JKUAT IS WALKING TOWARDS THE WRONG DIRECTION: - jkuat is currently strugling with atleast 12 court cases. all development projects have stalled including the road connecting jkuat and the super highway. the university has gotten its priorities wrong by concentrating on wrong projects like planting grass worth 48 million on the NSC sub forest, buying land at kenyatta road to relocate SHRD at a cost of 2 billion from the kenyatta family to seek favours from the family. JKUAT already jkuat has more than 200 acres of iddle land at the main campus. alot of money has been wasted on funding campuses and buying of another land in mombasa worth 1.3 billion. the students have lacked basic ammenities and structures like hostels , lecture halls and labs. JKUAT earlier in 2013 adopted a cost cutting policy which has totally crippled all operations, yet no member of the admin has come out to say how much we have saved since then and how they are planning to use the money. the university earlier in september became insolvent and to avoid closure, a new fee policy was introduced, which angered students leading to riots. the students are now being charged at least 5200 as damage fee yet no damage is visible except a few glass windows. i presume the university has an insurance which is supposed to cater for that, and any other damage saused. The university transfered 50 % of its staff to other campuses and has not employed more staff to provide services at the main campus. the few staff visible are on casual basis and are underpaid with most of them having worked for more than 8 years. - the total amount expected to be raised from charging students 5200 will total to approximatelly 120 million, yet no report has been released on what the money will do. - part time lecturers have not been paid since 2013, and the effects reflect greatly in their performance and are demotivated, yet alot of money is paid by the students as fees while more is received from the government to fund the university. the lecturers and other staff are preparing for yet another CBA which according to history will be implemented only after a strike. SOLUTION: - WE NEED A CONFERENCE AS A MATTER OF URGENCY TO SEEK SOLUTIONS TO ALL THESE PROBLEMS, EVEN IF IT MEANS TAKING THE BITTER MEASURES BY RELIEVING THE TOP MANAGEMENT OF THEIR DUTIES AND APPOINTING A NEW UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT. LETS HOLD ALL THE CHARGES DEMANDED FROM THE STUDENTS AS DAMAGE FEE UNTIL THE PROBLEMS ARE ADDRESSED SO THAT WE CAN GET VALUE FOR MONEY, AND VISIT THE CABINET SECRETARY IN CHARGE OF EDUCATION AS A MATTER OF URGENCY , DEMAND FOR SACKING OF THE TOP MANAGERS IN JKUAT, AND IF HE IS UNABLE TO ACT IMMEDIATELLY CALL FOR HIS REMOVAL BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT. - NEW JKUSO SHOULD TAKE THE LEAD, AS UASU FOLLOWS, ALUMNI IS PREPARING TO JOIN IN, WHILE THE OTHER STAFF MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO COME AND JOIN THE WALK. JKUAT IS A PUBLIC INSTITION AND THE WAY IT IS MANAGED, IT IS VERY CLEAR EVERYTHING IS GOING TOWARDS THE WRONG DIRECTION. . A REVOLUTION CALLS FOR SACRIFICE. HOWEVER, I URGE ALL TO BE PEACEFUL AND EXECUTE THE PLAN WISELLY SO THAT AT END WE WILL HAVE THE JKUAT WE CAN ALL BE PROUD OF. I REST MY CASE.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:45:31 +0000

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