JSC English First Paper Dialogue Writing 01. Write a dialogue - TopicsExpress


JSC English First Paper Dialogue Writing 01. Write a dialogue between two friends about the plan after JSC exam. Myself :AssalamuAlaikum. Friend :WalaikumAssalam. Myself :How are you my friend? Friend :Alhamdulillah. What about you? Myself :Well. How are you going on the exam? Friend :Alhamdulillah, very well and you? Myself : Very well by the grace of Allah. Friend : Now what are you planning after the JSC exam? Myself : I am planning to pass this time having a tour inside the country. Friend : Ok, it’s a very good idea. But why have you planned so? Myself :It was a long cherished dream to me. Now tell me what is your plan? Friend :But my plan is not same like you. Myself :What is that actually? Friend :It is about learning English. Myself :What do you mean? Friend :I mean, I will learn spoken English as I am somewhat weak in English. Myself :It’s a very excellent idea. Friend : Ok. What places will you visit first? Myself :I think I will start from Bagerhat. First Shat Gumbuj Mosque, Khanjahan Ali’s majar and then Sundarban. Friend :Ok. I hope you all the success. Myself : Wish you best of luck. Friend : Also you. 02. A dialogue between you and the manager of a bank about opening a bank account. Myself :AssalamuAlaikum Manager :WalaikumAssalam Myself : May I come in sir? Manager : Yes, of course. Myself : Can I have a seat sir? Manager : Sure. Myself : Thank you. Manager : Welcome. What can I do for you? Myself : I want to open an account with your bank. Manager : Ok, it’s very good. Myself : But I don’t know how to open an account sir. Manager : Will you tell me what kind of account you want to open? Myself : Actually I have got a handsome amount of money as scholarship. Manager : And now you want to save it, OK? Myself : Yes, you are right sir. Manager : I am giving you a form to fill it up. Just fill it up with the information required in different serial. After filling up the form, come to me with two passport size photographs of you and another copy of photograph of your beneficiary. Myself : What type of account am I going to open sir? Manager : It is a saving account. Myself : Would you explain what is saving account? Manager : It means you can save any amount of money at any time and you can withdraw any amount from your account at any time. Myself : O, I see. Do I need to do anything more? Manager : Yes. You have to deposit an amount of initial money to open the account. Myself : What is the amount sir? Manager : It may be at least one hundred or more than one hundred. Myself : Thank you sir for your kind cooperation. Manager : You are most welcome. 03. A dialogue between a sells man and a customer. Salesman : Good morning, Sir. How can I help you? Customer : Good morning, l would like to buy a shirt and a tie. Salesman : Here are they. Customer : Thanks. Let me have a sight at them. Salesman : I think they suit you well. Customer : No, the shirt is a bit tight. Salesman : Well, here is another one. Customer : Yes, this suits me well. Now show me the tie. Salesman : Here it is. Customer : No, the colour it’s not after my mind. Salesman : What colour do you prefer, sir? Customer : Navy blue. Salesman : Ok, I have got a nice tie of that colour. Here it is. Customer : That’s fine. Salesman : We have a good collection of pants Do you need any? Customer : Please show me some. Salesman : Here are they. Customer : Do you have black colour? Salesman : Sure, please choose from here. Customer :Ok, that is the better.What’s the price? Salesman : It is all together tk. 2000/- (Two thousand only) Customer : Here is the money. Salesman : Thank you, sir. Customer : Welcome. 04. A dialogue between two friends about aim in life. Myself :AssaalamuAlaikum. Friend :WalaikumAssalam. Myself :How are you my friend? Friend :Alhamdulillah and you? Myself :Mash Allah, I am ok. Friend :I want to know something from you. Myself :What is that? Friend :I mean, I want to know your aim in life. Myself :Very good. It is a computer engineer. Friend :But why ? Myself :I think it most suitable to me. Friend :Make me understand please. Myself :You know that it is the age of information, communication technology and science. Friend :Yes, it is sure. But is it very essential to be a computer engineer for it? Myself :I think so. Now tell me what is your aim in life? Friend :My aim in life is to be a president of our country. Myself :How surprising it is! Friend :Why surprising? Isn’t it possible? Myself :I think it unthinkable. Friend :But I don’t think so. Myself :Why have you thought so? Friend :I want to make my country corruption free. Myself :But why ? Is our country corrupted? Friend :Yes, our country is completely corrupted. It hurts me much. Myself :Will you follow any leader or president? Friend :Yes, it is Mahathir Mohammed. Myself :Ok. Go ahead. Friend :Thank you for your well wish. 05. A dialogue between two friends about hobbies. Friend :AssalamuAlaikum. Myself :WalaikumAssalam. Friend : How do you do my friend? Myself : Alhamdulillah, and you? Friend : Also well. Myself : Where are you going now? Friend : I am going to a book shop. Myself : Do you want to buy any book? Friend : Yes, you are right. Very often, I buy different kind of books. Myself : Very often, but why? Friend : I like to read book very much. Myself : Is it your hobby? Friend : Yes, it is my hobby. Myself : Which book will you buy today? Friend : I will buy ‘Biswanabi’ by GolamMostafa. Myself : What is the characteristic of this book? Friend : I heard from one of my teachers that it is the best book to know our prophet and Islam at a glance Myself : O I see. Friend : But now tell me what is your hobby? Myself : My hobby is travelling. Friend : Do you feel interest in travelling? Myself : Yes, it is very interesting to me because I can achieve practical knowledge by travelling. Friend : When do you take travel? Myself : Whenever I get opportunity. Friend : Thank you for sharing your hobby. Myself : Thank you also. 06. A dialogue between two friends about the bad effect of smoking. Friend :Hi friend, How are you? Myself :I am fine and you? Friend :I am not so fine. Myself :But why? Friend :My uncle is very sick. Myself :What kind of sickness? Friend :He has been suffering from cancer Myself :What type of cancer? Friend :It is liver cancer. Myself :How is he attacked with liver cancer? Friend :He is a chain smoker. Myself :How long has he been smoking? Friend :It is about 30 years. Myself :30 years! It is really a long time. But how is it related to cancer? Friend :Smoking is the source of all kinds of fatal diseases like bronchitis, heart attack, cough, cancer and so on. Myself :Smoking is really very injurious for health. Friend :Why is smoking injurious? Myself :Smoke contains nicotine. It is one kind of harmful poison for human body. Friend :What is the worst effect of smoking? Myself :It ruins the golden future of a man specially a student who starts smoking. Friend :Anything more? Myself :Smoking makes a man impolite, sometimes it makes a man hijacker. Friend : What should we do to get rid of smoking? Myself : We should be aware of the bad effect of smoking to get rid of it. Friend :Thank you. Myself :Welcome. 07.Write a dialogue between two friends about favourite game. Myself :AssalamuAlaikum. Friend :WalaikumAssalam. Myself :How are you my friend? Friend :I am very excited and you? Myself :Alhamdulillah. But why are you excited? Friend :My favourite team won the world cup football 2014. Myself :Do you like football much? Friend :Yes, it is my favourite game. Myself :Why is football your favourite game? Friend :I think it is very exciting. Myself :Which option do you like most in the football match? Friend :I like the pass and goal most in the football match. Myself :I also like football but it is not my favourite game. Friend :What is your favourite game? Myself :It is cricket. Friend :Would you tell me why is it your favourite game? Myself :Sure, bating and bowling are the main attraction of cricket match. Friend :Yes, you are right but I think cricket is boring. Myself :Why do you think so? Friend :It takes a long time to finish a match. Very often, we don’t have so much time to enjoy the game. Myself :But now a day it is very popular to the people. Friend :But I don’t think so as it is a cool game. Myself :Have you ever participated in any football match yourself? Friend :Yes, very often I participate myself in football match in our school play ground. Do you? Myself :Whenever I get an opportunity, I take part in cricket with my friends. Friend :Actually it is very interesting to play one’s favourite game. Myself :You are correct and thank you. Friend :Thank you also. 8. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English. Myself : Hello my friend, how are you? Friend : I am fine and you? Myself : I am also fine. Where are you going now? Friend : I am going to British council. Myself : But why? Friend : To learn English. Myself : Why do you want to learn English, is it very important? Friend : Of course, it is very important. Myself : Will you explain it please? Friend : Why not? You know that English is an International Language. Myself : So what? Friend : The world cannot go for a single day without English. So it very easy to understand the importance of learning English. Myself : Is there anything more to indicate the importance of learning English? Friend : Yes, if you follow, you will find that most of books, magazines papers and other research books are written in English. Myself : O I see. You are correct. I think more than this. Friend : What is that. Myself : It is the age of information, communication and science. Friend : So what? Myself : These media are conducted in English. Friend : You mean no one can do anything using these media without English. Myself : Yes, you have come to the point. Friend : This is the reality. To keep you updated there is no other alternative to learn English. Myself : It is obviously true. Friend : Thank you my friend. Myself : Thank you also. 9. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading newspaper. Myself : AssalamuAlaikumWarahmatullah. Friend : WalikumAssalamWarahmatullah. Myself : How are you my friend? Friend : Alhamdulillah and you? Myself : Mash Allah I am fine. Friend : Let us go to a newspaper stall. Myself : But why? Friend : To meet my thirst. Myself : What do you mean? Why do you need to go to newspaper stall to meet thirst? Friend : I mean thirst of newspaper. Myself : I cannot understand your word. Friend : It is very easy. I cannot start my day without reading newspaper. Myself : Please explain it to me. Friend : Newspaper is the current mirror of the world. Myself : What does it mean? Friend : It means, newspaper gives us all kinds of news of both home and abroad. Myself : What do you mean by all kinds of news? Friend : All kinds of news means social, political, business, games and sports, education, invention and discoveries, amusements and so on. Myself : Does it give us only news? Friend : No. It also gives us the views of the mass people. Myself : Anything more? Friend : Yes. Editorial and research news. Myself : Which option of the paper is most important to you? Friend : Headlines and editorials. Myself : Is it very important to read newspaper regularly? Friend : Of course. Newspaper opens the windows of our outlook. It keeps us updated with the current world. To keep pace with the world it is most important to read newspaper regularly. Myself : You are right. Thank you for sharing the importance of reading newspaper. Friend : See you again. 10. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of tree plantation. Myself:AssalamuAlaikum. Friend:WalaikumAssalam. How are you? Myself: Alhamdulillah. What about you? Friend: Well by the grace of Allah. Myself: Where are you going now my friend? Friend: I am going to the nursery. Myself: Nursery! But why? Friend: To buy sapling. Myself: What will you do with the sapling? Friend :Tree plantation. Myself:Please explain. Friend: Trees are the most important element of our environment. It supplies oxygen and receives carbon dioxide that we always leave. Myself:What more? Friend: : Tree keeps our ecological balance, protects river erosion, provides sheds to our beasts and birds. Myself:Does it play any role of filling the demand of food? Friend: Sure. It supplies us with all kinds of food we eat. Myself: I am agree with you. But I see something more than oxygen and food. Friend: What are those? Myself:Furniture , fuel and medicine. All these are the part and parcel of our daily life. Friend: I am grateful to you for sharing your valuable views and ideas. Myself: Thank you my friend. Friend: You are most welcome. 11. A dialogue between two friends about how to improve English. Friend : Peace be upon you my friend. Myself : Also you. How do you do? Friend : Alhamdulillah. What about you? Myself : I am well physically but not mentally. Friend : But why? Myself : I have not done well in English in the last exam. Friend : What is your problem? Myself : Actually I am not interested in English. Friend : O I see. Myself :What can I do now? Friend : You have to develop your basic skill on English. Myself : But how? Friend : You have to learn word, number, gender, sentence, tense, sentence patterns and others. Myself : Has there any fixed skill to develop English? Friend : Yes, there are four skills to improve your English Myself :What are they? Friend : They are listening, reading, writing and speaking. Myself :What is most essential for me now? Friend: It is practice and practice. Myself: But I dont feel comfort in practice. Friend: You should know that practice makes a man perfect. Myself: Really? Friend :Yes, Thank you. Myself :Welcome. 12. A dialogue between two friends about a brilliant success. Myself : Hi friend, How are you? Friend : I am fine and you? Myself : I am well and very excited. Friend : But why? Myself : Don’t you know the result of my JSC exam? Friend : Actually I don’t know. Please tell me. Myself : I have got golden A+. Friend : Oh! Really? Myself : Yes. Friend : Congratulation! How have you achieved such a brilliant result? Myself : It was for hard study and perseverance. Friend : Will you tell me about perseverance? Myself : Why not? Friend : Please explain. Myself : Perseverance means study with determination. Friend : I am not clear. Please explain more. Myself : I mean study to achieve a target and it is a brilliant result. Friend : But is it enough for making such a brilliant result? Myself : O, “No” There are something more behind it. Friend : What are they? Myself : Help of the teachers, proper guidance of the parents and above alldetermination. Friend : You are really a genius. Myself : As you say Friend : Thank you my friend. Myself : You are most welcome. 13. A dialogue between two friends about deforestation. Myself :AssalamuAlaikum. Friend :Walaikumassalam. How are you my friend? Myself : Alhamdulillah. What about you? Friend :By the grace of Allah I am well. Myself :Dear friend, I have something to ask you. Friend :Oh, sure! Why not? Myself :Would you tell me about deforestation? Friend :Deforestation means cutting trees at random. Myself :Is it beneficial for us? Friend :Oh, ‘No’ It is never be beneficial. Myself :What is the negative impact of deforestation? Friend :There is no positive impact of deforestation. All are negative. Myself :Would you explain some of them? Friend :It is the first threat to our environment. Myself :Can it cause any bad effect on our weather? Friend :Not only weather but it also can cause greenhouse effect. Myself :Really? Friend :Yes, this is the reality. Myself: Anything negative more? Friend: It can turn a country into desert. Myself :What should we do now? Friend :We should stop deforestation and plant more and more trees. Myself :Thank you Friend :Thank you also. 14. A dialogue between two friends about the use of Internet. Friend :AssalamuAlaikum. Myself :WalaikumAssalam. Friend : How are you my friend? Myself : Alhamdulillah. But you? Friend :Masallah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. Myself : Why did you not receive my phone yesterday? Friend : I was busy with online activities. Myself : What is online activities? Friend : I mean internet activities. Myself : What are the activities of internet? Friend :The activities of internet are dealing information, communication technology and science. Myself : Would you please explain? Friend : Sure. Why not? Myself : Please tell me some functions of internet. Friend : Email, face book, Skype and many others activities. Myself :What is face book? Friend :It is a social network. You can always keep your friends in touch of you using face book. Myself:But Skype? Friend:It is another interesting function. You can see the moving picture and talk with the person from theother side at the same time. Myself:Really? Friend:Yes Myself:How funny it is! Friend: Thank you. Myself: welcome. 15. A dialogue between two friends about early rising. Friend :Hi friend, How are you? Myself :I am fine and you? Friend :I am also fine. Myself :Why are you here so early? Friend :I always get up early in the morning. Myself :But why? Friend :I know that early rising is good for health. Myself :What do you mean? Friend :I mean it is a good habit. Myself :What is the benefit of early rising? Friend :There is much benefit of it. Myself :Do you explain? Friend :Why not? Myself : Please. Friend :An early riser gets enough time. He can say his morning prayer. He can enjoy morning air, can take some physical exercise. Myself :Anything more? Friend :He can enjoy the chirping of birds, can have a walk on the grass. Myself :But can he enjoy the morning sweet bed? Friend :Do you think it very essential? Myself :Yes, I like to enjoy morning bed very much. Friend :But do you know that early rising is more important than morning bed? Myself :Actually I don’t know. Please tell me some. Friend :There is a proverb, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Myself :How fine the verse is! Friend :Thank you. Myself: You are most welcome. 16. A dialogue between two friends about visiting a place of historical interest. Friend :AssalamuAlaikum. Myself :WalaikumAssalam. Friend : How are you my friend? Myself : Alhamdulillah and you? Friend : Mash Allah I am Ok. Myself : Where did you go last week? Friend : I went to Bagerhat last week. Myself : But why? Friend : Just to pay a visit . Myself : But why Bagerhat? Friend : It is a place of historical interest. Myself: Is there anything related to history? Friend : Sure! Have you heard the name of Khanjahan Ali? Myself : Yes, He was a great saint in this subcontinent. Friend :Do you know the full name of Khanjahan Ali? Myself :Actually I don’t know. What is that? Friend :HIs full name was UlugKhanjahan Ali. Myself :What did you visit there? Friend :I visited Shat Gumbuj Mosque, GhoraDighi, and the majar of Khanjahan Ali. Myself : What did you enjoy most? Friend :It was the Shat Gumbuj Mosque, the best architectural creation of Khanjahan Ali. Myself : What did he build there more? Friend : He made a vast tank of sweet water by the side of his majar for the local people. There were two crocodiles named Kala Pahar and DhalaPahar. But they are no more now. Myself : Thank you for sharing your experience about visiting a place of historical interest. Friend: Thank you also. 17. A dialogue between two friends about visiting a book fair Myself :AssalamuAlaikum. Friend :Walaikumassalam. How are you my friend? Myself : Alhamdulillah. What about you? Friend :By the grace of Allah, I am well. Where did you go yesterday? Myself : Actually I went to visit a book fair yesterday. Friend : How funny! But why did you not take me with you? Myself : Sorry. I forgot to inform you. Friend : Who accompanied you? Myself : Mumu, Jinia, Rusha. Friend : Which book fair did you visit? Myself : Bangla Academy, the biggest book fair in Bangladesh. Friend : How was it decorated? Myself : It was decorated gorgeously. Friend :What did you see inside the book fair? Myself :Hundreds of book stalls laden with various books. Friend : Did you buy any book? Myself : Sure, I bought as many as ten books. Friend : What did you enjoy there more? Myself : I enjoyed a cultural program there participated by ImdadulHaque Milan, a famous writer. Friend : What is your thinking about a book fair? Myself : I think it beneficial for the people. Actually, it is the storehouse of knowledge. Friend : You are right. We all should visit the book fair every year. Myself :Thank you my friend. Friend : Thank you also. 18. A dialogue between two friends about load shedding. Myself :AssalamuAlaikum. Friend :WalaikumAssalam. Myself : How are you my friend? Friend : I am so so. Myself : But why? Friend :Don’t you follow the condition of our electricity? Myself :Yes, but what is the problem? Friend :Load shedding. Myself :What is load shedding? Friend :Load is discontinuation of supply of electricity. Myself :Do you mean it the break of electricity? Friend :Yes, you are right. Myself :But what is the cause of load shedding? Friend :Yes, there are many causes of load shedding. Myself :Please tell me some. Friend :Mismanagement, corruption, illegal connection, system loss and wastage of electricity are main causes of load shedding. Myself :Would you tell me the bad effect of load shedding? Friend :Production of mills and factories are stopped, things kept in the refrigerator and cold storage get rotten. Myself :Now what should we do? Friend :We should increase the production of electricity. Myself :Is it enough? Friend :We also should stop mismanagement, corruption, system loss, illegal connection of electricity. Myself :I think you are correct. Friend :Thank you. Myself : Welcome. 19. A dialogue between two friends about the unemployment problem in Bangladesh. Myself :AssalamuAlaikumWarahmatullah. Friend :WalaikumAssalamWarahmatullah. Myself : How are you my friend? Friend : Alhamdulillah and you? Myself : I am also ok but I am afraid of some problems. Friend : What kind of problem? Myself : Unemployment problem. Friend : What is unemployment problem? Myself : When skilled people remain without work is called unemployment problem. Friend : Make me understand clearly please. Myself : Suppose, my elder brother is an MA. He needs a job now but there is no vacancy in any office or anywhere. Now he is unemployed and it is a problem. Friend : Why is it a problem? Myself : It is a problem because he cannot provide himself in any service for the country and he has no income. Friend : So what? Myself : He is seemed as a burden of the family. Friend : Do you want to say that, as he has no income, he is a burden? Myself : This is the reality. Everyone wants a job and income after his student life. Friend : Why is this problem raised in our country? Myself : Scope. The government has not created sufficient scope for the unemployed people to provide them in any service. Friend : What should the government do? Myself : Government can provide them different kinds of training and export manpower to the other countries to solve this problem. Friend : Anything else? Myself : Yes. Government and Business magnets can establish more industries to provide them service and thus unemployment problem may be removed. Friend : How fine your idea is! Myself : Really? Thank you very much. Friend : Thank you also. 20. A dialogue between two friends about the preparation of the JSC Exam. Myself : Hello friend! How are you? Friend : I am fine and you? Myself :I am also fine but somewhat busy. Friend :But why? Myself : My preparation of the exam is not good. Friend :What is your problem? Myself :I am afraid of the exam. Friend :What do you mean? Myself :I mean I have not yet completed my course. Have you? Friend :Yes, I have completed all my courses. Myself :What can I do now, my friend? Friend :Don’t worry. Be regular in study, you will be able to complete your course. Myself: I have a particular problem. Friend: What is that? Myself: It is mathematics. I cannot understand it. Friend: You may go to Selim Sir. What about English? Myself: No problem. Friend: It’s very good. Myself :Pray for me. Friend :Of course. Myself :Thank you my friend. Friend : You are most welcome. 21. A dialogue between two friends about a study tour . Myself: Hi friend, how are you? Friend : I am fine and you? Myself: I am also fine. Friend : How have you enjoyed your study tour? Myself: Excellent! It was really awesome. Friend : What do you mean? Myself: I mean I enjoyed the tour with very excitement. Friend : O I see. Which places did you visit actually? Myself: It was Moynamoti,Cimilla, Cox’s Bazar and Saint Martin. Friend : How many days did you need to complete the study tour? Myself: It took 4 days. Friend : How is Moynamoti? Myself: It is a place of historical interest. Friend : What place was most interesting to you? Myself: Cox’sBazar. It was very interesting to me. Friend : What place of Cox’s Bazar did you attract you most? Myself: The 127 km sea beach at a stretch attracted me most. Friend : Did you visit Himchori(হিমছড়ি)? Myself: Yes. It was also very interesting. Friend : But Saint Martine? Myself: It was my first journey to Saint Martine. Friend : What was attractive to you at Saint Martin? Myself: The coral island and cheradip(ছেড়া দ্বীপ)were the attractive at Saint Martin to me. Friend : Who accompanied you? Myself: All my teachers and students of our school. Friend : What is your feeling about the study tour? Myself: I found so interest that I will never forget it in my life. Thank you. Friend : Thank you also. 22. A dialogue between two friends about a picnic you enjoyed. Myself: AssalamuAlaikumWarahmatullah. Friend :WalaikumAssalamWarahmatullah. Myself: How are you my friend? Friend : I am fine and you? Myself: I am also fine, very fine. Friend : Are you excited? Myself: Yes, I am very excited. I could not forget the picnic I had yesterday. Friend : Where did you go to have a picnic? Myself: It was Nandan Park, the biggest amusement park in Bangladesh. Friend : Whom were you accompanied with? Myself: All the students with their guardians and our teachers. Friend : How did you go there? Myself: We went there by 200 buses. Friend : 200 buses! What was the quantity of participants? Myself: It was about 40 thousand. Friend : What did you enjoy there? Myself: I enjoyed 10 rides only. Friend : Which ride did you enjoy most? Myself: Water coaster. It was very interesting. Friend : What did you enjoy at lunch? Myself: It was biryani. It was so delicious. Friend : Was there any arrangement of cultural program? Myself: Yes. There was a heavy arrangement of cultural program like song, dance, drama, putulnach and ledger show. Friend : When did you come back home? Myself: I came back home 11 at night. Friend : Thank you very much. Myself : Thank you also.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 04:30:01 +0000

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