JNN News Update December 29th 2014 JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, - TopicsExpress


JNN News Update December 29th 2014 JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom 15:13 SAVE THE DATE: 2015 SUCCOT CELEBRATION: After a very successful Succot Celebration in Israel this year, we are now announcing the dates for 2015. We will be gathering once again at the Pavilion in downtown Jerusalem Sept. 29- Oct. 1. Mark the dates in your calendars early and plan to be with us. We will be featuring Jewish and Arab believers both in the ministry of the Word and also in Worship. Our exciting lineup of participants includes: Lance Lambert (tentative), Malcolm Hedding, David Herzog, Maurice Sklar, Elihana Elia, Barry & Batya Segal and more to come. Keep in touch with our plans for the future at: succotcelebration. SYNAGOGUE WHERE YESHUA PREACHED UNCOVERED: A synagogue where Yeshua likely preached has been uncovered on the western shores of the Sea of Galilee. The 1st century Jewish house of prayer was discovered amidst the ruins of the ancient town of Magdala, home to the most well-known female disciple of Yeshua, Mary Magdalene. This is the first synagogue ever excavated where Yeshua walked and preached, said Father Eamon Kelly of the Catholic organization developing the property. This is hugely important for both Jews and Christians, he added. The synagogue is one of only seven dating back to the time of Yeshua uncovered anywhere in the world. Before Tiberius was built, Magdala was the only town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Matthew 15:39 tells us Yeshua landed here as he he took a boat, and came to the coast of Magdala. According to the New Testament, Yeshua traveled extensively through this area teaching and preaching in local synagogues. (Israel Today) THE MOST EXCITING ISRAELI START-UPS: Some of the most exciting up-and-coming Israeli start-ups were at a conference in December organized by OurCrowd, the Jerusalem-based crowd-investing platform. VocalZoom has a technology that filters out background noise so that when you talk on your cellphone in a loud public place, the call will sound crystal clear. Cimagine allows shoppers to place a 3D picture of a piece of furniture from any website into an augmented reality version of their own living room to show how it would look. Beacons are little plastic devices that broadcast where they are so you can track your luggage, phone, keys or kids. Pixie adds distance and direction to beacons - you wont just know your car is nearby, but by using the accompanying cellphone software, youll be directed right to it. Up-n-Ride is a wheelchair that rises up into a vertical position so the disabled person can participate more normally in everyday activities. Consumer Physics is a molecular scanner that fits in the palm of your hand. Aim it at the pasta on your plate, and it can tell you the ingredients and number of calories. It can be used to sense anything other than metals. (Jerusalem Post) CRITICALLY WOUNDED 11-YEAR-OLD FIREBOMB VICTIM STABILIZES: The condition of 11-year-old Ayala Shapira, who was seriously wounded in a firebomb attack last Thursday night in Samaria, has stabilized after undergoing a successful initial surgery on Friday. A senior doctor at the childrens ward of the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer where Shapira is receiving treatment, said the girl underwent the first in a series of expected surgeries, to treat her burns and to ensure her airways remain functioning. The surgery was successful, and at the moment her condition is stable, continued Dr. Pesah. The public is asked to continue praying for the full recovery of Ayala. On Friday, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon told Shapiras mother that the terrorist responsible for the heinous attack had been apprehended as the result of a focused effort to hunt down the terrorists, in which 12 Arab residents of the village of Kfar Azoun were arrested. (Arutz-7) Thank you intercessors, for praying for the life and recovery of 11-year-old terrorist victim Ayala Shapira. Please continue to pray for her complete physical recovery and restoration. Pray that she may receive comforting and courage along with her parents. PALESTINIANS ENCOURAGING IRAN TO ESCALATE ANTI-ISRAEL TERROR, NETANYAU CHARGES: The Palestinian Authority is inviting greater Iranian involvement in anti-Israel terrorism in Judea & Samaria while the United Nations remains silent, PM Benjamin Netanyahu told the weekly cabinet session on Sunday. Netanyahu quoted Ramallahs ambassador to Tehran, who said, The Zionist regime is an aggressive, cancerous growth that must be eliminated sooner or later. Netanyahu continued by saying that, In recent weeks, we are seeing a more vigorous Iranian effort to deepen terrorist activity in Judea & Samaria. Id like to emphasize that it wasnt a Hamas official who said that, but the ambassador of the Palestinian Authority in Tehran. What does the UN do in response? the premier said. Instead of dealing with this incitement, it is giving it a place of honor. This is the same incitement that eventually leads to terrorist acts that we have witnessed of late. (Jerusalem Post) IRANIAN SOLDIERS PHOTOGRAPHED ON LEBANON-ISRAEL BORDER: The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has published a report documenting photographs of Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers killing time at the Lebanon-Israel border. Preliminary information suggests the pictures were taken in October, but were released only recently, along with verbal threats against Israel. Several photographs published contain the caption: We have arrived to the cursed Israel. The Twitter account linked to the Revolutionary Guards uploaded a number of the pictures on Thursday, with the headline, The Islamic Republic soldiers are on the border of occupied Palestine. The Iranian militarys websites showcased photos of soldiers taken in the Bekaa Valley and Baalbek in south Lebanon. We have come close to the motherland of corruption - the cursed Israel. With Allahs help, we will trample over their bodies the website writes. (INN) IRAN DEPLOYS SUICIDE DRONE FOR FIRST TIME: Irans army has deployed a suicide drone for the first time in massive ongoing military drills near the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Persian Gulf. Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, the armys chief commander of ground forces, was quoted by Iranian state media Saturday as calling the unmanned aircraft a mobile bomb. The drone has been designed to plunge into aerial and ground targets, as well as ships. The six-day military exercise is being carried out over 527,000 square miles in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, Sea of Oman and the eastern part of the Persian Gulf, through which one-fifth of the worlds oil supply passes. (CBS) Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Ps 20:7 EGYPT BANS THE MOVIE EXODUS: Egyptian censors have banned a Hollywood movie - Exodus: Gods and Kings which is based on the book of Exodus, due to what they term historical inaccuracies. One of the inaccuracies, the Egyptians claim, is that it was an earthquake, and not a miracle by G-d through Moses which split the Red Sea. Morocco has also reportedly banned the film, which has so far grossed $107 million in two weeks in worldwide release. Likewise, over the weekend, the United Arab Emirates decided to bar the release of Ridley Scotts Exodus: Gods and Kings due to mistakes in the adaptation of the biblical account. (Jerusalem Post) THE RELIGIOUS CLEANSING OF MIDDLE EAST CHRISTIANS: Religious freedom experts captured the dire situation of Middle Eastern Christians in comments on Friday to Israels Jerusalem Post newspaper: Persecution no longer adequately describes the treatment of Christians in a growing number of Muslim areas. Religious cleansing, a type of cultural genocide, which is a crime against humanity, is the more accurate description. This is now occurring in Iraq, Syria, parts of Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia and Pakistan. A goal of Islamic extremists is total Islamization and this has nearly been achieved in Iraq, which a decade ago was home to one of the four most robust Christian communities in the Arab world, said Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institutes Center for Religious Freedom. Now, the overwhelming majority of Iraqs Christian community, formerly numbering 1.4 million, are immigrants in the West, refugees in the region, or internally displaced persons in Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraq is for the first time in history becoming entirely Islamic. According to Open Doors USA, an organization that seeks to prevent Christian persecution, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen are in the top 10 violators of Christianity. Open Doors noted 322 Christians are murdered each month for simply being Christian, 214 Christian properties are destroyed and violence affects 772. Islamic State presents the most immediate danger to Christians in Iraq and Syria because of its ideology to rapidly eliminate Christianity. Dexter Van Zile, a Christian Media Analyst, said we need to devote the resources necessary to defeat ISIS and make it perfectly clear that the people responsible for murdering Christians will face justice. We simply cannot let them get away with it. The efforts to help the Christians in the Middle East will look a lot like the choices the West was faced with when the Jews were being murdered in Europe. Well have to get serious about providing permanent refuge to Christians from the region in our own countries, which ominously enough, did not happen with the Jews. said Van Zile. Melancholy, frustration, outrage, deep pessimism, shock and exasperation seem to be the dominant themes when experts discuss the plight of Christians in the Middle East. Western policy makers and politicians have failed to mobilize the raw energy of their capitalist economies to stop jihadi attempts to wipe out Christians. Im not very hopeful that things will get much better. We will continue to see things that shock us in the year ahead. Next year may even be worse than 2014, concluded Van Zile. (J. Post) Pray the believing remnant in the Middle East will be comforted and strengthened in the midst of their affliction. Pray the church will continue to grow in secret places despite persecution, and that the Gospel message will change the hearts of multitudes. FIRST THE SATURDAY PEOPLE, THEN THE SUNDAY PEOPLE: Dr. Richard Landes, director of the Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University said last week, in the old days when the Muslims rioted and massacred Jews, theyd say, first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people. Now that the Jews have a state and can defend themselves, theyve moved on to the Sunday people, and the only place Christians are safe is where the Saturday people have sovereignty. He added, The really sick part of this picture is that the Christians in the West not only wont come to the defense of the Sunday people in the Muslim world, but rather, seem fixated on not letting the Saturday people defend either themselves or the Sunday people who live among them. With their Western enemies behaving so self-destructively, its a good time to be a jihadi. (Jerusalem Post) The suggestions, opinions and scripture references made by JNN writers and editors are based on the best information received. Barry Segal with the Editorial Staff Keep informed on breaking Israel-related and Middle East news. To subscribe, at no cost, to twice weekly mailings of JNN News go to: jnnnews HELP DEFEND ISRAEL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow JNN updates on Facebook and Twitter you can like and retweet items you feel are important to share. Also, you can share video reports on our YouTube channel. We are also on Google+, Linkedin, Tumbler, and LiveStream. Dont underestimate how much this can help.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:05:51 +0000

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