JONATHAN EBELE AZIKIWE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : * In 2008 when Obasanjo picked you to be Yaraduas running mate who were the people that first kicked against your candidacy? The Ijaws did. Their reason was that the 2 years as governor in Bayelsa you did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Till date, your erra is still termed the worst in Bayelsa. * Why did Obasanjo find it difficult to sell you to his allies and PDP as Yaraduas running mate? You Jonathan had a case with EFCC has documents proved you embezzled N9,000,000,000 (NINE BILLION NAIRA) while your wife Patience laundered $4,000,000 (FOUR MILLION DOLLARS) all these within two years. * Ebele, who was your biggest opposition in becoming Yaraduas running mate? The answer is EDWIN CLARK. The man who today is your mouth piece and who is pretending loves you the most. * Azikiwe, amongst other tricks, what did you do to gather public sympathy? You Mr Deceitful sent people to blow up part of your house in Bayelsa to make it look like it was your political opponents. The SSS released a report which you guys later hid to debunk your dubious claim. * Jonathan, when Yaradua made you to be in charge of negotiations with the Niger Delta Militants, who were those who objected and what was their reasons? Asari, Tompolo, and Boyloaf. Their reason being that you are not sincere in the Niger Delta course but only after your pocket. SHOULD I GO ON? * What was your agreement with PDP regarding a 2nd term. You promised and even swore you will go for a SINGLE TERM *Why did you jail James Ibori and forced Aoandoka to go underground? To revenge their utmost loyalty to the late Yaradua . * Did you fulfill your agreement to Tinubu and others even when they had to betray their party at that last minute in order to canvass for you. ABSOLUTELY NO. * How did you try to mock and tarnish Obasanjo? You didnt only remove all his loyalist from your government, you also made sure you made his enemies your closest allies. You dont need me to start calling names right? * Who is Jonathans BIGGEEST Northern Ally? Alli Modu Sherrif. The CHIEF SPONSOR OF BOKO HARAM. AWAY FROM POLITICS. * You promised Nigerians incentives in order to remove subsidy. Things like stable power, metro buses (in Lagos and Abuja), full road rehabilitation etc. MR LIAR WHERE ARE THEY. * Obasanjos government brought GSM amongst other things, Yaraduas short time in government brought RULE OF LAW. Jonathan what has yours brought? NOTHING EXCEPT INCREASE IN CORRUPTION. * Never in the history of Nigeria has all institutions witnessed as much strike as yours. *Jonathan WHERE ARE THE CHIBOK GIRLS. * Jonathan what in Heavens name do you need FIVE presidential jet for even with the high rate of poverty in the land. * Ebele, the ONLY Nigerian president that tried all means to DIVIDE Nigeria along Religion and Ethnic line. * The ONLY AFRICAN PRESIDENT THAT OPENLY CELEBRATES CRIMINALS AND EX CONVICTS. Kashamu, Alameisia (or whatever), Bode George. * Jonathan will rather gallivant with Nollywood stars than have a session with those brains who are truly making Nigerians proud both Home and Abroad. Or better Still, compose a comforting message to the people of North East. Nigeria as at today HAS NO GOVERNMENT. We provide our water - borehole. We provide our light - generator/ inverter We provide our security - high fence/ cctv We provide our education - private school. We produce fuel yet pay the most in the world. We have no motorable federal road. A BIG SHAME NIGERIA HAS NO NATIONAL CARRIER. HIGH Uneployment in the land. High rate of Corruption (the CLOWN wants to curb corruption with technology). JONATHAN YOU ARE A FAILURE!!! Even if WE give you 10 terms ( 40 YEARS). YOU WILL STILL NOT TAKE US TO THE PROMISE LAND. FELLOW NIGERIANS : Share these on your Facebook, Twitter, Instergram, BBM, Whatsapp, And every blog and forum you know ( COPY AND PASTE ON AS MANY THREADS ON NAIRALAND AS YOU CAN. THE WHOLE NIGERIA MUST SEE AND HEAR OF JONATHANS LIES). Until Jonathan can answer the above questions.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:59:37 +0000

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