JUST FOR STUDENTS IS IT NECESSARY FOR SOMEONE TO SHOW THE WAY? The quality of life we live is a product of the choices we make. Our choices in life have either created a better society for people or caused a devastated society. Needless to say, the latter has been the true reflection of man’s choices as his choices have virtually been wrong. This underscores the need for someone to show the way. God became man to show the way. God put the consequences of man’s failure and poor choices upon him. This is aptly captured in 2Cor 5:21(NIV): God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”. No one else died for the sins of men but Jesus. According to the Bible, Jesus became sin for the first time in the history of mankind and went into hell to defeat Satan and set free those that were in captivity. Note, He was the first and last man that would ever become sin for man. Due to His love and sacrifice, millions of people are now receiving eternal life. Before he died for humans, he was the only child of God; millions are now becoming Gods children. The reason is not far fetched: Jesus dared to do what no man ever did. He made the ultimate choice. There are several human endeavours that seek to make life on earth more comfortable and better for all. Successful men have taken advantage of the various disciplines to help millions of others to lead successful lives. For instance, a competition for the race to the moon began when someone from Russia landed on the moon and showed to the world that it is possible to travel to the moon. Who might have thought that man could generate electricity from the river, sun and plants, but the daring minds (scientists) came and conquered. They have shown that its possible to explore and exploit the universe. I made up my mind long ago to become a great blessing to mankind. Probably, you might not have really thought about what the world would be but for the efforts of our great men who invented cars, airplanes, phones, satellites, computers and fought countless wars – mental wars, spiritual wars, etc - which have made the world a better place today. I urge you to rise up from your slumber and fight for your rights, for your family, for your nation and for the betterment of the world at large. Rise up and show the way in the area you can. Yes you can! One of the reasons poor people and uneducated people are not respected in the world today is that the greater majority don’t contribute much in making the world a better place than how they met it. That’s why you must keep developing yourself. You must keep marching forward for the freedom of your people. You must march forward for the freedom of your nation. If you make up your mind today to change the course of this nation in the right direction, God will certainly provide the necessary empowerment to accomplish the feat. As a matter of importance, you need to realise that failure (not succeeding in God God’s dream for your life) has consequences, some of them are unbearable. Failing to succeed in ones dream, brings shame, eternal regrets, bitterness and a sad life. The race is on! The whistle is blown! Run! . Inspite of the Friends, run the race that is set before you. Difficulties may come your way, but run to win your race inspite of that. It is certainly more rewarding to succeed than fail. Note, you are not a failure because people say you have failed, but you fail if you agree with them and give up the fight. When Nelson Mandela took over power ending the apartheid system, many people rejoiced over his leadership; he did what he could before he handed over power to another person. Today, Mandela is not just celebrated for his achievements during the period he served as president but for his patriotism, courage and patience - elements that could not be weakened by 27 years of imprisonment - which have brought freedom to the South African people. When Jesus came, he conquered Satan and hell and brought eternal freedom to mankind. When Alexander Graham Bell came, he invented the telephone which made communication possible thereby transforming the standard of living and the world economy. The baton has now been passed to you. What will you do to show a new path to millions of the unborn children and those in this present age. In showing the way, time is a factor you mustnt ignore. Time is running out. Shake off that laziness, ignorance, wrong mindset, and start making a difference. Blaze the trail for others. Beat a path to make it easier for others. Take into you the spirit of adventure and start exploring and exploiting life. A mans life is a product of his choices. Make the right choice today.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:41:36 +0000

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