JULY 3 DAILY TOPIC: Repentance and Forgiveness Prayer for - TopicsExpress


JULY 3 DAILY TOPIC: Repentance and Forgiveness Prayer for Israel Prayer for National Government Officials State Focus: California Daily prayers at Calendar RandRPrayer.org/ Mon - Sat 8:30 am PT/9:30 am MT/10:30 am CT/11:30 am ET 712 432-1699 Access Code 338083# PRAYER OF REPENTANCE AND FORGIVENESS Lord, we are profoundly aware that we are at this critical point in our history because our nation has been moving away from You for decades. We repent. We turn around. We turn to You and ask for Your forgiveness. We ask for Your mercy. But for the faithful righteousness of 10 you saved a city. Will you now save a country? Will you consider the heartfelt pleadings of Your people now? Will You give us the chance to return to You with all our hearts? We ask this of You now, knowing that there is much, much work to be done. With humble faith in the righteousness of our beloved Savior we approach you now on behalf of our country. The country that once honored You. Forgive us, Father. Help each one of us God our Father, to be a part of redeeming our beloved country. In Jesus Name. If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). PRAYER FOR ISRAEL Lord, we pray for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem and ask for an end to the violence and suffering. We pray for justice, and Your sovereign righteousness over Israel. We pray for mercy and Your Kingdom to rule over the land. Please protect the soldiers and civilians from bloodshed. Give wisdom to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Knesset (The legislature of Israel). May Israel remain strong, not dividing the land You gave as an inheritance to Your chosen people. May the United States continue to fully support Israel, the nation that gave us salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper that love thee (Psalm 122:6). PRAYER FOR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Lord God, we ask for Your blessing and wisdom on the lives of these leaders in our nation. EXECUTIVE President Barack Obama Vice-President Joe Biden THE PRESIDENTS CABINET Transportation: Secretary Anthony Foxx Energy: Secretary Ernest Moniz Education: Secretary Arne Duncan Veterans Affairs: Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson Homeland Security: Secretary Jeh Johnson SUPREME COURT Chief Justice John Roberts JUSTICES Ruth Bader Ginsburg Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan Stephen Breyer Anthony Kennedy Samuel Alito Antonin Scalia Clarence Thomas TODAYS STATE FOCUS We direct our prayers to the state of California and its leaders. WE DECLARE THE 1879 PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF CALIFORNIA: “We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom…” CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR Jerry Brown [D] CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL Kamala Harris [D] CALIFORNIA SENATORS Dianne Feinstein [D] Barbara Boxer [D] CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVES DEMOCRATS Jared Huffman John Garamendi Mike Thompson Doris Matsui Ami Bera Jerry McNemey George Miller Nancy Pelosl Barbara Lee Jackie Speler Eric Swalwell Jim Costa Mike Honda Anna Eshoo Zoe Lofgren Sam Farr Lois Capps Julia Brownley Judy Chu Adam Schiff Tony Cardenas Brad Sherman Grace Napolitano Henry Waxman Xavier Becerra Gloria Negrete McLeod Raul Ruiz Karen Bass Linda Sanchez Lucille Roybal-Allard Mark Takano Maxine Waters Janice Hahn Loretta Sanchez Alan Lowenthal Juan Vargas Scott Peters Susan Davis REPUBLICANS Doug LaMalfa Tom McClintock Paul Cook Jeff Denham David Valadao Devin Nunes Kevin McCarthy Buck McKeon Gary Miller Ed Royce Ken Calvert John Campbell Dana Rohrabacher Darrell Issa Duncan D. Hunter We ask that You turn their hearts towards You, Lord. We ask that You soften their hearts, Lord, to recognize and receive truth. Lord, we ask that You grant them the understanding and knowledge that come from the fear of You. We ask that You grant them wisdom and discernment, Lord, and that You make them bold to do what is right in Your sight. Lord, we ask that You direct their hearts to do Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 14:13:13 +0000

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