JITIYA (JIVITPUTRIKA) This festival shows great love and extreme - TopicsExpress


JITIYA (JIVITPUTRIKA) This festival shows great love and extreme affection of mothers towards their children. The mother keeps a very strict fast, without a drop of water thinking of their children. When done with water it is called khur ( dry as hay) Jitiya. 9/11 in New York was on Jitiya, and those mothers fasting even in Chappra & Ranchi were sure their children will be fine in the twin towers, because they were fasting for the long life of their children in India. SUCH IS THE BELIEF. JIVITPUTRIKA (Sanskrit: जीवित्पुत्रिका) also known as Jitiya (Hindi: जिउतिया) is a festival in which Nirjala (without water) vrata throughout a day and night, is observed by mothers for the well-being of their children. A three day long festival is celebrated from seventh to ninth lunar day of Krishna-Paksha in Ashvin month. It is celebrated mainly in celebrated mainly in the Mithilanchal regions of Nepal and Bihar, Jharkhand, Eastern U.P. Jivitputrika Vrat Story: It is believed that once an eagle and a female fox lived in a jungle were friends. Once both of them saw some ladies performing the pooja & fasting, and wished to observe it themselves too. Both of them observed the fast but the fox became unconscious because of hunger and had food quietly. On the other hand, the eagle observed the fast with full dedication and completed it. As a result, all the kids born to the fox used to die a few days after birth and the eagle’s offsprings were blessed with long life. JIMUTAVAHANA : Jimutavahana was the wise and a kind king of Gandharva’s. Jimutvanhan was not satisfied being a king and as a result he gave all the responsibilities of his kingdom to his brothers and went to the jungle to serve his father. He used to spend his time taking care of his father.One day while wandering in the jungle he finds an old woman mourning.He asked old woman the reason of weeping on which she told him that she belonged to a family of snakes (Nagvanshaki) and had only one son. But as an oath every day one snake is offered to Pakshiraj Garuda as a feed and that day was her son’s chance to become his food. After listening to her problem Jimutavahana consoled her and promised that he would get back her son alive and would protect him from Garuda.He decides to lay down himself on the bed of rocks being presented to the Garuda for the feed. Garuda comes and holds the Jimutvahana covered with red cloth with his fingers and climbs the rock.Garuda finds it surprising when the person he has trapped does not response. He asks the Jimutvahana his identity on which he describes the entire scene to the Garuda.Garuda gets pleased with the bravery and the benevolence of Jimutvahana and leave him and also promises not to take any sacrifice from the snakes. Due to the bravery and generosity of Jimutvahana the race of the snakes was saved and as a result since then the fasts for the children’s welfare and long life is observed.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:02:51 +0000

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