JONATHAN’s CONFERENCE: DELEGATES STATE EXPECTATIONS AT THE CONFAB... Fiscal federalism, resource control, regionalism, devolution of powers and state police are likely to top the agenda of the national conference, which was inaugurated yesterday by President Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). However, many delegates from the North canvassed national unity, cohesion and equity, unlike their counterparts from the South, who clamoured for decentralisation of power and the re-design of the defective federal system. The population of the delegate is a blend of old and young politicians, technocrats, traditional rulers and other statesmen. Many old delegates, including former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Chief Richard Akinjide (SAN), who could not stand for a long time or walk alone, were assisted by aides into the National Judicial Institute (NJI) venue. Other aged delegates-Prof. Jibril Aminu, Senator Edwin Clark, and the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji Kolapo Gambari-were also accompanied by aides. Pro-Jonathan campaigners also invaded the venue, displaying presidential villa badges. One of them, former Bayelsa State Diepreye Alamiyeseigha, displayed the badge copiously as he move round to welcome co-delegates on the accreditation crew. The platform also offered a reunion of sorts for former governors and ministers, who exchanged banters. Clark, who spoke with reporters after his accreditation, said while he supported the unity of Nigeria, the national understanding can only be fruitful in an atmosphere of equity, fairness and justice. The Ijaw leader said the national conference can only be meaningful, if it can restore true federalism. He added: “The Southsouth is for true federalism. You can call it resource control. We also need to de-emphasise states and have regions. We need to return to the 1963 constitution. As delegates, we will come up with resolutions that will also end corruption in the country”. A retired soldier, Gen. Geoffrey Ejiga from Benue State, said he would articulate the rights of the minority groups at the conference, adding that the country is incomplete without them. He said: “We should use this opportunity to resolve Nigeria’s problems. Delegates should discuss frankly and with open minds so that we can resolve our basic problems. The constitution should be re-written so that it can satisfy our yearnings. This is my expectation”. Ejiga added: “One Nigeria is my agenda. Proper federalism is my goal. I am from Idoma, a minority tribe from Benue State. The minority should be given their rights to rule themselves in a peaceful Nigeria. In those days , we had the Idoma Native Authority, with its police and prisons. Such arrangements will give minorities to express themselves”. Former Lagos State Military Governor Raji Rasaki compared military and civilian administrations, saying that democracy is better. But, he said to foster popular rule, there is the need to re-design the federal structure to give room for the defense of peculiar interests. Details
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:11:11 +0000

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