JUST A THOUGHT! The Greatest Controversial Topic Of All: What - TopicsExpress


JUST A THOUGHT! The Greatest Controversial Topic Of All: What is the fastest growing controversial topic amongst the various Hebrew groups today? Is it TORAH? Is it Kosher diets? Is it pagan holidays? Is it the way we spell the name of our Creator and Messiah? Perhaps to some these are very high on their list of controversial topics. In my humble opinion, I see more and more new-comers to the Hebraic lifestyle and new to TORAH students voicing their main concern as being the divisions within a group. More often than not, I too have witnessed members of various groups going beyond healthy debating and discussion to name-calling and all different levels of personal bashing. ( this site, not excluded). It seems to me there are any number of Wanna-be TORAH scholars on FB that obviously are frustrated TORAH scholars. Ive heard some refer to these people as TORAH Terrorists . I personally dont think these people have any ill will for others, but they do seem to generate it from others against them. And when that happens, ALL their teaching, no matter how accurate, goes right out the window. Particularly with newcomers to TORAH. If you happen to take offense to that, then probably it was for you. Theres got to be a better way to express ourselves. What happened to humility? Why did it all of a sudden become personal when someone disagrees with us. Even if your right in your point, did you ever think about where the other person is coming from? Does it ever occur to you that perhaps the other person is struggling with Unlearning falsehoods they have come to rely on for many years and now, were pushing a whole new teaching that by and large totally contradicts everything they have learned. Is it possible we can offer small portions of teaching in such a way as to build these people up spiritually, cause them to hunger to search the scriptures themselves, and leave them wanting more? No, some of you might be right. Perhaps the best thing to do is bang them over the head several times, tell them how stupid they are, and wait to pounce on them the next time they ask what you perceive as a stupid question. Dont get me wrong, sometimes a stern correction is necessary. Particularly between someone correcting and someone who should know better. But does it have to be done in a public forum? Lets get those new to Torah to clean the inside of the cup first. Then later, the outside of the cup will seem to clean itself. Humility, Compassion, Brotherly Love, patience, Kindness, forgiveness, meekness. Are these not part of Torah as well? Im not pointing fingers, Im learning this as well. Ive recently been confronted with a strong devout Christian lady who absolutely forbid me from talking about TORAH when she asked me a question. I politely accepted her challenge and asked her if it was ok if I talked about the first five books of the OT. Surprisingly, she agreed. Yes, I could have told her all sorts of things regarding TORAH, (in fact Id did and she didnt know it), but she would have rejected it and me as being legalistic, and obviously I wasnt addressing a Dr. Of Torah scholar. When we share TORAH principles, are we leading others to a closer relationship to our Creator or are we explaining the law and how they are to observe it? One way is building a relationship, the other is legalistic. If you are the latter, then perhaps it would be better if you not join that conversation. Most people join FB groups to learn and share experiences. Thats why I do and just assume others do the same. On occasion, if the topic is interesting and the thread is civil, I will offer my thoughts as well. Civility seems to becoming a rare commodity on many sites, but the teachings are still good. ( some of us can sift through the arrogance and find the meat, even if it seems buried ). It doesnt take long to learn who in a group can become vicious instantly. Most have titles in front of their names most likely to prepare us for their words of wisdom and to make them look good.( outside of the cup). Some are admins. of groups ( not all admins are like that, but a few seem to be admins solely for the title rather than directing the group and keeping it on track). Some do this demanding respect, you know, just like our Messiah did when he started teaching by saying, listen and respect me because I am the Son of David and my Father is God. Although He did reveal himself, thats NOT how He started. Ive ranted enough on this and I believe Ive made my point. By and large, the majority of knowledgable people who participate in groups truly demonstrate a heart of Yeshua. But we still this day contend with what I call Pharasees. Good intentioned, but without a heart for TORAH . NOBODY CARES HOW MUCH YOU KNOW, UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE! Now, go home and read your Bible. Shalom and Shalom.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:51:17 +0000

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