JUDGING BABIES IN THE WOMB AND IN BIRTH “By faith Moses, when - TopicsExpress


JUDGING BABIES IN THE WOMB AND IN BIRTH “By faith Moses, when he was born, his parents hid him for three months, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the kings commandment” (Hebrews 11:23). What does it mean to say, “His parents saw he was a proper child as soon as he was born?” It means the parents knew that he was unique right from the womb and birth, and that he had a great destiny as a deliverer. The people I want to compare with the parents of Moses are the three wise men in the case of the birth of Jesus. Both the three wise men and the parents of Moses had these things in common: 1. They knew the child that was born was unique and proper child, in their instances. 2. They regarded the new born child more than the king or the king’s orders, in their instances. 3. They knew about the new born child by their perception within and not by any man or angel announcing to them, in their instances. It was not an angel or oracle that announced to either the parents of Moses about their child or to the three wise men about the child born King of the Jews, but by knowledge and understanding of the move of God at that point. Even Mary who gave birth to Jesus, did not have such ability to discern the uniqueness of the child Jesus as the parents of Moses found in the child Moses: Elizabeth was even more sensitive to the uniqueness of the Child Jesus in the womb of Mary than Mary herself, the baby in her womb jump up in salute for the baby in the womb of Mary which is Jesus (Luke 1:41-44). Did I not say that even babies in the womb can be judged? Yes I did. But now, I also add to that by saying that even babies in the womb can recognize and judge themselves in special cases. 1. John the Baptist in the womb of Elizabeth, had the word of knowledge and discerning of spirits which helped him to know and recognize the baby in the womb of another woman later called Immanuel. I may so say that, John was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb; but was not filled with the Joy of the Spirit until that Baby in the womb of Mary, called Immanuel, came in to visit his mother (Luke 1:44). 2. Esau and Jacob were two babies in the same womb, that judged each other and began to fight right from the womb (Genesis 25:22-26). So if you think two brothers with the same blood or parents cannot fight, what about those twins in the same womb at the same time shared the same food from the hormone of their mother, went the same places where their mother went and heard the same things their mother heard, shared the same experiences with their mother. 3. If you think that babies in the womb do not understand the importance of becoming first born or know the need for birthright, why then were the twins in the womb of Tamar struggling for the right and title of firstborn (Genesis 38:28-30). 4. If you think there is no competition in the womb, why then are millions of sperms released at a race and all of them struggle to fertilize one ovum? Well by the end of this week updates, I hope God will give us an understanding to know what the sin of a baby in the womb is or how a baby in the womb can be judged.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:46:37 +0000

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