*****JULY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT************* THANK YOU to all who - TopicsExpress


*****JULY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT************* THANK YOU to all who took the time to find photos that jog our memories of growing up in Jersey City. Searching photos, uploading and donating to WE GREW UP IN JERSEY CITY takes time. The members continue to enjoy them and WE APPRECIATE IT!!!! Below are the members who have posted photos in July. A Marie HernandezBill Morrissey, Mark Tolomei, Robert Mackey, Robert Rybka, Elvira Carballo-Marrano, Jarrod D. Putman, Rob Holla, Mary Bergere, Robert McCombs, Cheryl Borquez, Deirdre Murphy, Allie Pelitowski, Max Wilde, Ebenezer Abu, Roy Olan, Anthony Dobbins, George Kimball, Linda Gimbert, Michele Montanez, Terrie Nelson Johnson, Toni Nieves, Peggy Cook, Matt Millman, Rich Brazicki..........With a special THANK YOU to Joseph Casamento for his comical good morning greetings, Jack Ricci, Edward Eckert, Sean Dynes and Cheryl Borguez for all the historical photos of our beloved hometown..........................PLEASE JOIN US IN THANKING THESE MEMBERS FOR SHARING THEIR PHOTOS !!! JULY BIRTHDAYS We Grew Up in JERSEY CITY sends a BIG BOX of virtual Cannolies to all who celebrated their birthday in JULY............Enjoy the rest of month and have another great year! and of course, WE GREW UP IN JERSEY CITY sends our appreciation to all of you for helping us reach another milestone. WE GREW UP IN JERSEY CITY is your virtual Jersey City Community and our virtual STOOP cannot be made possible without your participation...... keep posting your memories, keep sharing your thoughts. Have a great day Everyone !!! WE GREW UP IN JERSEY CITY TEAM
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 14:22:34 +0000

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