JUDGES 1:1-8 KEY VERSE: “Now after the death of Joshua it - TopicsExpress


JUDGES 1:1-8 KEY VERSE: “Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them?” (Judges 1:1). The use of a compass is very important for direction. The compass is an instrument to direct the movement of ships and aircraft. Sailors, pilots and navigators use it for direction to their expected destinations. Good as this and other devices are, God’s guidance is more perfect, faultless and accurate than them all. After the death of Joshua, the children of Israel consulted God for direction on how the tribes of Israel should fight the Canaanites. In answer to their request, God appointed Judah to go first. He went to battle with the assistance of the tribe of Simeon and God gave them great victory. Major and minor tasks may require expert advice to avoid failure and defeat. In vital decisions of life like marriage, worship, career, journey, business partnership, choice of accommodation and others, God’s guidance must be carefully sought. Believers must trust God and walk by faith in accordance to His word. Never lean on your own understanding; “in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” This is a sure promise for those who forsake all and trust Him. God is faithful to direct us when we are willing to follow Him. He does not always show us the whole picture of the entire journey at a stretch, but He makes the picture clearer as we follow His steps. God says, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye” (Psalm 32:8). Before you leave your home today, claim this promise of God, and it shall be well with you. Remember, you can never trust God and miss your way. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God. ***Share your thoughts and what youve just learnt in the comments section below. Dont forget to SHARE! 76 3 0 Tumblr 1 Google + Reblog Labels: daily manna, dclm, dclmhq, deeperlife Daily Manna: Not An Easy Road Nov 02 0 Saturday 02, November 2013 TEXT: LUKE 9:52-62 KEY VERSE: “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). The path of least resistance easily appeals to most people. Very few will dare plod the rigorous avenue laden with thorns and thistles. Even so, adherents to strict, altruistic convictions are not easy to come by. The above statements capture the experience of the Lord Jesus Christ as He charted the daunting course to Jerusalem. There He paid the supreme price for man’s sin. He had set His face like a flint on this journey and nothing, not even the agony of death, could alter this course. As He proceeded, there emerged different responses from His disciples and others. James and John, for instance, wanted the destruction of a Samaritan village for daring to refuse the Lord a passage through their territory. An acquaintance wanted to follow the Lord without a thorough knowledge of its implications. Another wanted to bury the dead before becoming a real disciple. Yet, another requested a ceremonial goodbye before accepting the call to follow Him. Evidently, these men did not comprehend the demands of discipleship. To them, following Jesus was conditional. Yet, the believer’s call to discipleship is incomparably greater than personal convenience and comfort. Frankly, it is a call to cross-bearing, self denial, pain, suffering and ultimately justification and glorification. It is not a call that is answered on personal whims. Christ’s call to follow Him requires unswerving convictions and focused commitment. We cannot burden ourselves with doubtful convictions and attachments of this life and still hope to journey acceptably with Him. It is only those who gratefully accept the call to follow the Lord all the way, the odds notwithstanding, who will eventually receive His crown and enjoy His eternal fellowship. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A disciple is a follower who has forsaken all. - See more at: blog.dclmhq.org/#sthash.cnagzZW5.dpuf
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 13:43:19 +0000

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