JIM MURPHY PART 2 Ive spent the last hour sifting through - TopicsExpress


JIM MURPHY PART 2 Ive spent the last hour sifting through traitor Jims desolate tour videos, the one thing that struck me was his lack of support, yeah he has a few paid lackeys in the background looking totally miserable & bawbagish but hey lets not dwell on these muppets, after all they just stand there and come to life every now and again by giving Murphy a wee clap. I suppose its nice work if you can get it standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow bawbags for £20. My concern here is, does Jimmy (the leader of bawbags incorporated) pay for these nonentity bawbags from his expenses? We have a recurring theme in Jims vids and thats the hundreds of YES supporters who turn out to give the top honcho bawbag a good old fashioned political welcome, it was Jim himself who said he was bringing politics back to the people If Jim knew anything about old fashioned street politics he would know bullshitters were usually bombarded with rotten eggs & tomatoes, now im not saying this will happen to Jim, we are far too civilized for that but on the other hand it was Jims decision to do this desolation tour...... ;) When Jim climbs up onto his two Irn Bru crates he must say to himself wtf is this!! his situation is a bit like George Custers at the battle of the little bighorn, one minute Geo was riding through the horn with the 7th calvary looking the biz, the next he was screaming like a big girls blouse... WHERE THE F**K DID THOSE INDIANS COME FROM????? Custers last stand mirrors whats happening to poor old Jim, he looks out from aloft and sees hundreds of YES supporters passionately supporting their nations freedom, the only difference is we wont allow ourselves or our nation to be downtrodden any longer, we are sick to the back teeth of guys like Jim Murphy telling us we are not bright enough to run our own country. When is the penny going to drop Jim? is your so called better together support staying at home watching soaps while you do your own version of Custers last stand on a couple of boxes or then again maybe that support was never there in the first place...
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 10:21:14 +0000

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