JUDY STUFF - 10/06/14 - BEST SERMONS ==== Elaine Best sermons - TopicsExpress


JUDY STUFF - 10/06/14 - BEST SERMONS ==== Elaine Best sermons are lived; not preached Real life stories that teach you many things in life.Excellent reading; read all; the 6th and 7th are masterpieces! The following stories have wonderful shades of emotions. These are based on true incidences both wonderful and inspirational. These stories will remove some wrong misconceptions that we have about the people and life in general. 1. Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a boy in a wheelchair caught me before I slammed my head on the ground. He said, “Believe it or not, thats almost exactly how I injured my back 3 years ago.” 2. Today, my father told me, “Just go for it and give it a try! You dont have to be a professional to build a successful product. Amateurs started Google and Apple. Professionals built the Titanic.” 3. Today, I asked my mentor – a very successful business man in his 70s– what his top 3 tips are for success. He smiled and said, “Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is thinking, and do something no one else is doing.” 4. Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper Im working on for my Psychology class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, “Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile.” 5. I am blind by birth. When I was 8 years old, I wanted to play baseball. I asked my father- Dad, can I play baseball? He said Youll never know until you try. When I was a teenager, I asked him, - Dad can I become a surgeon?. He replied Son, youll never know until you try. Today after my own successful sight restoration surgery, I am a surgeon, just because I tried! 6. Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didnt recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere smile and said, “On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center.” 7. Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face. 8. Today at 7AM, I woke up feeling ill, but decided I needed the money, so I went into work. At 3PM I got laid off. On my drive home I got a flat tire. When I went into the trunk for the spare, it was flat too. A man in a BMW pulled over, gave me a ride, we chatted, and then he offered me a job. I start tomorrow. 9. Today, as my father, three brothers, and two sisters stood around my mothers hospital bed, my mother uttered her last coherent words before she died. She simply said, “I feel so loved right now. We should have gotten together like this more often.” 10. Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed. About 5 seconds after he passed, I realized it was the first time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy. 11. Today, in the cutest voice, my 8-year-old daughter asked me to start recycling. I chuckled and asked, “Why?” She replied, “So you can help me save the planet.” I chuckled again and asked, “And why do you want to save the planet?” “Because thats where I keep all my stuff,” she said. 12. Today, when I witnessed a 27-year-old breast cancer patient laughing hysterically at her 2-year-old daughters antics, I suddenly realized that I need to stop complaining about my life and start celebrating it again. 13. Today, a boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggling on crutches with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me. He helped me all the way across campus to my class and as he was leaving he said, “I hope you feel better soon.” 14. Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe. He said he hadnt eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. Then my friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he was eating. The first thing the man said was, “We can share it.” Best sermons are lived; not preached May you always walk in Sunshine, my friend. ==== Pour a half a cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar into a clogged drain. Once it stops foaming rinse down the sink and your drains will be clear. A cheap and environmentally friendly way to unclog a sink! ==== Adding a teaspoon of baking soda when you boil eggs and the shell will come off easily. ==== If you dont have baking soda, then peel away a small hole at the top of the boiled egg and a large one on the bottom. Finally, put the small hole close to your mouth and blow. ==== You will love this one Elaine sent. JUDY Only on the streets of NYC... https://youtube/embed/6J6ElrZzCZg?rel=0 ==== ==== 10/6/14 Ban Flights From Liberia NOW - Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert! dickmorris/ban-flights-liberia-now-dick-mor…/ ==== Social Security Checks... Before reading the information below, Id like to share an incident that happened to me a couple months ago at a Walgreens. My husband had a new prescription that cost over $200. I have the Balance Rewards card from Walgreens, which honors prescriptions as well as other purchases. So, I asked for the Balance Rewards for this prescription to be added to my Rewards account. The pharmacist said she couldnt because I was paying for it with an entitlement. I explained that we have never been on any kind of entitlement program. She stated that Social Security and Medicare are entitlements. I tried not to come unglued, but told her nicely that my husband and I had earned our Social Security and Medicare with money paid into these accounts each and every payday. She said she understood, but it was now called an entitlement, and I couldnt get the Rewards points. I could care less about the Rewards points, but was livid that the government now called Social Security (that we paid into all our lives) an entitlement! To be fair to Walgreens, the pharmacist said that this was a federal law -- that no one on entitlement can benefit from those payments in any way...getting reward points. Wow! The government has their hands in everything! Anyway, now please read the item below... If you get any Social Security at all in any manner, you might want to read. Did you know this? Unfortunately most did not, and I am one of those whose Social Security funds are direct deposited to my bank, thus, I never see the checks. Once again, our beloved congressmen are playing fast and loose with vernacular. What motive did they have for changing the name of our Social Security? I’m sure they have a plan, and it wont be to our betterment. Here we go. JUST REALIZED THAT WITH REQUIRED AUTO DEPOSIT, I NEVER GET TO SEE THE CHECK . ALERT EVERYONE YOU KNOW. THIS AFFECTS ALL OF US.* *Subject:* SOCIAL SECURITY becomes FEDERAL BENEFIT CHECK. Have you noticed, the Social Security check is now referred to as a Federal Benefit Payment? Ill be part of the one percent to forward this. I am forwarding it because it touches a nerve in me, and I hope it will in you. Please keep passing it on until everyone in our country has read it... The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a Federal Benefit Payment. This isnt a benefit. It is earned income! Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too. It totaled 15% of our income before taxes. If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, thats close to $180,000 Invested in Social Security. If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in social security( $375/month, including both your and your employers contributions) at a meager 1% Interest rate compounded monthly, after 40 years of working youd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved! This is your personal investment. Upon retirement, if you took out only 3% per year, youd receive $39,318 per year, or $3,277 per month . Thats almost three times more than todays average Social Security benefit of $1,230 per month, according to the Social Security Administration ( Google it - it’s a fact). And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until youre 98 if you retire at age 65)! I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live in retirement if our government had just invested our money in low-risk interest-earning accounts . Instead,the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever did. They took our money and used it elsewhere. They forgot (Knew) that it was OUR money they were taking. They didnt have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them. And theydidnt pay interest on the debt they assumed. And recently, theyve told us that the money wont support us for very much longer. But is it our fault they misused our investments? And now, to add insult to injury, theyre calling it a benefit, as if we never worked to earn every penny of it. Just because they borrowed the money, doesnt mean that our investments were a charity! Lets take a stand. We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare. Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government. Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going, for the sake of that 92% of our population who need it. *Then call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income.* 99% of people wont forward this. Will you? *You can bet I WILL!* I THINK WE SHOULD DEMAND THAT THEIR SALARIES AND RETIREMENTS BE CALLED FEDERAL BENEFIT PAYMENTS. THIS WOULD BE MORE HONEST THAN WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO OUR SOCIAL SECURITY.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 17:27:34 +0000

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