JOHN MIELKE TALKED ABOUT THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ON KKNX TODAY, Thursday, June 20 (6am - 9am PST). Listen on your radio (Free Live 365 App) or on-line at radio84 • CONFESSION APP Need to confess your sins? There’s an app for that. If you have something you’ve just GOT to confess, talk to the hand. Just be sure you’re holding a smartphone with the confessional app. The My Confessor app is slated for release soon and will allow sinners to digitally confess to a priest. My Confessor will dole out your penance and will even feature a little red or green status box indicating “Father is OUT” or “Father is IN.” The app will be available for the iPhone and Android by the end of the month and development updates can be found at Source: foxnews/tech/2013/06/16/wanna-confess-your-sins-there-app-for-that/#ixzz2WZQ76Kk8 • CONTAGIOUS CLAP Have you ever applauded for something you didn’t really like? If you’ve ever been in a crowd, you’ve probably caught the clap. While we associate a round of applause with a good performance, a new study says that’s not really the case. It turns out that clapping - or even NOT clapping our hands - is actually a form of social contagion. Researchers observed audiences in several different situations and analyzed the applause dynamics. They determined that we react to the sound of other people clapping more than the performance itself. All it takes is one clapper to infect those within earshot. Once a few more people catch it the clapping often spreads like wildfire through the crowd. The study found the cessation or lack of applause is just as contagious. Most of us don’t want to be the last one clapping in the room and follow the clapping cue of the crowd. Even those with the urge to applaud for a job well done will often sit on their hands rather than make a clapping fool of themselves. Source: news.discovery/human/evolution/applause-response-has-little-to-do-with-performers-130718.htm#mkcpgn=rssnws1 • DIET & SKIN CANCER Can you prevent skin cancer by changing your diet? While moms and most dermatologists agree you should always put sunscreen on when you go outside, the topic is actually quite controversial. There are plenty of people who cite research that shows that sunscreen does little to prevent skin cancer. In fact, in the last 35 years, as people have increased sunscreen use, and avoided sun exposure, the rate of melanoma (the deadly skin cancer) has tripled. This has led some people to believe that sunscreen may actually be contributing to the problem. While the scientists hash all that out – one thing research is pretty clear on is that your diet can help prevent skin cancer – FOR SURE. A diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish and herbs seems have a very protective effect against melanoma. In regions of the world where people eat this way, the rate of skin cancer is substantially lower than in the U.S. Source: fitnessmagazine/recipes/healthy-eating/nutrition/skin-cancer-fighting-foods/?page=2 • JUST SAY NO TO DOUGH Some people LOVE raw cookie dough - but is it safe? The next time your kids beg you for a bite of that raw cookie dough - just say no. It’s not the eggs or dairy in there that’s dangerous, it’s the raw flour. It really can make you sick. According to the CDC, 77 people in 30 states fell victim to a raw cookie dough E. coli outbreak in 2011. Don’t let your kids, or Grandma, lick the spoon either. Batter for cake, brownies or anything containing raw eggs could contain toxic salmonella bacteria and can weaken the immune system in elderly people or young children. Source: healthland.time/2011/12/09/cdc-says-no-to-eating-raw-cookie-dough/ • MOSQUITO MADNESS If you think it’s your delicious blood that attract mosquitoes, it’s not. Some people have the gift of attracting mosquitoes - but it’s not your blood that turns them on, it’s your breath. The heavier you breathe, the more attractive you are. Here are some other elements mosquitoes find really attractive: * Beer: Skeeters love booze and the chemical reaction it has on your skin. If you’ve been drinking, they’ll find you. * Parties: Mosquitoes love a big crowd of people. They prefer to hang out with the people on the perimeter rather than mingle in the middle. * Stinky feet: They’re like nectar to a mosquito, especially where the skin is thin. They find your hands irresistible too. * Mosquito traps: They are VERY effective at attracting the pests. Unfortunately, they’ll attract a lot more than they kill. Source: rd/slideshows/weird-reasons-getting-bitten-by-mosquitoes/#slideshow=slide8 • SICK FRIEND What do you say to a friend who is sick? It can be difficult finding the right words to comfort a friend or relative who is sick with a life-threatening illness. Letty Cottin Pogrebin, author of “How to Be a Friend to a Friend Who’s Sick,” has some dos and don’ts. Try not to say: * Don’t talk about people you know who had something similar and are now fine. * Don’t tell your friend she looks great when it is obvious that she looks anything but. * Don’t say “I know what you’re going through” unless you actually do. * Do draw up a list of possible chores you could perform — picking up children at school, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn. Look and listen to cues from the sick person, or his caregivers, as to when it is appropriate to show up, and when it is a good time to leave. * Do realize that in the end you are powerless in the face of your friend’s illness, particularly if it is terminal. If you think a terminally ill friend wants to say goodbye, gently open the door to a last conversation and leave it up to the patient to either close it or walk through. Source: nytimes/2013/06/18/health/how-to-be-a-friend-to-a-friend-whos-sick-can-be-harder-than-it-sounds.html?_r=1&
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:15:19 +0000

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