JOHN MCGUINNESS CHALLENGES MARTIN ON ELECTION STRATEGY. Micheal Martin seems more and more like yesterdays man as John McGuinness challenged him yet again for the party leadership and direction on Saturday by completely opposing the FF leader on alliance with Fine Gael. McGuinness wants a formal partnership with Fine Gael going into the election to save the country , whereas Martin opposed this only last week. We have said here before that McGuinness is the better man to negotiate government with Fine Gael so as to keep the Shinners and wild-eyed leftist Independents from entering government and destroying the country even more than it has been hit already. Sinn Fein has plans to invite in and settle another half million immigrants to supplant the Irish and bring wages down even more and double our enormous welfare bill. They would be a nightmare and bring the country down for a second time with the Troika coming back if they ever got a smell of power. People like John McGuinness look like potential saviours compared to Adams and Mary Lou and their wild-eyed crew. John McGuinness has shown as Chairman of the PAC that he can succeed in a tough job for the country and that he has it in him to be a better leader of Fianna Fail than Martin, and become Tanaiste, maybe even Taoiseach some day soon. Certainly he would be a much better negotiator than anybody in the Fianna Fail front ranks at the moment, tough and shrewd businessman as he is. John is become a household name the length and breadth of the country and would be better than anybody else to increase the Fianna Fail vote and support and get that party seriously back on track. Martin on the other hand is yesterdays man pathetically seen to call respectable fellow politicians racists - his attack on Brian Crowley MEP was both ignorant and deplorable as he tried to smear that good fellow party man as a racist to the delight of the RTE lefties in pathetic commie-like fashion. Martin has had his day. He is one of the old gang who let Ireland down and the party staggers under his so-called leadership. He strikes us as an old sniveller useless in opposition and no good when he was in government either. As the new year message says, Out with the old and in with the new. At least Fianna Fail would have a chance under McGuinness , who was never involved in the countrys collapse as Martin was. So FF TDs worried about their seats would be better advised to have McGuinness leading them into the upcoming election rather than Martin. We rest our case.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 09:07:44 +0000

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