JUST A WORD FROM, Brother Clarence, ON, WERE ARE YOU?, [Gen. 3:9] - TopicsExpress


JUST A WORD FROM, Brother Clarence, ON, WERE ARE YOU?, [Gen. 3:9] “AND THE LORD GOD CALLED UNTO ADAM, AND SAID UNTO HIM, WHERE ARE YOU?” The structure is: 1. The Lord called to Adam, and He has been calling to untold millions of others ever since. 2. The great question, “Where are you?”, is just as appropriate now as then. 3. “Where are you?”, is the first question in the Old Testament, “Where is He?”, is the first question in the New Testament (Mat. 2:2). THE CALL The phrase, “And the LORD God called unto Adam,” presents God seeking the first man. He has been doing so ever since. Matthew Henry said: “This inquiry after Adam may be looked upon as a gracious pursuit, in kindness to him, and in order to his recovery. If God had not called to him, to reclaim him, his condition had been as desperate as that of fallen angels.” He went on to say: “This lost sheep had wandered endlessly, if the Good Shepherd had not sought after him, to bring him back, and in order to that, reminded him where he was not, where he should not be, and where he could not be either happy or easy.” WHERE ARE YOU? The question, “And said unto him, Where are you?”, presents the question of all questions. To be sure, the Lord knew exactly where Adam was, but He wanted Adam to know where he was. Williams says: “Adam hides from God, not because of any change in God, but because of the change in himself, wrought by the entrance of sin. The covering he provided for himself did very well until God appeared and was then found to be worthless.” Adam’s absence was clear proof that something was wrong. Before this, he had welcomed the Divine approach. But now there is dread and fear. Every Believer should take this question to heart, asked by our Heavenly Father so long ago. “Where are you?” As we’ve already stated, God knows where each of us is. Being Omniscient (all-knowing) He knows everything about us. But oftentimes, we don’t know ourselves exactly where we are. It takes that clarion call to bring us to our senses! [John3:20-21]For every one who does evil hates the Light (presents a striking rebuke to Nicodemus with a keen thrust of the sharp sword, saying to him that evil-doers choose the darkness, so why did this Pharisee come by night?), neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be reproved (to truly come to Jesus means the Revelation and condemnation of every evil way, which is totally unlike the religions of the world which reveal nothing; the “Light” automatically reveals what is hidden by the darkness). 21 But he who does truth comes to the Light (the desire for truth must be placed in the heart of man by the Holy Spirit, by the means of the revealed Word of God; if the person sincerely wants to “do truth,” he must come to Christ, for Christ is the only “Light”), that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God (proclaims the great change that takes place in the Believing sinner’s life upon coming to Christ; the evil deeds are forever gone, with righteous deeds taking their place). [2Cor. 5:17] 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ (saved by the Blood), he is a new creature (a new creation): old things are passed away (what we were before Salvation); behold, all things are become new. (The old is no longer useable, with everything given to us now by Christ as “new.”) [2 Cor. 5:21] For He (God the Father) has made Him (Christ) to be sin for us (the Sin-Offering [Isa. 53:6, 10; I Pet. 2:24]), Who knew no sin (He was not guilty; He was perfectly Holy and Pure); that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him (made so by accepting what He did for us at the Cross). STILL IN CHRIST, september 9,
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:44:22 +0000

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