JUMBLE SALE MADNESS FLO AND ALICE MANCUNIAN MEMORIES Alice. Shove that kettle on for us. Im just popping to the loo Im not sure Ill make it to the stove Flo...That was a bleedin nightmare. Im shattered! Im telling ya! You dont know people til youve seen them at a Jumble Sale. Did you see Bessie Calverley when she spotted that Fur Stole? I thought she was gonna takes someones eye out waving that white stick about Well she saw the Fur stole didnt she? I swear she only pretends to be blind Ooh I dont know Alice. I picked it up...Smelled like a dead rat. Could have been her nose that led her to it Dont let her fool you Flo. I was stood behind her in the Doctors the other day. And it was that foghorn receptionist on duty. You know the one? Her mam works at Conran street. Likes to broadcast your ailments for the world and his wife to hear. Im tempted to go in one day and tell her Ive got a rash from wearing knickers off her Mams stall. See if shes shouts that out!...Anyway shes got one cataract Who has? Bessie Calverley! Keep up woman! Whats a bleedin cataract? I dont know. But I know shes got TWO eyes. So I dont know what shes complaining about. She wants to try living with my knees We all have our crosses to bear, Alice...Anyway, what did you get? Not clothes! You know me. Im not wearing someones cast offs You and our Joyce, youre a pair of snobs! I saw some lovely jumpers for the kids. But she wont have em, so I got em some jigsaws and a couple of cushions to sit outside on. You can get allsorts when you sit on a cold step...Show me your stuff then? Evening in Paris...Bottles almost full. And this ornament thingy for that empty space on me mantlepiece Whats in the other bag? looks like material to me Oh thats just some old cloth for the dogs bed Let me see? Flo! its just rags Paisley print? You love Paisley print...Nice dress is that. Your size an all. Too nice to waste on the dog ITS FOR THE DOG....Honest Oh well. At least youll match...I wonder if theyve made enough to fix the roof yet? They would if the Vicars wife didnt keep helping herself to the best stuff. I know for a FACT that they had a coffee table donated. I saw it being dropped off...We were right at the front of that queue...Where was it? Alice! You cant say things like that I just did! Its her husband that works for God, not her...Wheres that brew you promised me...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 13:48:10 +0000

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