WILL KILL AND THEY WILL BE KILLED. IT IS A PROMISE MADE TRUE IN THE TORAH INJEEL AND QURAN AND WHO IS BETTER THAN ALLAH SWT TO KEEP HIS PROMISE. SO REJOICE THEN IN THE BARGAIN WHICH YOU HAVE CONCLUDED. ALLAH SWT CHOOSES THE SHAHEED THE MARTYRS THE SAME WAY HE CHOSE THE PROPHETS AND REMEMBER MY BROTHERS IF YOU DIE SHAHEED YOU DONT HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THE GRAVE NOR DO YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE YAWMIL KIAMA AS THE SHAHEED IS FORGIVEN ALL HIS SINS AT THE FIRST DROP OF HIS BLOOD ALLAHU AKBAR SO TO AVOID ALL THESE TRIALS AND GO STRAIGHT TO JANNAH RUN FORWARD FOR THE JIHAD FE SABIL ALLAH. OUR MESSENGER MUHAMMED (SAW) SAID HE WISHED TO BE SHAHEED AND THEN TO COME BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN AND BE SHAHEED MANY TIMES INSHALLAH. IN SURA BAQARAH VERSE 216 ALLAH SWT SAYS Jihad (holy fighting in Allahs Cause) is prescribed for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know. Allah swt has made jihad an obligation as he has made the salat and fasting obligation upon the Muslims and the word qutuba alaykom is used for all these obligations, meaning in above context jihad is prescribed for you meaning jihad is fard as the salat and zakat has been made an obligation and if a muslim refuses to pray salat or refuses to pay zakat this would indeed take him outside the fold of al Islam so what of a muslim refuses to obey the command of his lord to go and defend Islam and Muslims, may Allah swt save us from this state of affairs inshallah ameen OH UMMAH OF MUHAMMED WHATEVER SKILLS YOU HAVE AND WHATEVER WORK OR JOB YOU CAN DO IN THIS LIFE THIS UMMAH NEEDS YOU NOW IN ASH SHAM. OH MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS THERE ARE ONLY A HANDFUL OF MUSLIMS FIGHTING TO ESTABLISH ISLAMIC STATE IN ASH SHAM AT THIS MOMENT. WE NOW GIVE INVITATION FOR ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO ARE CAPABLE TO COME AND MAKE HIJRA TO SUPPORT THE JIHAD HIYA AL JIHAD MAY ALLAH SWT PROTECT YOU AND YOUR EMAAN ON YOUR JOURNEY INSHALLAH AMEEN MAY ALLAH SWT MAKE US ALL SUCCESSFUL IN DUNYA AND AKHIRA AMEEN MAY ALLAH SWT ADMIT US INTO JANNAH AS ONE OF THE SHAHEED INSHALLAH AMEEN. ALLAHUMMA MANSOR MUJAHIDEEN FE ASH SHAM FE KULLI MECCAN AMEEN OH ALLAH SWT DESTROY THOSE EVIL KUFFAR WHO PERSECUTE ASND TORTURE INNOCENT MUSLIMS AND OH ALLAH SWT GIVE THEM A HUMILIATING PAINFUL PUNISHMENT IN THIS WORLD AND PLACE THEM IN THE DEPTHS OF THE HELLFIRE TO BURN FOR ALL ETERNITY INSHALLAH AMEEN.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:29:16 +0000

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