JONATHAN GRUBER, THE WRITER OF OBAMACARE SPILLS THE BEANS WHILE LAUGHING AT THE STUPIDITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ... JUST LIKE THE DISGUSTING COMMON CORE FORCED IN OUR SCHOOLS. IT IS THE GULLIBILITY OF THE STUPID AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT KEEPS THIS ADMINISTRATION LAUGHING AND PILING ON MORE HOW MUCH WILL YOU TAKE? One More Hoax Pulled on the Stupid American people!!! But arent you stupid??? Really??? you all Knew this Guy had a Very Shady and Questionable past, From His Birth Certificate, Rev. Wright, His personal Land deal with Tony Rezko for Govt contracts, his Marxist ties to Frank Davis Marshall, George Soros, The Saudi Prince who sealed his records and Bought his transcripts,Bill were aware of the fact that he went to a Madrassa (Muslim School)in Indonesia as Barry Soetoro, there was a Debt collector who said he found a phony social security number being used by one Barry Soetoro who Lived next to one Michelle Robinson...the List goes on and on and on...But you Chose to ignore it, Because you wanted to make History??? Well you sho nuff Did, you ended the United States with smoke and mirrors, Lies and deception, with the Help of all our Enemies...He helped, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Boko Haram in Africa, Al-Queda in Libya, ISIS in Syria and Iraq, who Now have an established Caliphate and are beheading Americans, Brits and canadians without consequence!!! , He told Putin I will have more flexibility after his last election, Now Putin has invaded Ukraine and shot down a commercial airliner without consequence!!! He has made America into a Muslim Nation by Vilifying, Christians, Jews and any form of Individuality or success...Yes I would say we were all a Bunch of Stupid the wool irritating your Eyes, He Pulled it over on Bob Dylan once sang Now, How does it feel???
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 15:25:22 +0000

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