JUST AS A BODY, THOUGH ONE, HAS MANY PARTS, BUT ALL ITS MANY PARTS FORM ONE BODY, SO IT IS WITH CHRIST. 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12 (NIV) From the young to the old, let’s pray together for the different elements of our church, both internal and external impact. Let’s believe and pray for every person to find their place and to develop a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. Lets pray for compassionate, committed, capable, and competent people who will respond to the call of God, utilizing their gifts and talents, for Kingdom advancement. Lets pray the people will ask themselves, How am I involved in the life of our movement? What can I do to make a difference to those around me? How does my piece play a part and what part does God want me to play? ______________ **FASTING REMINDER** This week we will incorporate a fast element, which, in tandem with prayer, will maximize our impact. Fast will require us to abstain from: Sweets, Sodas, and Secular Music. You may abstain from additional things as you feel led. ______________ FOCUS for 15 minutes in the following areas: 1)READING the WORD 2)RESPONDING in PRAYER 3)REFLECTING on your ACTIONS ______________ Day 8 :: R Community Our heart is that every aspect of our community of Faith points people to the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 The goal of the church is to: •Serve as God’s agency to call men back to their source and creator, God, through Jesus the Christ. •To restore their Heavenly citizenship through the Holy Spirit. •To establish His kingdom on earth Now. Father we agree with Jesus, in prayer. We pray your Kingdom come Now and Your will be established in the earth throughout the work of Your church. Let Your Kingdom be extended. We pray that the laws of Heaven will be manifested in the earth and that sin and sickness be eradicated and miracles, signs, and wonders will manifest through Your Church. We pray a great outpouring of the Governor, Your Holy Spirit, will cause citizenship in the lives of people and that they would govern in the Earth according to Your mandate by walking in dominion and authority.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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