JUST GEORGE! Today is all about George -- just George :) For - TopicsExpress


JUST GEORGE! Today is all about George -- just George :) For those of you new to the page, George is one of the two Belgians that got us started into this rescue adventure! He and Ben arrived in mid-January malnourished and in poor condition. It became clear early on that George has been handled very badly and his sensitive nature has made him extremely reactive and fearful of people. We made progress with him early on but when the Percherons (May and Brina-Kay) arrived, he took a few steps back. We are once again making progress with his willingness to try and trust us. It is slow going but we are patient. He wears a leather halter all the time so that we can catch him when we need to --- without a halter there would be no handling of George ;) The leather halter will break if he gets caught up on something in the pasture so he is safe. George may have Cushings disease which the presence of a tumor on the pituitary gland causing the incorrect release of hormones. His coat has been growing despite the heat and that is a strong indicator. We are going to have him tested but in the meanwhile we are starting him on a natural product called Evitex that is designed to address issues like George has. We are also in the process of re-assessing the feeding protocol for all the drafts as they are all high risk for issues like Cushings or laminitis. George had a shower today, which he hates! He promptly headed off to roll and found a spot where there was cut up hay where the shredder went over it today. Now he looks like a complete mess but is cooler and more comfortable :) Hope you all have a wonderful and cool weekend!!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:57:21 +0000

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