*** JINGLES IS AVAILABLE TO RESERVE ONLINE TONIGHT *** A volunteer writes: Talk about the tail wagging the dog!!! Jingles was wagging his tail so hard as I was unlatching his door that his whole body was wiggling - Jiggling Jingles became his new name in my head! Elegant and long legged, Jingles was glad to be out to have the opportunity to go potty, and then tail wagged happily to every person we passed on the street wanting to meet them and give them a kiss. He pulls on the leash in his enthusiasm to explore, meet new people and just be out on sunny winters day, and is such a happy, friendly dog hes a pleasure to be with. He does need to learn that not everyone wants a stand up enthusiastic kiss, but his new parents can teach him proper greetings. In the meantime everyone he met was happy to hug him back! Off leash in a pen he happily gave me more hugs, stand up hugs, draping himself in my lap hugs, tail wagging hugs, upside down hugs.....Jiggling Jingles loves to hug! Hes a big baby that loves to be close to his person. He also loves treats and takes them gently even though he does need to gain a little weight. Jingles is looking for a hugging partner, and were hoping that he doesnt need to wait too long. If a good hug and cuddle is the best way to start and end your day than Jingles is the dog you want by your side. An enthusiastic hugger, hes hoping youll ask to meet him today. Jingles runs out of time at noon tomorrow. https://facebook/Urgentdeathrowdogs/photos/a.611290788883804.1073741851.152876678058553/929585207054359/?type=3&theater
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 00:13:39 +0000

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