JUST EXACTLY WHO IS OUR PRESIDENT? EQUALLY IMPORTANT, WHY IS HE DOING WHAT HE IS DOING? PERHAPS WE CAN FIND RELEVANT TEACHINGS IN ISLAM ...: The Essential Guide for Preparation appeared in 1988, as the Afghan jihad was winding down. It quickly became one of the most important texts in the jihadis’ training. The guide begins with the premise that jihad is the natural state of Islam. Muslims must always be in conflict with non-believers, Fadl asserts, resorting to peace only in moments of abject weakness. … The Compendium of the Pursuit of Divine Knowledge, which is more than 1,000 pages long, starts with the assertion that salvation is available only to the perfect Muslim. Even an exemplary believer can wander off the path to paradise with a single misstep. Fadl contends that the rulers of Egypt and other Arab countries are apostates of Islam. ‘The infidel’s rule, his prayers, and the prayers of those who pray behind him are invalid,’ Fadl decrees. ‘His blood is legal.’ He declares that Muslims have a duty to wage jihad against such leaders; those who submit to an infidel ruler are themselves infidels, and doomed to damnation. The same punishment awaits those who participate in democratic elections. ‘I say to Muslims in all candour that secular, nationalist democracy opposes your religion and your doctrine, and in submitting to it you leave God’s book behind,’ he writes. Those who labour in government, the police and the courts are infidels, as is anyone who works for peaceful change; religious war, not political reform, is the sole mandate. Even devout believers walk a tightrope over the abyss. ‘A man may enter the faith in many ways, yet be expelled from it by just one deed,’ Fadl cautions. Anyone who believes otherwise is a heretic and deserves to be slaughtered. Of course, Obama will never ever speak of this inconvenient truth. But that does not make it untrue. To believe Islam can be reformed would mean we have to swallow all that garbage that was sold by the media. Hmmm? I wonder who controls it? The most prominent Muslim next to the Prophet Muhammad was a professor, philosopher and mystic: Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. He lived 900 years ago, which makes him postmodern in the Muslim world. Ask the Huffington Post, which ran this headline two years ago: “Al Ghazali: 900 Years Later and Still Relevant.” (It’s just another example of the liberal media’s burning need to placate Islam. If you think I am wrong, find a secular publication that claims Thomas Aquinas is still relevant.) Farah Jassat, who wrote the story, had much to say about al-Ghazali and how “[h]e underwent a traumatic spiritual crisis riddled with doubt and confusion.” What happened to al-Ghazali? He walked out on his students. He sold all of his possessions and moved about in the wilderness in search of wisdom and truth. In later life, al-Ghazali’s most important teachings were on taxation — not the taxation of Muslims, of course, but the taxation of Christians, Jews and Sabians. How else was a deadbeat professor going to make himself and Islam rich? To do just that al-Ghazali laid out his taxation plans for the dhimmi, or non-Muslims. He declared that they were obligated to never mention “Allah” and that all must pay the jizya. When it comes to 21st century jizya, Obama is all in. Each year, the United States spends $25 billion on Persian Gulf oil. In addition to the $2 billion set aside for Egypt this year, the United States will give nearly $4 billion to Afghanistan and more than $3 billion to Pakistan. This is amazing because reportedly, when it comes to support in the United Nations, Egypt votes against the United States 79 percent of the time and Pakistan votes against the U.S. 75 percent of the time. The neocons in the Bush Administration may have believed that Iraq was bought and paid for, thus giving the United States the right to conduct social engineering and build a “Venice on the Euphrates”. That is not the case for Obama, who is ever so willing to continue the largest transfer of wealth in human history. Billions of our tax dollars go to Islam each year in the hope that everything works out. It is either the dream of an idiot or the ambition of an Islamist. As for Obama’s claim that we were not attacked by a religion but by an organization, imagine if in 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had declared that America was not at war with Germany but with the National Socialist Party. It’s outrageous and it is frightening. ----------------------------------- YES. IT IS. VERY.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 18:48:19 +0000

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