JUDICIAL STUNTs(FAKEs) of INDEPENDENT INDIA, an account/audit/narration,by self experiences (5+ year, criminal trial experience with INDIAN JUDICIARY (SERVICEs)/ justice. 1// CONSTITUTION, even its front page guarantee is an STUNT/pretense (over exaggeratedness)in INDIA. 2// JUSTICE is an pretense IN INDIA, eg 498a trial, POLICE DONT question./allow the law entrapped of INDIA enjoying SIR(independent status) again multiplied, elevated by CONSTITUTION, CONSTITUTIONAL SERVANTs/REPUBLIC DEFINATIONs till 5+ years in criminal justice system of INDIA / INDIAN CRIMINAL TRIAL with INDIAN EVOLVED/MATURED STANDARDs . 3//.Then on after capturing of indian male after mid night arrest in name of law/ flaw(eg 498a) in my case, the court made up of substandard wisdom & intellect & willingness, never allows the citizen/ law entrapped to answer his side of story/ logic/ experience/version/evidence till 5+ years, this the underdeveloped indians dominating the UNDERDEVELOPED NATION called INDIA call it independence, REPUBLIC & JUSTICE all in ONE go/defination enriched BY AN HONOURABLE SELF CERTIFIED SUPREME COURT MADE UP OF INDIANs having 65 years self flourishment & 20 chief justices enjoying retirement, after serving the nation, justice, judiciary, republic/ constitution & THE EVER TAX PAYING INDIAN ABORIGINEE, again paying newer taxes in name of seeking JUSTICE,where government entrapment is free, injustice comes searching for citizens, this is called JUSTICE in THIRD WORLD COUNTRY CALLED INDIA, dominated by BLACK CONSCIENCED & BLACK COMMONSENSED,SUEDOE’s of WHITE/ english educated PEOPLE(the INDIANs). 4// The INDIAN SUPREME COURT, its MOUTHFULLEST SALARIED drawers & INDIAN LAW EDUCATED shall not understand CITIZEns LOGIc,petition, constitutional provisions, HUMAN RIGhts,breach,constitutional rights breach, evidence, which occurs/gets born rarely against random & ABRUPT allegations sprouting & PROMOTING itself via FACE VALUELESS/prestigeless INDIAN JUDICIARY with no shame at all.the supreme court of indians shall defy & neglect & override service, justice, logic, law, evidence,human rights definations for UPTILL 5+ years all in name of service to nation/justice/tribe/tax payers. 5// The SUPREME COURT/HIGH COURT/TRIAL COURT of indians dont understand RIGHT OF ACCUSEDS/law tried & his right to guaranteed hearing at the COURT of law, though he is tried & pounced upon BY LAW,JUDICIARY,POLICE & STATE for UPTILl 5+ years, in third world country like INDIA.. 6// HUMAN RIGHts, evidence of accused & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHts & JUSTICE/service means PAYs, perks, picinics,pension to INDIAN SUPREME COURT & THIER JUDGEs & STAFF, till 5+ YEARs... 7// Till 5+ years not an single LIE/allegation is captured, detected & reversed IN INDIAN JUDICIARY, the evidence of the accused is shattered/ circumsized/minimised in the process & the GOVERNANCEs(STATE/centre) & SUPREME COURT/HIGH COURT/TRIAL COURT cannot give indian citizens thier mobile location statements,which is the right of the accuseds uptill 5+ years this the INDIANs via JUDICIARY evolved & elevated by self certification/self certified merits call it service to nation & creativity/striving for world order... 8// GUN GUN GUN (BUZZ) of indian mosquitoes is surreal, ethical, BUT criminal allegations of uptill 5+ years vis JUDICIARy made up of INDIANs, eg 498a is demeaning & GREATER STUNT THAN THE HONOURABLE MOSQUITOES OF INDIA & the mosquitoes are doing greater service to INDIANs than the criminal justice system of INDIAns, the common thing in INDIA is MOSQUITOES & JUDICIARY & LAW ASSOCAITED FLOURISH AT THE COST OF BLOOD/ progress/ life/happiness/earnings of the INDIAN CITIZEn/tax payer,who is actual earner in INDIA, rest all are worst than PARASTITEs... mukul C SAINI,ahmedabad,GUJARAT, INDIA for circulation world wide,(HARVARD,PURDUE,YALE,MASSACHUSETS,Stanford etc law school,UN,AMNESTY,TRANSPARENCY INTL. via FACE BOOK.12/ march 2014,email; [email protected] gandhigrandson@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:41:57 +0000

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