JUDGEMENT YA CASE ENNO MUBUTUFU BWAYO ELINGA EXACTLY NGA YA ERIAS LUKWAGO EYAWANGULA OKUBEERA MAYAR WA KAMPALA MU UGANDA South Africa: Minister criticises Pistorius ruling Oscar Pistorius stood as the verdicts were read out by the judge A South African minister has said the acquittal of athlete Oscar Pistorius of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp is extremely disappointing. Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga told the BBC she thought the judgement was based on technicalities, not on facts. Ms Steenkamps parents have also said justice was not served. Judge Thokozile Masipa found Pistorius guilty of the lesser charge of culpable homicide. She said the state had failed to prove Pistorius intended to kill. Ms Motshekga, who is also president of the governing ANC womens league, said she believed ordinary women in the country will now not feel that the law protects them. She said that she found Pistorius version of events implausible and added she hoped the state would appeal against the verdict. South Africas prosecuting authority has said it will wait until after sentencing to decide whether to appeal. Angie Motshekga (second from left) attended a trial hearing in March Pistorius faces up to 15 years in jail, although the judge could suspend the sentence or only impose a fine. Not justice for Reeva June and Barry Steenkamp have also told NBC News of their disbelief that the court had believed Pistoriuss version of events. Pistorius has been allowed bail ahead of sentencing on 13 October. Judge Masipa said the athlete had acted negligently when he shot his girlfriend through a toilet door, but in the belief that there was an intruder. The Paralympic sprinter had strenuously denied murdering Ms Steenkamp after a row on Valentines Day last year, saying he shot her by mistake. But in the interview with NBC, June Steenkamp said: This verdict is not justice for Reeva. I just want the truth. He shot through the door and I cant believe that they believe it was an accident. At the scene: Pumza Fihlani, BBC News There is a perception here that most crime is committed by poor black people targeting the white middle classes or the wealthy elite. Cue white fear - a phrase used to refer to the rich white haves in society who live behind high walls, afraid of the intruder who may come in the night. It was the threat of this intruder that apparently gripped Pistorius with fear on that tragic morning. In a country where domestic violence is a serious problem, it is not surprising that many hoped this case would be an impetus for change in the laws protecting women. It was never proven that this was a case of domestic abuse but this did not stop political parties and womens organisations from using Ms Steenkamp as the face of the vulnerable woman - failed by her country and the system. Outside court, one protester told me: Women always lose. Earlier, Arnold Pistorius, the athletes uncle, said the family was deeply grateful to the judge for finding him not guilty of murder but added that there were no victors in this, he added. Our hearts still go out for her family and friends, he said. The athlete was also found guilty on a charge of negligently handling a firearm that went off in a restaurant. He was acquitted of another charge of firing a gun in public, through the sunroof of a car, and of a charge of illegal possession of ammunition in the home where he killed Ms Steenkamp. Despite the conviction, the International Paralympic Committee said Pistorius would be allowed to compete in future events. Director of media and communications Craig Spence told BBC Radio 5 Live: Oscars done a great deal for the Paralympic movement. Hes been an inspiration to millions, but obviously his priority now is to see what the judge decides. If he wishes to resume his athletics career then we wouldnt step in his way. We would allow him to compete again in the future.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:02:48 +0000

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