JOY IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD:....You have made known to me the ways - TopicsExpress


JOY IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD:....You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence.’ (Acts 2:28 NKJV). There is unspeakable joy in the presence of God because there He gives you divine direction, answers to your prayers and grace to live by. In His presence there is awesome anointing for the Holy Ghost is present right there and the anointing destroys yokes. Removes burdens. Causes miracles- makes all impossibilitiES, POSSIBLE. All these blessings and more are yours as you stay in His presence. YOU Short-change yourself when you absent yourself from gathering together with other of Gods people on Sundays and other service days. Make the prsence of God your dwelling place. Make it your habitation. Psalm 91:1 says he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow (wings) of the ALL-MIGHTY. GLORY! In His presence you are covered, secured, protected, untouchable and indestructible. Now, the most beautiful of being in His presence is that, as you continually and consistently abide, He rubs Himself-His glory, beauty, excellence, perfection, goodness, favour etc on you and suddenly you begin to glow and shine everywhere you go. In Exodus 34, Moses went into the presence of God and came back with a supernatural glow. Hallelujah! You and i are in a better covenant today and as we dwell in Gods presence, we will sure experience more than Moses. Do not take church services and church group meetings lightly, ensure you attend. Gods blessings always rest freshly on you and yours every time you come into His presence. Praise God! Be in Church today and invite OTHERS. Life is not by power nor might but by Gods Spirit. Church is the place to be for there God will send you supernatural help. Amen! Have an exciting Sunday. God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:46:29 +0000

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