JUNIOR PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS CLUB BINALBAGAN CATHOLIC COLLEGE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PREAMBLE We, the members of JUNIOR PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS CLUB, realizing the need for the local organization to serve as a medium of expression of our ideals, aspirations, to promote and protect the welfare and interest of accountancy students, to assert a dynamic responsible leadership, to attain a high degree of moral, social and intellectual growth; and to strengthen the common ties that bind us, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-laws. Article I- Name and Domicile Section 1 The club shall be known as the JUNIOR PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS CLUB, composed of accountancy students of Binalbagan Catholic College (BCC). Section 2 The domicile and principal office of this club shall be at Binalbagan Catholic College, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental. Article II- Purpose and Objectives Section 1 To adopt such measures as may be necessary to foster educational advancement in the field of accounting. Section 2 To serve as a means of gradually exposing the accountancy students to actual practice in accounting and business life. Section 3 To develop civic consciousness and discipline among members. Section 4 To acquaint the members with the nature and activities of the Junior Philippine Institute Of Accountants Club. Section 5 To promote fellowship and brotherhood among the members. Section 6 To upgrade the quality and standards of instruction in the accounting area. Article III- Membership Section 1 The membership of this club shall include all recognized bona fide Accountancy students of Binalbagan Catholic College. Section 2 The tenure of membership in this club shall be a period of one (1) year renewable every year. Article IV- Rights and Duties of the Members Section 1 The members of this club shall have the following rights and privileges: a) The right to participate in the discussion in all meetings of the club. b) The right to be informed of any project or/and activities of the club and to participate in such undertakings. c) The right to vote, to be elected and/or appointed to any official position. Section 2 The members of the club shall have the following duties and obligations: a) The duty to comply with the provisions of this constitution and other rules that may be promulgated or agreed upon by the club. b) The duty to pay the membership fee of P80.00 for each member. c) The duty to comply with any other lawful requirements set by the club. Article V- The Government Bodies Section 1 The governing bodies of this club shall be: a) The year level officers b) The executive officers Article VI- The Executive Officers Section 1 The club shall have at least the following officers: a) The President b) The Vice President-Internal c) The Vice President-External d) The Secretary e) The Assistant Secretary f) The Treasurer g) The Assistant Treasurer h) The Auditor i) One (1) Business manager j) Two (2) Public Information Officers k) One (1) Representative in each year level l) The Muse m) The Escort Section 2 The officer shall hold office for one year or until successors shall have been elected and qualified. Article VII- Qualification of the Executive Officers Section 1 The President a) He/She shall be a Senior member of the club. b) He/She shall be the Chief Executive of the club whose duty is to supervise the affairs. c) He/She shall preside over all the meetings of the club. d) He/She shall perform such other duties and powers inherent to the office of the president. Section 2 The Vice President-Internal a) He/She shall be a Senior member of the club. b) He/She shall be responsible for the promulgation of the constitution and by-laws or to amend any change within it, provided such amendments shall be ratified by the president during the meeting of the executive officers. c) He/She shall perform such other duties and functions which may be assigned to by the president. d) He/She shall perform other duties and functions in the absence of the president. Section 3 The Vice President-External a) He/She shall be a Junior member of the club. b) He/She shall be the coordinator of all activities of the club and shall see to it that all activities of the club do not conflict with the important activities of the school which may be impaired by the success of this function. c) He/She Shall perform other duties and functions which may be assigned by the president. Section 4 The Secretary a) He/She shall be a Senior member of the club. b) He/She shall keep the records of the club intact. c) He/She shall keep the record of the minutes of the meeting of the club. d) He/She shall maintain and update roster of membership of each year level. Section 5 The Assistant Secretary a) He/She shall be a Junior member of the club. b) He/She shall perform all other duties that may assigned by the Secretary. c) He/She shall success the Secretary in case of the latter is vacant. Section 6 The Treasurer a) He/She shall be a Senior member of the club. b) He/She shall be the official custodian of the funds and expenditures of the club and be his/her primary duty to keep all funds with the treasury chosen by the Club. c) He/She shall be responsible for a prompt collection of all fees and contributions from each year level Treasurer. d) He/ She shall receive and disburse funds for and in behalf of the club authorized by the President; provided, however, that all disbursements shall be supported by the petty cash vouchers or original receipts or other supporting documents which shall be kept as part of these records. Section 7 The Assistant Treasurer a) He/ She shall be a Junior member of the club. b) He/ She shall assist the Treasurer in performing other duties that may be assigned to him/ her. c) He/ She shall succeed the Treasurer in case the office of the latter is vacant. Section 8 The Auditor a) He/ She shall be a Senior member of the club. b) He/ She shall audit the financial reports and other financial documents of the Treasurer promptly to insure effective administration of the assets and resources. c) He/ She shall examine and verify the Treasurer’s reports and shall certify its correctness before submission to the Executive Officers, Advisers and Academic Dean. Section 9 The Business Manager a) He/ She shall assist the President or other executive officers in the transaction of the club. b) He/ She shall perform such otherduties and functions which may be assigned by the President of the club. Section 10 The Public Information Officers a) They shall be responsible for the press releases, disseminations, invitations, posters, and other reading matters of information pertinent to the club to all members and other persons important in carrying the functions of the club. b) They shall act as liaison officer of the club. c) They shall be responsible for the proper acknowledgement of letters of appreciation and other matters of communication which are outside the duties of the other officers, provided, the above mentioned information and communications shall first be noted by the President. Section 11 The Year-Level Representatives a) He/ She shall be a member of the class in which he/ she represents. b) He/ She shall be responsible in coordinating with his/her class regarding the activities of the Club. c) He/ She shall represent his/ her class during the executive meeting. d) He/ She shall perform such other duties and functions which may be assigned by the President. Section 12 The Muse and Escort a) He/ She shall be a member of the Club regardless of year level. b) He/ She shall represent the Club in any pageant organized by the School body. c) He/ She shall perform such other duties and functions which may be assigned by the President. Article VIII- Election Section 1 The election of the Executive Officers of the club on the date, time, manner, and place as specified by the Committee on the Election. Section 2 a) The Committee on Election shall be composed of Faculty Advisers. b) The Chairman of the Committee shall take charge of the preparation for the election of the members of the club. Section 3 The manner shall be in Popular Voting (raising of hands). Section 4 The Committee on Election shall count the votes cast and proclaim the duly elected members of the club. Section 5 The decision of the Committee on Election shall be final, executory and binding upon all. Article IX- Club’s Fund and Expenditures Section 1 All collections shall be deposited at the school’s cashier by the club treasurer. Section 2 Withdrawals from the school’s cashier shall be under the signatories of the club President and Treasurer. The account name of must be JPIA Club. Section 3 The deposit slip shall be in custody of the club Treasurer. However, before the end of the Second Semester, the club Treasurer may turn over the deposit slip to the club Advisers. Article X- Quorum Section 1 Fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the Executive Officers or at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members during the general meeting. Article XI- The Expulsion of the Executive Officers Section 1 Any officer of this club shall be removed from the office by impeachment for any gross violation of this constitution and by-laws, internal rules of this club. Section 2 The Executive Officers sitting en banc, by three-fourths votes, excluding the officer in question, shall have the sole power of impeachment. Section 3 Any member of the Executive Officers who incurs three(3) unexcused consecutive absences or a total of five(5) will be reprimanded thru verbal notice during the meeting of the Executive Officers by the President; a written letter to the officer above the aforementioned absences, or the club Advisers regarding there officers incurred absences. ArticleXII- Amendments Section 1 The Executive Officers sitting en banc, by majority votes may propose any amendments to or revision of this Constitution. Section 2 Any amendment to or revision of this constitution shall be valid when ratified by a majority of the Executive Officers in a special meeting called for; the purpose, the time, date, the place, and the manner of which shall be fixed by the Executive Officers. --oo00oo--
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 09:01:56 +0000

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