***JUMBO SMOKY AMETHYST SPIRIT QUARTZ GEODE HEART** Find this HEART On Our WEBSITE HERE: earthfamilycrystals/jumbo-smoky-amethyst-spirit-quartz-geode-heart/ Smokey Spirit Quartz activates the Base chakra, aligning it with the Third Eye for grounding spiritual insight into everyday life.Smokey Spirit Quartz is a stone of protection, cleansing, and integration, highly beneficial in any work that involves visiting the underworld or exploring the subconscious mind. It assists in conveying a soul safely into the next world, cleansing the subtle bodies and removing karmic and emotional debris to ensure a good rebirth. It is a marvelous tool for releasing deeply held emotions, traumatic memories or states of dis-ease, including those passed down the ancestral line. Smokey Spirit Quartz also stabilizes and purifies environmental imbalances and pollution, & can help promote security and stability, connecting to the natural earth for regaining composure. Amethyst is a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment, known for its metaphysical abilities to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments, and creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding, and is a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one.Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes. It helps in the assimilation of new ideas, putting thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. It is a talisman of focus and success.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:30:00 +0000

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