JULY 14: UNITY/ONENESS Belief in separation causes every - TopicsExpress


JULY 14: UNITY/ONENESS Belief in separation causes every problem. Is it possible to think of ourselves as a single, unified whole with others? Every encounter we have feels like we are separate minds and separate bodies. In particular, the differing opinions that emerge about every experience substantiates this notion. But this is so only because we have chosen to believe we are separate, rather than One. If this belief doesn’t serve us well, why do we cling to it? Our teachers would tell us that separation is a trick of the ego. It keeps us stuck and at odds with one another. In one mad moment, the mind devised the separation and this world of conflict. Our task is to return to the Real World where we are peacefully One, even now. How do we get there? Make the decision to go. It’s that simple. Look upon your brothers and your sisters as extensions of yourself, and only that, and you will have arrived. MY PROBLEMS EXIST ONLY IN MY MIND. TODAY I CAN FEEL PEACE.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 11:41:28 +0000

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