JNN News Update October 15th 2014 JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, - TopicsExpress


JNN News Update October 15th 2014 JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel He who says to the wicked, You are righteous, him the people will curse; nations will abhor him. But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will come upon them. Prov 24: 24-25 BRITISH PARLIAMENT VOTES TO RECOGNIZE PALESTINE: The British parliament on Monday night officially voted in favor of recognizing the state of Palestine. The non-binding resolution was passed by 274 in favor to 12 votes against, to recognize the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel as part of a contribution to securing a negotiated two-state solution. The motion, while non-binding, is heavy with symbolism. PM David Camerons spokesman said the vote would not change Britains diplomatic stance towards Israel. The Prime Minister also refrained from taking part in the vote, and government ministers were asked to abstain. The British MP representing two of Londons primary Jewish neighborhoods resigned on Monday, in direct protest of the UKs vote to recognize Palestine. Following the resignation MP Mike Freer stated he had no regrets. The British move came after Sweden made a storm by pledging its commitment to recognize a Palestinian state on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur - a pledge which it later retracted. (Arutz-7) FOREIGN MINISTRY BLASTS BRITISH MPs VOTE FAVORING PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD: Israels Foreign Ministry denounced British lawmakers for overwhelmingly approving a non-binding resolution on Monday night to recognize Palestinian statehood. A communique published late Monday by the Israeli Embassy in London criticized the vote carried out by MPs in Britains lower house of parliament, stressing that, The route to Palestinian statehood runs through the negotiating room. The mission slammed what it said was a unilateral measure that could undermine the potential for Israelis and Palestinians to obtain peace through bilateral talks, which if conducted successfully could lead to the establishment of a recognized, independent Palestinian state. Premature international recognition sends a troubling message to the Palestinian leadership that they can evade the tough choices that both sides have to make, and actually undermines the chances to reach a real peace, read the statement. (Jerusalem Post) The Palestinian Authority, a reformed terrorist group in the eyes of the world and Israels so called peace partner could well be described as the proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing. While PA leaders have unceasingly put impossible demands on the Jewish state in return for a false peace they unlike Israels leaders - have not been willing at any point to make even a single small concession to those irrational mandates as a gesture of cooperation or good will. When Israel refuses to endanger its borders, its people and their communities the PA like a spoiled child threatens to resort to violence or manipulation of the UN, or to use other unsavory methods to get its way. Pray against Palestinian Authority attempts to manipulate the international community. NETANYAHU SLAMS BAN KI-MOONS OCCUPATION REMARKS: Israeli PM Netanyahu, on Monday, fired at UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moons insistence that the occupation justified Hamas launching over 3,600 rockets on Israeli civilians. Netanyahu began by noting that the entire concept of an occupation in Gaza has been made moot after the 2005 Disengagement. The root cause of the violence that burst from Gaza is not Israels occupation in Gaza, for a simple reason: Israel doesnt occupy Gaza, Netanyahu explained. Israel left Gaza to the very last centimeter, to the very last inch. We uprooted all the settlements and vacated all the settlers. So there is no Israeli occupation of Gaza. Netanyahu then pointed out that Ban justified Hamas rocket barrage despite the fact that it used the UNs own facilities to break international law. The root cause of this summers outburst of violence was Hamas rocketing of Israeli cities, and these rocket attacks often exploited UN neutrality, using UN facilities and UN schools as part of the Hamas machine of terror, he thundered. And when rockets were discovered inside UN schools, some UN officials handed them back to Hamas that very same Hamas that was rocketing Israeli cities and Israeli civilians. The Prime Minister then reiterated the fact that Hamas is a terror group dedicated to genocide against Jews. The root cause of Hamas rocket fire on Israel is Hamas opposition to Israels very existence, he declared. Hamas doesnt give a hoot for the 1967 lines. For them, Israel has no right to live, in any borders. Hamas rejects our very existence. Theyre committed to killing every Israeli and every Jew. You just have to read their charter they say that very plainly. (Arutz-7) ONLY HALF OF PROMISED AID FUNDS TO GO TOWARD GAZA RECONSTRUCTION: Donors at an international conference in Cairo on Sunday promised $2.7 billion to rebuild war-ravaged Gaza, but all of the key participants said their efforts would be futile without a permanent peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Norwegian Foreign Minister BorgeBrende, who co-chaired the meeting, said pledges of $5.4 billion have been made, but that only half of that money would be dedicated to reconstruction. While Israels demand that Hamas give up its arms as a condition for overseas funding did not prevail, an Israeli official told Channel 2 TV that the funding would flow only so long as the ceasefire was maintained. Further development of Gaza after reconstruction, the official said, would be contingent on the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip. (Times of Israel) PALESTINIAN PM: DONORS MUST KEEP GAZA PLEDGES: The Palestinian prime minister is urging international donor nations to honor their pledges to send billions of dollars to help rebuild the Gaza Strip after a devastating 50-day war against Israel. Donor nations on Sunday promised to provide $5.4 billion, half of which is earmarked for rebuilding the war-battered territory. Palestinian PM, Rami Hamdallah, said Monday it is critical that donor nations keep their promises. He noted that after a previous war in 2009, only a small fraction of pledged money was actually sent. (Ynet) Arab League states are known for not honoring their financial promises after making big shows of alleged support for their terrorist brothers in the Gaza Strip. They have come under international criticism numerous times for not sufficiently financing UNRWA and for balking at their pledges. Likely they know, its a wasted investment. ISRAELI MINISTER: WORLD MAY BE WASTING ITS MONEY ON GAZA: The countries who pledged vast sums to rebuild the Gaza Strip in Cairo Sunday will have made worthless donations if the people of the Gaza Strip return to terror, Israels Transportation Minister Israel Katz said Sunday. The ;Gazans can pick between economic recovery and war and destruction. If they choose terror, the world should not waste its money. If one missile will be fired, everything will go down the drain. The days when the Jews did nothing and were slaughtered are over, Katz said. If one Protective Edge was not enough, you will get two and three until Hamas terror ends. Katz called upon the international community to learn from its failure to prevent large swaths of Iraq and Syria from falling into the Islamic States hands. The next time they offer us a deal in which we withdraw from territory in return for promises and international forces, we will send them to do their homework in Kurdistan, he said. We will continue to trust only God and the IDF. Jewish blood is not worthless (Reuters) He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Prov 29:1 EASING GAZA RESTRICTIONS IS THE NEW TWO-STATE SOLUTION: The heavy fighting during the Gaza conflict serves as testimony to what happens in areas from which Israel withdraws. Regarding the option of renewed negotiations with Palestinian President Abbas, the assumption in Jerusalem is that it will only end in a stalemate. Therefore, instead of striving towards a two-state solution that would see the Palestinians receiving sovereign territory - which Hamas could then take over and use to fire rockets at Israel - Jerusalem is shifting towards a conflict management approach, at least until the current wave of radical Islamism passes. On the ground, this means economic benefits and restriction easing for residents of Judea and Samaria, and eventually for Gazans as well, including freedom of movement between the two Palestinian territories. In addition, Israel will assist as much as possible with reconstruction efforts in Gaza in an attempt to create an incentive for the population to demand that Hamas not drag it into another devastating war. (Ynet) GENERAL HOSPITALS TO DRILL AND GET SURPRISE CHECKS ON TREATMENT OF POSSIBLE EBOLA PATIENTS:Israels Health Ministry has asked all the general public hospitals to carry out internal drills over the next two weeks to prepare for the eventuality of handling patients suspected of infection with Ebola fever and treating them while keeping them isolated. After that, the ministry will send officials randomly to make surprise checks to see that they are doing it properly. Ministry director-general Prof. Arnon Afek said Monday that in addition to handing out flyers at Ben-Gurion Airport to incoming passengers who may arrive from West Africa - where Ebola is raging - the hospitals would also have to be prepared. Afeksaid the ministry has issued directives to all the health fund clinics and urgent care clinics in the community not to handle patients from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone who come with complaints of a fever but to send them immediately to the nearest emergency room. (J. Post) EMBATTLED CHRISTIANS: JEWS STAND WITH US, BUT WHERE IS THE CHURCH? In an impassioned plea delivered in Jerusalem on Monday, Canon Andrew White, the Vicar of Baghdad, noted that Israel and the Jews are openly standing up for embattled Middle East Christians, while much of the global Church remains conspicuously silent. Speaking to reporters, White pointed to fellow panelist Ron Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, and wondered, Here we see Jews standing with us, but where is the Church? White, who has been eye witness to horrific atrocities during the ISIS advance in Iraq, went on to note that some Christians had expressed support for their persecuted brothers and sisters, but that far too often it had taken the form of letters of condolence and encouragement. With all due respect, letters are not going to feed my people, said White, who explained that thousands upon thousands of Christians have been forced to flee in the face of theIslamists and are today living in refugee camp conditions with little-to-no sustenance. (Israel Today) The suggestions, opinions and scripture references made by JNN writers and editors are based on the best information received. Barry Segal with the Editorial Staff
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:03:07 +0000

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