JUST AN REMINDER - VOTE IN TERRI LYNN IN MICHIGAN! Republicans Fight On in Michigan The news media is reporting that our Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Michigan, Terri Lynn Land, has just put another $650,000 into her race to defeat Obama-ally Democrat Gary Peters for U.S. Senate. And there is a reason many Republicans are still hopeful that Republican Terri Lynn Land could win the U.S. Senate race in Michigan. Simply put: Michigan has become a Republican state. The governor of Michigan is a Republican. Michigans Lieutenant Governor is a Republican. Michigans Secretary of State? Yep, you guessed it - Republican. And Michigans Attorney General is a Republican. The Michigan congressional delegation is dominated by Republicans - the GOP holds an advantage over Democrats by a 9-5 margin. The Michigan Senate has a Republican majority. The Michigan House of Representatives has a Republican majority. The Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has described the Michigan U.S. Senate race as the closest race garnering the least attention: Michigan is an ideal state for a GOP Senate pickup: Our media buyers are placing our FINAL round of TV ad buys in support of our Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Terri Lynn Land, so we can give Land the momentum she needs to close strongly in this election and win this race! We must raise $6,950 by the end of the day today to fund our media ad campaign in Michigan. You can make a contribution to help us reach our fundraising goal of $6,950 online - HERE. Please, watch our TV ad for Terri Lynn Land below, and then make the most generous contribution you can afford to our independent expenditure campaign for Terri Lynn Land. To make a contribution online - JUST CLICK HERE. Now, take a moment to watch the TV ad you will be funding, below: We must raise the funds for our new television ad campaign informing voters of just how liberal Gary Peters is, and Peters shameless support for ObamaCare. We are determined to win this critically important Senate race. Please make a contribution to our ad campaign to Defeat Gary Peters by making a contribution online - HERE. If you prefer you can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters: CCC PAC ATTN: Defeat Gary Peters P.O. Box 278855 Sacramento, CA 95827 Thank you so very much for your support! Copyright © 2014 CCC, All rights reserved. Supporters of our campaigns to elect more conservatives to the House and Senate. Our mailing address is: CCC P.O. Box 278855 Sacramento, CA 95827 Add us to your address book
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:56:37 +0000

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