JMJ .......ac2c Virginia Honors 9/11 Mosque ....... March 18, - TopicsExpress


JMJ .......ac2c Virginia Honors 9/11 Mosque ....... March 18, 2014 This post was written by Patricia Evans, Tea Party Activist. She does not have a blog, but sends out great information as needed. For everyone, especially in Virginia, you need to know this: Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of government entities in the U.S. is very quickly reaching critical mass. This move by the Virginia State House is not subtle and it cannot be spun. It is a signal that the Muslim Brotherhood in America is no longer tip-toeing deceptively toward victory. It is clearly picking up the pace and Americans continue to remain largely quiet. The 9/11 Mosque, Dar al Hijrah in Falls Church, VA is being praised by the legislature of the state in which it still, shockingly, even stands. What the Virginia State House has done is blatant acquiescence to America’s sworn enemies. It is treasonous, it is traitorous, it is criminal, and any state legislator who voted for it has violated the most important oaths of office. - From Shoebat Foundation Virginia Honors 9/11 Mosque Investors Business Daily: news.investors/ibd-editorials/031714-693564-virginia-com... Lets hope the good citizens of Virginia — most especially 9/11 families of Pentagon victims — loudly demand this resolution be revoked. At a minimum, it should be roundly condemned as public support of terrorism, and all those who voted for it ought to be cited for criminal negligence. A security guard closes the front gates at the Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va. -- AP A security guard closes the front gates at the Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va. -- AP View Enlarged Image Political Correctness: The only thing more revolting than building a mosque next to the World Trade Center would be honoring the mosque that helped the 9/11 hijackers. Yet thats just what Virginia has done. Outrageously, the Virginia state legislature has passed a Democrat-sponsored resolution commending the notorious 9/11 mosque — Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center — as an expression of the General Assemblys admiration for the center. The Saudi Embassy-funded, Muslim Brotherhood-owned mosque is universally known by federal and local law enforcement — and even the media — as a turnstile for terrorists. Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan once worshipped there, and the 9/11 hijackers who led the Pentagon attack got help there with housing and IDs. Al-Qaida cleric Anwar Awlaki preached there. He stepped down after the feds connected him to the hijackers. Even so, the mosque tried to hire him back. After 9/11, investigators found the fax number for Dar al-Hijrah in the Hamburg, Germany, apartment of one of the planners of the attacks — Ramzi Binalshibh, now a Gitmo detainee. Dozens of other terrorist links dating to the early 1990s trace back to the tree-shrouded mosque in Falls Church, Va. Almost no other mosque in the country has been linked to so many cases of alleged terrorism, the Washington Post wrote in 2011. This is no secret. The delegates and senators who voted to praise the mosque should have known better. Theres little doubt the resolutions Democrat author — Virginia Del. Alfonso H. Lopez — knows Dar al-Hijrahs history. His district includes Falls Church. Yet he chose to pander to the growing number of Muslim votes in his district. Lopez should be ashamed. The Post reports that Dar al-Hijrah has been trying to rehabilitate its image. Its sent its new imam — Johari Abdul-Malik, a close friend of Awlaki, who himself has been caught preaching jihad — to Richmond to lobby politicians for support. Lawmakers let him give the opening prayer at the legislature. Now, abhorrently, theyve given him and his terror mill an official seal of approval. Lets hope the good citizens of Virginia — most especially 9/11 families of Pentagon victims — loudly demand this resolution be revoked. At a minimum, it should be roundly condemned as public support of terrorism, and all those who voted for it ought to be cited for criminal negligence. Virginia State Legislature Commends Mosque with Terror Links cdn.breitbart/mediaserver/Breitbart/Big-Peace/2014/03/17.../> There is much more that should make the Virginia state legislators ashamed of their commendation. Yet despite all this, this is not the first time the Virginia legislature has behaved as if this mosque were just another house of worship. In 2010, the Virginia General Assembly had Dar al-Hijrah’s Johari Abdul-Malik open the legislative session with a devout Islamic prayer. Breitbart News 17 Mar 2014 by Pamela Geller President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of PamelaGeller and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. The Virginia State Legislature this month passed a joint resolution Commending the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center on the 30th anniversary of its founding. This is the mosque that the Treasury Department’s Enforcement Communications System (TECS)says is “operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S.” and “is associated with Islamic extremists.” It adds that Dar Al-Hijrah has been investigated numerous times for “financing and proving aid and comfort” to jihad organizations and has been “linked to numerous individuals linked to terrorism financing.” Has the Virginia State Legislature gone mad? The resolution praises Dar Al-Hijrah for “30 years of serving and uplifting members of the Northern Virginia Muslim community and conducting outreach to the region in 2013.” It says that the mosque “works to strengthen the Muslim faith in the region through seminars, sermons, lectures, social activities, and clear operational hours for the observance of daily prayer.” The resolution also states that it is “encouraging the members of the Muslim community to become productive members of society.” As if all that weren’t enough, the resolution says that “the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center promotes cooperation, tolerance, and mutual understanding among different faiths,” and “conducts outreach in the community, offering educational classes and making charitable donations to those in need.” It expresses the legislators’ “admiration for the center’s commitment to serving the Northern Virginia Muslim community and peoples of all faiths.” Amid all this boilerplate bloviating, the resolution also notes that “the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is affiliated with the Muslim American Society,” which it describes as “a national religious, educational, cultural, and charitable organization.” These legislators no doubt have no idea of what the Chicago Tribune reported in 2004: that the Muslim American Society is the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members. Confirming this is Ikhwanweb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s English website, which now carries that article. Shaker Elsayed, the mosque’s imam from 2005 to the present, was Secretary General of the Muslim American Society. Why does it matter that the MAS is the Brotherhood? Because according to a captured internal Brotherhood document, the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. is engaged in a “grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” There is much more that should make the Virginia state legislators ashamed of their commendation. The late jihad leader Anwar al-Awlaki was the imam at Dar al-Hijrah. He is said to have been a “spiritual adviser” to three of the hijackers who attacked America on September 11, 2001. Al-Awlaki was also in regular contact with Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab, the Christmas underwear bomber who tried to blow up a passenger jet over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009. The former Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered thirteen Americans in a jihad massacre at Fort Hood in Texas, worshiped at Dar al-Hijrah when he lived in the area and was in touch with al-Awlaki shortly before he carried out his attack. The Saudi-backed North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, bought the mosque’s grounds in 1983. Mohammed al-Hanooti, the mosques imam from 1995 to 1999, was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali taught Islamic studies and was a camp counselor at the mosque; he is now in prison for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush. Abdelhaleem Hasan Abdelraziq Ashqar, a member of the mosque’s Executive Committee, was convicted in November 2007 of contempt and obstruction of justice for refusing to testify regarding Hamas and received an eleven-year prison sentence. Yet despite all this, this is not the first time the Virginia legislature has behaved as if this mosque were just another house of worship. In 2010, the Virginia General Assembly had Dar al-Hijrah’s Johari Abdul-Malik open the legislative session with a devout Islamic prayer. Abdul-Malik once defended Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who is in prison for financing al-Qaeda. State of Virginia Honors Mosque led by Anwar al-Awlaki, attended by Nidal Malik Hasan and 9/11 Hijackers What the Virginia State House has done is blatant acquiescence to America’s sworn enemies. It is treasonous, it is traitorous, it is criminal, and any state legislator who voted for it has violated the most important oaths of office. By Shoebat Foundation on March 18, 2014 https://shoebat/2014/03/18/state-virginia-honors-mosque-led-anw... As the Fort Hood shooting victims remain without Purple Hearts and other benefits afforded to soldiers who were killed or wounded in war, the mosque led by the man who inspired their murderer is being honored. A mere thirteen years after the worst attack on U.S. soil, a mosque attended by more than one of those attackers – as well as Fort Hood Jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan –is being praised by the legislature of the state in which it still, shockingly, even stands. Mosque attended by Jihadist who murdered these Americans being honored by Virginia. Mosque attended by Jihadist who murdered these Americans being honored by Virginia. In Virginia, a State House resolution has been passed that commends the Dar al Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, VA. If this mosque sounds familiar, it should. Anwar al-Awlaki was once an Imam there and it was attended by 9/11 hijackers. Via Understanding the Threat (h/t CHHR): On Wednesday, March 5th, Virginia House Joint Resolution 484 was passed which commends Hamas’ Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia. Without becoming entirely sarcastic, the question has to be asked – is there a functioning brain cell at the State House in Richmond. Has the ability to reasonably process factual information completely evaporated from numerous elected officials in the state of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson? Before we even look at the factual evidence that Dar al Hijrah is a Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas entity, we need to look no farther than the resolution itself to see the gross negligence of Virginia’s elect – at least those who voted for this resolution. The sixth of the eight total lines in the resolution reads: “WHEREAS, the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is affiliated with the Muslim American Society, a national religious, educational, cultural, and charitable organization…” Actually, the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a Muslim Brotherhood front group. Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of government entities in the U.S. is very quickly reaching critical mass. This move by the Virginia State House is not subtle and it cannot be spun. It is a signal that the Muslim Brotherhood in America is no longer tip-toeing deceptively toward victory. It is clearly picking up the pace and Americans continue to remain largely quiet. Mosque attended by those who did this honored by State of Virginia. Mosque attended by those who did this honored by State of Virginia. What the Virginia State House has done is blatant acquiescence to America’s sworn enemies. It is treasonous, it is traitorous, it is criminal, and any state legislator who voted for it has violated the most important oaths of office. As we wrote earlier this week, in Illinois, Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of government can be found at city, state, and national levels. Virginia is clearly suffering from the same affliction. Last week, we learned that Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) is scheduled to appear at a fundraiser sponsored by the Brotherhood. Just in case you need a reminder of what happened at Fort Hood and how Hasan’s victims have been treated since: > https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DbHtwNex4Lk Tags: 9/11, Honors, Mosque, Virginia
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:15:02 +0000

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