JUST A FEW CRUMBS FROM THE MASTERS TABLE: THE END IS NEAR. 2 Timothy 3:5 - 7 (KJV) 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Note: ... Continuing from yesterday... verse 6 Because of their cultural background, women in the Ephesian church had no formal religious training. They enjoyed their new freedom to study Christian truths, but their eagerness to learn made them a target for false teachers. At this time in history, there were almost no opportunities for women to be employed. Also, the church at Ephesus had a significantly large group of widows. Thus, there were many women who may not have been fully occupied during the day. They became targets for the false teachers. The expression worm their way into homes (NIV) indicates the insidious methods of the false teachers. They targeted weak-willed women and perhaps somewhat unintelligent women. Then with all their “fascinating” and intellectual-sounding talk, the false teachers captivated these women—the word literally means “taken captive.” The women lost whatever free thinking they had to these crafty men. These women were especially vulnerable because they were loaded down with sins (that is, their consciences were laden with guilt) and swayed by all kinds of evil desires (their personal appetites and aspirations, remnants from their pagan days, were so strong as to still cause them problems, probably leading to their overwhelmed consciences!). Their weakness combined with their guilt made them easy targets for the “cures” that the false teachers brought. Paul warned Timothy to watch out for men who would take advantage of these women. His concern was not for women in general, but for certain women who were being targeted by the false teachers in Ephesus. New believers need to grow in their knowledge of the Word because ignorance and curiosity can make them vulnerable to deception (Ephesians 4:14). … Verse 7… This is also translated, “never able to acknowledge the truth” (NIV). These women were always willing to listen to any teacher who came along, making them easy targets for the false teachers. But without basic knowledge of the faith that leads to repentance and forgiveness of their sins, these women would only get confused and never be able to recognize and understand the truth. Churches that have little or no biblical and theological content in their teaching program fall right into this error. People who attend this kind of church are easy targets for false teachers. This verse is not opposing education; rather, it is warning about ineffective learning. It is possible to be a perpetual student and never graduate to putting theory into practice. But honest seekers and true students look for answers. The accumulation of seminars, classes, Bible studies, and books without specific application in our daily lives can easily become our own version of what Paul was describing here. Remember this as you study God’s Word. Seek to find God’s truth and will for your life. REFERENCES: The Holy Bible KJV, Life Application Bible Commentary. …Continued Saturday …God Bless You… …Bro. Bob…
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:12:57 +0000

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