JUST BEFORE YOU CONCLUDE THAT AN INCUMBENT PRESIDENT CANNOT LOOSE A RE-ELECTION BID. The world has had many incumbent Presidents who lost in their re-election bid. READ THIS! A). Maithripala Sirisena will be sworn in as Sri Lanca following the defeat of the JUST BEFORE YOU CONCLUDE THAT AN INCUMBENT PRESIDENT CANNOT LOOSE A RE-ELECTION BID. The world has had many incumbent Presidents who lost in their re-election bid. READ THIS! A). Recently, the Incumbent President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa lost his re-election bid to Maithripala Sirisena. He has conceded defeat, contrary to fears that there could be trouble if he lost. B). Nineteen presidents had sought re-election since 1900: Of those 19, 14 won and FIVE lost. (That is, if you count Gerald Ford, since he wasnt elected in the first place). *George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton in 1992. *Jimmy Carter lost to Ronald Reagan in 1980. *Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter in 1976. *Herbert Hoover lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. *William Taft lost to Woodrow Wilson in 1912. C). In the last 25years, two incumbent presidents of the 10 Latin American countries have lost re-election bids: * Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega in 1990 *Dominican Republic’s Hipólito Mejía in 2004 D). In France, SARKOZY became the second incumbent president to lose a re-election bid since World War II after former President Valery Giscard d’Estaing was vanquished in 1981. This made it two presidents who had lost re-election bid since the second world war. Sarkozy lost to Francois Hollande. SORRY, you may say, these are Developed countries. Let me come back to Africa. E). Laurent Gbagbo (Cote Ivoire) assumed Power on 26th October, 2000.On 4th December, 2010, his Political Rival, Alassane Ouattara, defeated him in a keenly contested election. F). Rupiah Bwezani Banda(Zambia) assumed Power on 29th June, 2008. Bandas rise to power could be likened to that of President Jonathan Goodluck of Nigeria. He was appointed Vice President in October 2006. He later assumed the role of Acting President on 29th June, 2009,following the severe illness of the President, Levy Mwanawasa, who had stroke and later died. He was elected as President on October, 2008. Opposition leader, MICHEAL SATA defeated Banda in the September 2011 presidential election. G). Abdoulaye Wade (Senegal) assumed power on the 1st of April, 2000. Wade was an opposition leader that contested and lost 4 successive Presidential elections in Senegal. In 2000 election, he defeated incumbent Abdou Diouf. President Abdou Diouf had been in power since 1981. H). Joyce Banda (Malawi) assumed power on the 7th of April, 2012. Banda served as the Vice President of Malawi between May 2009 and April 2012. She was sworn in as President following the death of President Binguwa Mutharika in April 2012. She became the first female President and Vice President of Malawi. She was named as the Most Powerful Woman in Africa by FORBES in 2014. Banda suffered an heavy defeat to Arthur Peter Mutharika in 2014 presidential election. ONLY WHEN THE PEOPLE REFUSE TO RESOLVE AND STAND FOR CHANGE, WILL THE PRESIDENT CONTINUE TO ASSUME OMNIPOTENCE ON THEM. We have seen lessons from all over the world. The time for change is now! The New Nigeria is still very possible. #JoinTeamChange #GMB15 @kennyokunuga
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:47:41 +0000

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