JKSSB Graduate Level Screening Test (2013) KEY GENERAL STUDIES - TopicsExpress


JKSSB Graduate Level Screening Test (2013) KEY GENERAL STUDIES (152 Questions) ******************************** 01. Guajarati language is from which family ~INDO-ARYAN 02. Meitei language is spoken in~MANIPUR 03. India’s first Export Processing Zone ~ KANDLA 04. First Industrial Policy Resolution in India ~1956 05. The author of ‘’A suitable Boy’’is ~VIKRAM SETH 06. Which Strait separates England and France? ~ DOVER STRAIT 07. King known for many engineering constructions in Kashmir in Kashmir ~AVANTIVARMAN 08. Chapter III of RTI 2009 deals with ~CONSTITUTION OF STATE INFORMATION COMMISION 09. Famous Jama Masjid at srinagar was built by ~SULTAN SIKANDAR 10. J&K is divided into how many climatic zones? ~3 11. The book Revolution 2020 is authored by ~CHETAN BHAGAT 12. Who signed Indus water treaty on behalf of Pakistan ~AYUB KHAN 13. India Today is a ~ Weekly Magazine 14. J&K RTI act provides for setting out the regime of right to information for the people of state in order to provide ~TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY 15. Article 356 and 357 were extended to J&K in ~ DEC 1964 16. Which Oceanography medal is presented every 3 years and carries prize of $ 15,000 ~ALEXANDER AGASIZ MEDAL. 17. Outer wall of Hari Parbat wall was constructed by ~AKBAR 18. When was J&k State RTI act enacted?: ~MARCH 2009 19. Indus Water Treaty was signed in ~1960 20. Central Statistical Organization was formed in ~1951 21. Who signed Amritsar treaty with the British? ~ MAHARAJA GULAB SINGH 22. Who is the founder of Karkota Dynasty in Kashmir ~DURLABHAVARDHANA 23. In which five year plan, the emphasis on human development started? ~ 8th FIVE YEAR PLAN 24. Installed Capacity of Uri I is ~480MW 25. When did the first war of Indian Independence occur? ~1857 26. Who heads the planning commission of India? ~PRIME MINISTER 27. Capital of Orissa is~BHUBANESHWAR 28. Chinab originates from ~LAHAUL 29. Mansbal lake is famous for ~LOTUS 30. One of the following is cropping season of India ~KHARIF 31. Headquarters of SAARC are located in ~ Kathmandu 32. Abinav Bindra is associated with ~ SHOOTING 33. Who is the first Indian to win Gold medal in commonwealth games? ~MILKA SINGH 34. ASEAN consists of ~10 MEMBER NATIONS 35. Which are Rabi crops? ~ WHEAT, SORGHUM, MUSTARD AND OYABEAN. 36. It remains open and recieves the pilgrims round the year ~ MATA VASHINOV DAVI 37. Which of the following is the India’s longest railway tunnel? ~ PIR PANJAL 38. Type of government where king/ emperor or a queen/emperess who inherits their position from their family~MONARCHY 39. A persistent rise in the price purchase levels of goods and services leading to the fall in the currency’s purchasing power ~INFLATION 40. First person to reach south pole ~ ROALD AMUNDSON 41. Verve is a ~ FASHION MAGAZINE 42. The shrine located on the side of Hari parbat is ~ MAKHDOOM SAHIB (R.A) 43. Which type of government wants the privatization of market economy? ~CAPITALIST 44. Archery is the national sport of ~BHUTAN 45. Chilka lake is located in ~ORISSA 46. Latitude of Tropic of cancer is: 23.50 NORTH 47. Currency of Japan is ~YEN 48. The number of main bodies of United nation is ~6 49. First woman in space: VALENTINA TERCHSHOVA. 50. Origin of Jhelum ~VERINAG CURRENT AFFAIRS 51. Who took as the governor of RBI on 4 September 2013 ~RAGHURAM RAJAN 52. Sahita academy award for bodo language in 2012 ~GUNESWAR MUSAHARY 53. Tagore award 2012 ~ PANDIT RAVISHANKAR 54. Jananpith award 2012 ~ Ravuri Bharadwaja 55. World bank president who visited India in march 2013 ~JIM YONG KIM 56. Which was not the part of 2012 olympics? ~CRICKET GENERAL SCIENCE 57. Pyruate is converted into CO2 and energy in ~MITOCHONDRIA 58. Lessajous figures are meant for determining~FREQUENCY OF SOUND 59. Vitamin deficiency that causes weak bones in children ~VITAMIN D. 60. Energy stored in organic matter ~BIOMASS 61. The word which explains the similarity or difference of waves ~PHASE 62. Dissipation of heat is ~CONDUCTANCE 63. Sound waves or acoustic waves are~LONGITUDINAL WAVES 64. Inertia is explained by ~ NEWTON’S FIRST LAW OF MOTION 65. Tocopherol is the another name for~VITAMIN E 66. Folic Acid comes under ~VITAMIN B 67. Osmoregulation is mainly related to~Regulations Of Water Level In Our Body 68. Green House gases are~TRANSPARENTTO LIGHT BUT ABSORB HEAT(INFRA RED RADIATIONS) 69. Global cooling appears to be caused by ~AEROSOLS 70. Autotroph means ~ ORGANISMS WHICH PRODUCE FOOD ‘OF THEIR OWN WITH SUNLIGHT OR CHEMICAL ENERGY. 71. Carbon is returned back to atmosphere by ~RESPIRATION 72. Bological Nitrogen fixation means ~THE PROCESS OF CAPTURING ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN AND MAKING IT AVAILABLE IN PLANT FRIENDLY FORM. 73. Which can be used as SO2 pollution indicators ~HYGROSCOPIC LICHENS. 74. High Coliform concentration in water indicates ~ POLLUTION BY HUMAN WASTE. 75. When a voltage of 40V is applied across a resistor of 100 Ω, the current flowing through it will be? ~0.4amp (I=V/R) 76. Conversion of gas into liquid is called? ~CONDENSATION 77. Mass of Atom is determined by ~PROTONS & NEUTRONS 78. Which of the following is incorrect statement ~LIQUIDS/GASES HAVE DEFINITE SHAPE AND VOLUME. 79. Rate of change of distance with respect to time is ~SPEED 80. Acceleration has the unit of ~ m/ s2 81. Density of water is~ 1g/cm3 82. Commercial unit of electrical energy ~Kilowatt-Hour 83. The theory of relativity was given by ~ALBERT EINSTEIN 84. Energy Mix means? ~ THE COMBINATION OF SOURCES USED TO PROVIDE ENERGY 85. Polarity of water is due to ~IT CARRIES PARTIAL POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE CHARGE 86. Catalyst convertor in vehicles ~REMOVES HARMFUL WASTE AND DECREASES POLLUTION 87. Which reaction happens inside the Sun ~NUCLEAR FUSION 88. They are produced in photochemical oxidation of a variety of volatile organic compounds ~ PEROXYACYL NITRATES (PANs) COMPUTERS 89. BCC in Email means ~BLIND CARBON COPY 90. In Microsoft Word the extra space,where you plan on binding your document, is provided by ~ Gutter 91. What is open source software? ~ WHOSE SOURCE CODE IS AVAILABLE AND IT COULD BE USED FOR STUDY, MODIFIED OR DISTRIBUTED TO ANYONE FREELY. 92. The unit of a lazer printer which is covered by a photosensitive layer and prints letters and images by fixing toner to the paper by heat and pressure is called ~ DRUM 93. The device in which magnetic tape is used for recording and voice output is generated by giving input. ~ AUDIO RECORDER 94. What secures the data transferred over the internet? ~ TLS or SSL (whatever the option was) 95. Function key for editing the active cell in MS Excel ~F2 96. The function is Microsoft office by which multiple documents are produced from single template ~MAIL MERGE 97. First computer ENIAC machine was invented by ~John Mauchly and J. Presper 98. Shortcut key to open a new blank presentation in MS Powerpoint ~Ctrl +N 99. What acts as a translator between Operating system and Harware ~DEVICE DRIVER 100. It modulates analog signals to digital and also demodulates digital signals ~ MODEM 101. Red wavy line under a word in Microsoft Word indicates? ~ SPELLING MISTAKE 102. Which is Internet Browser ~MOZILLA 103. Speed of lazer printer is given as? ~PAGES PER MINUTE. 104. Joystick, Scanner etc are~ Input devices 105. ALU means~ Arithmetic and Logical unit 106. Correct form of Email is ~Raj.cool@xmail. com 107. Parts of computer that can touched are called ~ Hardware 108. Transistors were used in ~2ND GENERATION OF COMPUTERS 109. What manages hardware, memory, storage,etc ~ OPERATING SYSTEM 110. Memory that needs constant refressing ~DRAM 111. Which of the following is an operating system ~ LINUX 112. Input command is translated by ~ASSEMBLER GENERAL ENGLISH 113. …(119) are many people “WHO” are not fond of beauty. There are times when even the Swiss and Norwegians … (120)… the beauty of these mountains. They are struck with the ‘awe-inspiring views’ and ‘The lofty head’ standing above the clouds intimidates, throwing a challenge to be scaled. These people often accept the challenge and maneuver the hurdles of the tough path that it throws at them. 114. ‘Who’ in the above paragraph m means? ~ THE PEOPLE 115. ‘Lofty head’ refers to? ~ MOUNTAIN PEAK 116. Hurdles means? ~ The difficult path 117. THERE 118. FEEL 119. ‘’awe’’ in awe-inspiring views means ~speechless 120. They waited with ‘bated breath’ before the announcement of the winner. ‘bated breath’ means ~SUSPENSE. 121. Indian women are best example of endurance. Endurance means ~PERSISTENCE 122. Antonym of fallacious ~ACCURATE 123. Synonym of unabridged ~ UNCONDENSED 124. We got a ……(LOAN)…. From the bank. 125. Is this…(A)… clue to….(THE)… solut ion? 126. He…..(WAS WALKING) ….by the road when the boy……(FELL) ….in to the river. 127. The judge said, ‘’call the accused’’ ~The Judge Ordered 128. This edition has (AN) introduction by (THE) author himself. 129. I…( )… go on the trip, but I…( ).. go. I don’t like the company. 130. It took her 11 hours to reach here by air. she…(MIGHT)….betired~ REASONING 131. Find next in the series 1,4,13,40,121…..,(364) 132. Find the missing number 1,7,4,8,7,9,10,…,13 ~(10) 133. Find the next number 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,12,13,…(17) 134. TXS, RVW, PTV,….(NRZ) 135. On marking correctly one question a boy gets 5 marks and 2 marks are deducted on marking a wrong response. He attempted 85 questions but got 285 marks. How many did he mark correctly? ~ 65 (20 wrong= 40marks) 136. Two trains moving at Akm/h and B km/h in the same direction meet after X seconds. However if they cross each other, then they will meet after: (First get the distance between two trains then use relative velocity (A +B Km/hr) to get time). 137. A man walks 5m to the east, turns right and walks 12m, turns right again and walks 10m. what is the shortest distance of the man from the initial position: 13m 138. if XMKIV means TIGER,how can PONG be written ~MLKC 139. If You reverse the word DISTURBANCE which word remains at the same place ~R 140. If DCSRGF codes for CDRSFG, what does JINMQP stands for: IJMNPQ 141. A man travels 2 km to the east then turns right and walks next 3 km, turns his right and walks 4 km. what is his position with respect to initial position: South-West 142. All boys are intelligent. No girl is boy ~NONE FOLLOWS 143. All honest people are happy. Some people are dishonest ~HONESTY LEADS TO HAPPINESS 144. All busses are trains. No train is a car. ~ I and III (No car is a train, No bus is a car) 145. Raja pointing towards a girl told his friend,” she is the only daughter of the only sister of the mother of my only sister.” How is Raja related to the girl ~COUSIN 146. Pointing towards a person in a vedio Malik said to his daughter, “He is the son of my only neice.” How is Malik’s daughter related to that person ~AUNT 147. Complete the series TIE, WIJ, ZIO, ? (CIT) 148. Complete the series: ZYLN, WVIK, TSFH, ? (QPCE) 149. Complete the series: HOLE, LLPB, PITY, ? (TFXV) 150. If / means +, - means +, + means x, x means -, then what is the value of 10/14-7+3x3 ~ (13) 151. Mr M is 9 ranks below Mr. A, who ranks 18th from the top. Also, Ms. M is 11 ranks above Mr. N, who ranks 35th from the bottom. Find the number of students in the class? (72) 152. Non verbal 7~42, 9~72, 10~90, 4~12, …~110, 5~20. Which can replace the empty box. (11) 153. Non verbal 25-10-10, 40-18-8, 51-25-? What can replace question mark in the box (6)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 11:19:17 +0000

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