JOHN PASKA A MOUTH PIECE FOR PNG WORKERS OR PETER ONEILL??? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In recent times it has been interesting to read article after article by General Secretary of PNG Trade Union John Paska defending the allegations against Prime Minister Peter ONeill. His recent statement in the press Mr Paska said let the due process takes its course. The public had also been misled to believe that an arrest of the PM if executed constituted guilt on the Prime Minister’s part. This is not the case. The much talked about arrest is an arrest which merely satisfies standard police procedures. This view is misconceived after the Supreme Court ruled a warrant of arrest is equivalent to a court order. So it seems it also satisfied the procedures of the Court confirming a prima facie case (sufficient evidence) against the Prime Minister to presume he may be guilty of the offence. What about respecting the rule of law and letting the arrest takes its course Such pubic statements by a General Secretary are peculiar because his primary role is to speak for trade union members to develop and articulate the views and policies promoting trade unionism. More importantly protecting the rights and welfare of union workers. However more lately Mr. Paska has come under criticism for instead protecting and promoting the interests of Prime Minister, grandstanding on political issues while showing little or no concern for Trade Union and its members. e.g the Governments recent plans to privatise PNG Power and Air Nuigini. On this issue the workers seems to be going it alone and Mr. Paska nowhere to be seen or heard. One begins to wander whether Mr. Paska is actually issuing these press releases or someone from the Prime Ministers media unit are preparing them on his behalf. Ironically back in 2012 during the political impasse Peter ONeill accused the trade union leader of conducting a political vendetta against his government. Back then Paska was one of the leaders promoting major protest and civil unrest against Peter ONeill. The union leader threatened to shut-down businesses, shops and schools including water and power in Port Moresby if the government did not repeal (withdraw) the controversial legislative moves to weaken the judiciary and plans to defer 2012 General Elections. It seems Paskas threats of nationwide protest worked because the Government abandoned its plans to delay the elections. It was interesting to note Paska had a direct interest to challenge Peter ONeill back then. Particularly the delay in the 2012 General Elections. He contested 2012 elections of New Ireland Provincial Seat as an independent, running a distant third to the political heavy weights Ian Ling-Stucky and current Governor Sir Julius Chan. Its alleged Paskas decision to now back flip backing Peter ONeill is because he plans to seek PNC endorsement and funding in the coming 2017 General Elections. He hopes to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and former Union President Michael Malabag who was successful running under the PNC Party and now a key Minister in Government. If these allegations are true should he not resign to avoid politicizing the Trade Union and its members as a platform to achieve his own political ambition.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 05:22:01 +0000

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