JINN AND MANKIND HAVE BEEN CREATED FOR WORSHIP Then he mentioned the proof for this as he always does at the end of the sentences: وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ adh-Dhariyaat:56 I did not create Jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me. Let us pause with this verse now. Wa Maa (وَمَا) means I did not. Khalaqat ( خَلَقْتُ) means I create. == THE JINN == Al-Jinn (الجن), the Jinn are a matter of al-Ghayb (the unseen). Jinn are an entity that is invisible, we do not see it. Sometimes we may see it but that is exceptional, its original creation is that it is unseen and we do not see it. We know of it that which Allah told us. - They were created from fire and the (الجن) Jinn were called Jinn because of the root word of Jinn, which means hidden and they are a hidden creation. - The word al-Junnah (الجنه) the Jinn are a matter of al-Ghayb (the unseen). Jinn are an entity that is invisible, we do not see it. Sometimes we may see it but that is exceptional, its original creation is that it is unseen and we do not see it. - We know of it that which Allah told us. They were created from fire and the Jinn were called Jinn because of the root word of Jinn, which means hidden and they are a hidden creation. - The word al-Junnah (الجنه) is derivative from the same word of Jinn and it is a name for Niqaab. - Why is it a name for Niqaab? Because it is a covering for a woman, which keeps her hidden. That is why it was called that, because her face remains hidden, from the same root word الجنه غطاء الررأس المرأة ووجهها ما عدا العينين Al-Junnah is a cover for a woman where she shows only her eyes, which keeps her hidden. - Also al-Jinaan(الجنان) which is the heart, it comes from the same root word. Why is the heart called Jinaan? Because it is hidden in the ribcage. Someone will say well we can see the heart with an operation and yes of course you can, but the origin of it is that it is not seen and it is exceptional to see it. Just like the Jinn, their origin is that they are hidden from us even though in exceptional situations one may be able to see them. More than that, from the same root word is Jannah (الجنة) May Allah grant all of us Jannah. - Among the reasons it was called Jannah is because its delights are hidden from us. فَلَا تَعْلَمُ نَفْسٌ مَّا أُخْفِيَ لَهُم مِّن قُرَّةِ أَعْيُنٍ جَزَاءً بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ as-Sajda:17 No one knows what is hidden for them of delight, as a reward. أخفى الجزاء لأنهم أخفي العمل Allah hid the reward because they hid the deeds. So Allah kept something hidden for you and that is Jannah or in Jannah. - Jinn are part of believing in Ghayb and anyone who denies them is Kaafir because they are in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and in Ijmaa’. == THE INS == - After he mentioned Jinn, he mentioned Ins (إنس) and Ins like we said is humans. Allah said: وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ adh-Dhariyaat:56 - And they were called Ins from amiability, because people like and need amiability among each other. -It is essential to human beings and they strive for it so that is where the root word of Ins or humans comes from in ‘Arabi. HASIR WA QASIR Illa (إلا) means except. Illa Li ( إلا لِ) is a tool to limit and restrict, Hasir wa Qasir (حصر وقصر) in ‘Arabi. The way it is worded here, it is among the highest levels and forms of limiting and restricting something. Here, all matters and wisdoms behind the creation of human beings and Jinn were denied, except for worship. - It is limited and restricted to worship. It is called Hasir and Qasir in ‘Arabi, limiting and restricting to a certain matter and in this verse Illa Li is among the highest ways to do that. In shaa Allah our next stop will be: THE DEFINITION OF WORSHIP
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:26:38 +0000

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