JUBBS 4RA QUANTUM NUTRIENT EXTENDS LIFE AND CAN ASSIST MITIGATE RADIATION Did you know that water goes through a hydrological cycle? Did you know that water that is mature water that has travelled very high up into the stratosphere; becomes doped by exotic element in the upper strata sphere? And by noble gas that is caused to form clathrate; of such exotic element in its pure monatomic form; as clathrate such atom become surrounded by a water envelope; that is little hollow spheres of water that surround monatomic.element such as helium; zeon; and krypton; and any hydrology such rare element performs a whole range of quantum effects Helium is one of these noble gases; and as it is cold it has been witness by this researcher to travel up the side of one container and it was well on its way to another container that had a lesser amount inside of it; its plasma body wants to join with other plasma body close to it that it has a similarity to; also this researcher has witnessed this substance defy gravity to move towards where life is even against gravity; As helium is cold did you know that it then as a molecule actually grows yet before this point it got cold it was very much smaller warmer; it only gains a shape the more cold it gets and the more cold it gets the larger it grows?helium when it is cold it can be seen doing what it can to creep and crawl up the walls; where it is contained; did you know it is of a nature of a superfluid element; that can flow without any friction? Such water doped by such element is what you can find in Jubbs 4RA formula; and it has memory of this phase conjugative state; and it is the cause of unusual quantum effects; for instance it causes air to come into your lungs very smoothly it causes all this to flow by a superconductive effect and it cause all such to become more structured and vitalized to be transformed into liquid crystalline lattice as the membrane of a red blood corpuscle or a body cell or other tissue; and it cause a hexagonal sided honey comb aura that influences other water molecule to be in its structured state; rather than unstructured state; Such noble element is of a monatomic nature entrain and emit and retain recall is all what this pure oscillating circuit does; yet because its atomic number as is helium and zeon and also krypton;, a configuration of phase conjugative number it lends itself to quantum effects; when mixed as helium can be with an acid it instantly turns as bright yellow as the sun; and noble gas all finally come into view the colder and colder it comes to be; for at temperature above freezing it is infinitely small; and upon getting chilled it only then starts to grow in size; Size and density and surface within the matrix all cause exotic effects; and also modify neutrino; and as we have been discussing can texturize and make more coagulant and to agglutinate and to not freeze and have water still flowing in tubules and channels within water crystals; and for water to have a very pure hexagonal shape that is the smallest and this shape has no no no feathers edges it is very smooth and water influence such has properties of tasting sweet; and feeling viscous; as having a body and it can be frozen more dense and more pure without any free formed oxygen etc; So the size of the atom is frequency and this is inside clathrate water molecule causing water to be structured itself and to also be able to take on various exotic quantum effects as the little water bear does that survives the most extreme conditions; so you and I can focus on what is necessary within some limit to be able to survive; and that you can find such novel element in plants that have become drought tolerant; So helium deuterium nascent hydrogen; argon; and krypton are just some of the novel elements that have assisted shape the ability of little water bears for instance to have a state of cryptobiosis where it can be in a suspended animated form that all is shut down of metabolism except for some less than one percent even; also it can dehydrate itself down to whats called a tun where ninety five percent of all the water it contained was reduced away; to have survived in a very dry condition; and in such harsh conditions it has intelligence of cryptobiosis it can survive; yet it does so because it has some very novel nutrients that assist this be incurred like threonine; and such element is all in Jubbs 4 RA. Formula; Water as it has gone through its full hydrological cycle is what mature water is other wise for various reason it is not as purified and also not as experience as water that has memory and structure also requires far less energy expenditure; to be temperature sustained and moderated in its ability to hold steady a constant; necessary for conduction negative redox and also stable to hold a magnetic moment; it is very easy for such water to be as a solvent and also a carrier of information and energy; so all water is influenced by these very exotic gases because they exist in a greater concentration in some niche in the hydrological,cycle either high above the clouds or deep in the belly of the earth; All is influenced by the noble elements that are in the periodic chart; and water clathrate of such atoms form; and, such acts as a crystal energy template of specific resonating proportion; and as indicated it influences water to have specific phase specific behavior;,water can have more order and less resistant flow even at extremely low temperatures; and that life could survive it has rare amino acid that assist preserve itself though ninety five percent of all water is no longer present and when heated to have ever more conductivity; and the more pressure the more spread out such noble element exists from itself; and South Pole magnet become highly more excitable and display a greater speed in the presence of monatomic element like helium; and also you should know that anomalous viscosity and also density changes according to temperature change; and also the lower the temperature the more nascent hydrogen gets excited; all follow rules of magnicity; Helium is eventually lost into outer space through a portal existing between the moon and the earth; yet helium will spend one billion years under the surface of the earth and also another billion years above its surface before this can have happened; We used to get lifecolloid probiotics when we lived more naturally yet todays surgically sterile and nutrient deficient state can be assisted to be changed you body is of vital nutrient found in Jubbs 4RA formula; love David xxx
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:31:26 +0000

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