JSC-2014 Exam Preparation ; English 2nd Paper Update: GEE - TopicsExpress


JSC-2014 Exam Preparation ; English 2nd Paper Update: GEE Bangladesh, 08 July 2014 জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র Transformation প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের ৫ নম্বর প্রশ্ন নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। 24. (a) Mr Hamid is not a complicated-minded person (Affirmative). (b) No other man in the village is so good as he (Superlative). (c) His grand daughter sings very sweetly (Exclamatory). (d) He leads a happy life (Negative). (e) We should visit his sweet palace (Passive). Answer no-24: (a) Mr Hamid is a simple-minded person. (b) He is the best man in the village. (c) How sweetly his grand daughter sings! (d) He does not lead an unhappy life. (e) His sweet palace should be visited by us. 25. (a) We should receive education (Imperative). (b) The nation needs worthy citizens (Interrogative). (c) They will remove illiteracy and corruption from the country (Interrogative). (d) Very few things for this are as important as education (Superlative). (e) Education is the only way to develop our country (Negative). Answer no-25: (a) Let us receive education. (b) Doesn’t the nation need worthy citizens? (c) Won’t they remove illiteracy and corruption from the country? (d) Education is one of the most important things for this. (e) Nothing but education is the way to develop our country. 26. (a) Very few countries in the world are as populous as Bangladesh (Comparative). (b) Here the village people lead a very simple life (Exclamatory). (c) They work hard to support their families (Interrogative). (d) These farmers must be supported (Active). (e) Their dedication is immeasurable (Negative). Answer no-26: (a) Bangladesh is more populous than most other countries in the world. (b) What a simple life here the village people lead! (c) Don’t they work hard to support their families? (d) We must support these farmers. (e) Their dedication is not measurable. 27. (a) Corruption is a curse to our nation (Negative). (b) It is more dreadful than any other problem (Superlative). (c) It prevails in every walk in our life (Interrogative). (d) It paralyses the whole nation (Passive). (e) We cannot but stand against corruption (Affirmative). Answer no-27: (a) Corruption is not a blessing to our nation. (b) It is the most dreadful problem. (c) Doesn’t it prevail in every walk of our life? (d) The whole nation is paralyzed by it. (e) We must stand against corruption. 28. (a) Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns (Interrogative). (b) It is one of the biggest problems (Comparative). (c) The causes of traffic jam are many (Negative). (d) The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules (Affirmative). (e) We should solve this problem as soon as possible (Imperative). Answer no-28: (a) Isn’t traffic jam a common affair in big cities and towns? (b) It is bigger than most other problems. (c) The causes of traffic jam are not few. (d) The drivers are unwilling to obey the traffic rules. (e) Let us solve this problem as soon as possible. 29. (a) Karim is one of the oldest man in the village (Positive). (b) He is strong and active (Negative). (c) He never gets up late (Affirmative). (d) He exercises regularly (Interrogative). (e) He is respected by all (Active). Answer-29: (a) Very few men in the village are as old as Karim. (b) He is not weak and lazy. (c) He always gets up early. (d) Doesn’t he exercise regularly? (e) All respect him. 30. (a) Mobile phone is very essential (Interrogative). (b) It is very easy to operate (Exclamatory). (c) No other thing is as useful as mobile phone (Superlative). (d) It is not expensive (Affirmative). (e) There is no alternative to mobile phone in communication (Interrogative). Answer no-30: (a) Isn’t mobile phone very essential? (b) How easy it is to operate! (c) Mobile phone is the most useful thing. (d) It is cheap. (e) Is there any alternative to mobile phone in communication? 31. (a) No other boy in the class is as good as Tareq (Superlative). (b) He is attentive to his studies (Negative). (c) He is never late in his class (Affirmative). (d) He is very friendly with all his classmates (Exclamatory). (e) Everybody loves him (Interrogative). Answer no-31: (a) Tareq is the best boy in the class. (b) He is not inattentive to his studies. (c) He is always punctual in his class. (d) How friendly he is with all his classmates! (e) Who doesn’t love him? 32. (a) Very few insects are as busy as the bee (Comparative). (b) The bee is an industrious creature (Negative). (c) It lives together (Negative). (d) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey (Interrogative). (e) Honey is very sweet (Exclamatory). Answer no-32: (a) The bee is busier than most other insects. (b) The bee is not an idle creature. (c) It doesn’t live separately. (d) Doesn’t it fly from flower to flower to collect honey? (e) How sweet honey is! 33. (a) Water is very important (Exclamatory). (b) It is more important than any other thing (Positive). (c) Everybody knows it (Interrogative). (d) But we pollute water (Passive). (e) Water pollution should be stopped by us (Active). Answer no-33: (a) How important water is! (b) No other thing is as important as it. (c) Who doesn’t know it? (d) But water is polluted by us. (e) We should stop water pollution. 34. (a) Dhaka is a big city (Negative). (b) It is more populous than any other city in the world (Positive). (c) Here life is not easy (Affirmative). (d) Price hike is one of the biggest problems (Comparative). (e) The city people lead a miserable life (Exclamatory). Answer no-34: (a) Dhaka is not a small city. (b) No other city in the world is as populous as it. (c) Here life is difficult. (d) Price hike is bigger than most other problems. (e) What a miserable life the city people lead! 35. (a) I shall never forget my school life (Affirmative). (b) I spent a wonderful time there (Exclamatory). (c) How peaceful and lovely the life was! (Assertive). (d) The beauty of student life beggars description (Interrogative). (e) No other part of my life was as memorable as student life (Superlative). Answer no-35: (a) I shall always remember my school life. (b) What a wonderful time I spent there! (c) The life was very peaceful and lovely. (d) Doesn’t the beauty of student life beggar description? (e) Student life was the most memorable part of my life. 36. (a) No other festival in Bangladesh is as big as Pahela Baishakh (Superlative). (b) People wear traditional dress on this day (Interrogative). (c) People look very cheerful (Exclamatory). (d) Everybody attends a Baishakhi Mela (Negative). (e) People forget their miseries for the time being (Passive). Answer no-36: (a) Pahela Baishakh is the biggest festival in Bangladesh. (b) Don’t people wear traditional dress on this day? (c) How cheerful people look! (d) There is nobody but attends a Baishakhi Mela. (e) Their miseries are forgotten for the time being by people. 37. (a) Trees are our friend (Negative). (b) It is not very costly (Interrogative). (c) Trees play an important role in our environment (Exclamatory). (d) They give us the life saving oxygen (Interrogative). (e) So we must plant trees for our existence (Passive). Answer no-37: (a) Trees are not our foe /enemy. (b) Is it very costly? (c) What an important role trees play in our environment! (d) Don’t they give us the life-saving oxygen? (e) So trees must be planted by us for our existence. 38. (a) Both Rafiq and Razib read in a village school (Negative). (b) They are the best boys in their class (Comparative). (c) They are very attentive and always punctual (Negative). (d)They are very popular (Exclamatory). (e) Everybody loves them (Interrogative). Answer no-38: (a) Not only Rafiq but also Razib read in a village school. (b) They are better than any other boy in their class. (c) They are not at all inattentive and never late. (d) How popular they are! (e) Who doesn’t love them? 39. (a) Hasan is a meritorious student (Negative). He always makes good result. (b) The headmaster has given him a gold ring (Interrogative). (c) It is a nice gold ring (Exclamatory). (d) His parents are proud of him (Interrogative). (e) He never disobeys his parents and teachers (Affirmative). Answer no-39: (a) Hasan is not a dull student. (b) Hasn’t the headmaster given him a gold ring? (c) What a nice gold ring it is! (d) Aren’t his parents proud of him? (e) His parents and teachers are never disobeyed by him. 40. (a) What an exciting game cricket is! (Assertive). (b) People of all ages like this game (Negative). (c) It is more popular than any other game in our country (Positive). (d) The game is very enjoyable (Exclamatory). (e) I am fond of watching cricket match (Interrogative). Answer no-40: (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (b) People of any age don’t dislike this game. (c) No other game in our country is as popular as it. (d) How enjoyable the game is! (e) Aren’t I fond of watching cricket match? 41. (a) Health is the greatest of all wealth (Comparative). (b) A sick man can not enjoy life (Passive). (c) We must follow some rules to keep good health (Negative). (d) For good health, we can not but eat a balanced diet (Affirmative). (e) Shouldn’t we be conscious of health (Assertive). Answer no-41: (a) Health is greater than all other wealth. (b) Life can not be enjoyed by a sick man. (c) We cannot but follow some rules to keep good health. (d) For good health, we must eat a balanced diet. (e) We should be conscious of health. 42. (a) Who has not heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam (Affirmative). (b) Very few poets in Bengali literature are as famous as he (Superlative). (c) His writing awakened the people of this subcontinent (Interrogative). (d) He inspired the people to fight for independence (Passive). (e) Would that I were a poet like him! (Assertive). Answer no-42: (a) Everybody has heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. (b) He is one of the most famous poets in Bengali literature. (c) Didn’t his writing awaken the people of this subcontinent? (d) The people were inspired to fight for independence by him. (e) I wish I were a poet like him. 43. (a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country (Positive). (b) Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour (Interrogative). (c) They only curse their fate (Negative). (d) None but a man is the maker of his own fortune (Affirmative). (e) So, is there anything for us but to work? (Assertive). Answer no-43: (a) No other problem in our country is as great as poverty. (b) Do many try to better their condition by hard labour? (c) They do nothing but curse their fate. (d) Only a man is the maker of his own fortune. (e) So, there is nothing for us but to work. 44. (a) He sent me a book (Interrogative). (b) It was a very interesting book (Exclamatory). (c) It had many interesting aspects (Negative). (d) The writer depicted a very realistic society (Passive). (e) He is one of the most famous writers of the world (Positive). Answer no-44: (a) Didn’t he send me a book? (b) What an interesting book it was! (c) It had not few interesting aspects. (d) A very realistic society was depicted by the writer. (e) Very few writers of the world are as famous as he. 45. Industry is the key to success. (a) No one can prosper in life without industry (Affirmative). (b) We have to work for our prosperity (Interrogative). (c) Only the industrious people change the lot of a nation (Negative). (d) Women can contribute to our development as much as men (Comparative). (e) So, female education is one of the most important matters now (Positive). Answer no-45: (a) One can prosper in life through industry. (b) Don’t we have to work for our prosperity? (c) None but the industrious people change the lot of a nation. (d) Men cannot contribute to our development more than women. (e) So, very few maters are as important as female education now. 46. (a) No sooner had Reza seen me than he ran to me (Affirmative). (b) He looked very happy to see me (Exclamatory). (c) I enquired of his family (Interrogative). (d) He is one of my best friends (Comparative). (e) I love him very much (Passive). Answer no-46: (a) Reza ran to me as soon as he saw me. (b) How happy he looked to see me! (c) Didn’t I enquire of his family? (d) He is better than my most other friends. (e) He is loved very much by me. 47. (a) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science (Positive). (b) It plays a very important role in our life (Exclamatory). (c) It both entertains and educates us (Negative). (d) Distance learning is also done through it (Interrogative). (e) But it is not totally free from evil effects (Interrogative). Answer no-47: (a) Very few inventions of modern science are as wonderful as television. (b) What an important role it plays in our life! (c) It not only entertains but also educates us. (d) Isn’t distance learning also done through it? (e) But, is it totally free from evil effects? 48. (a) Walking is better than any other exercise (Superlative). (b) Everyone prefers walking as an exercise in the morning (Interrogative). (c) It keeps our body fit for working (Negative). (d) So, we should never forget this (Passive). (e) Good health is very valuable (Exclamatory). Answer no-48: (a) Walking is the best exercise. (b) Who doesn’t prefer walking as an exercise in the morning? (c) It doesn’t keep our body unfit for working. (d) So, this should never be forgotten by us. (e) How valuable good health is! 49. (a) Computer is the most wonderful invention of modern science (Comparative). (b) It can store a very great number of information (Exclamatory). (c) We all should have computer education (Interrogative). (d) Yesterday, I bought a very sophisticated computer (Passive). (e) It has not only blessings but also some bad aspects (Affirmative). Answer-49: (a) Computer is more wonderful than any other invention of modern science. (b) What a great number of information it can store! (c) Shouldn’t we all have computer education? (d) Yesterday, a very sophisticated computer was bought by me. (e) It has both blessings and bad aspects. 50. (a) Jahir is my best friend (Interrogative). (b) We go to school regularly (Negative). (c)We never disobey our superiors (Passive). (d) On my birthday, he presented me a very nice book (Exclamatory). (e) It is the best book in my store (Positive). Answer-50: (a) Isn’t Jahir my best friend? (b) We don’t go to school irregularly. (c) Our superiors are never disobeyed by us. (d) What a nice book he presented me on my birthday! (e) No other book in my store is as good as it. 51. (a) Abul Mian is one of the poorest farmers in the village (comparative). (b) He is very active (Negative). (c) He cultivates others lands (Passive). (d) A poor life is led by him (Active). (e) He does not run after money (Interrogative). Answer-51 (a) Abul Mian is poorer than most other farmers in the village. (b) He is not inactive at all. (c) Other’s lands are cultivated by him. (d) He leads a poor life. (e) Does he run after money? মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:08:40 +0000

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