JUST HAD TO SHARE THIS LETTER THAT SYDNEY WROTE AND SENT TO CHRIS DAUGHTRYS WIFE: Hi Deanna, I hope everything is going well! I decided to write this to you as you would probably see this more likely than Chris, but I wanted to let you know a little bit about my familys story. On July 6, 2008 my familys world was changed. My brother not even a year old was diagnosed with a childhood cancer called Neuroblastoma. We then brought him to St. Peters University Hospital where they performed a surgery on him. If he did not have the surgery he would have been paralyzed from the waist down. After the surgery we stayed in the hospital for months. They cleared my brother of cancer and told us he was cancer free. We went home happy and overjoyed that he didnt have cancer anymore. A couple weeks after we were home we got the call that my brother had relapsed- (which is when you get cancer a second time.) We then transferred my brother to MSKCC (Memorial nSloan Kettering Cancer Center) in NYC. They performed many surgeries on him, and he received infinite amounts of chemo and radiation, Bone Marrow Biopsies, Scans, MRIs, 3F8, and much more. My brother lost his hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes from the chemo which is one of the side affects of it. After 4 years of treating him at MSKCC, they declared my brother cancer free. Today my brother is no evidence of disease! He is 7 now! During this tough trial, we came to know The Lord. Later that year that we attended tchurch, and we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We knew that God had put this trial in our way because he wanted us to come and worship Him and to come to know Him. We then put all of our faith and trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that no matter what happened, it was in Gods hands. When we were in the hospital my mom started a childhood cancer foundation called Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation. She started this foundation help families and other children with cancer, and to raise money for trials that the doctors needed to get one step closer to curing cancer. And every single penny goes exactly to kids with cancer! Foundations like American Cancer Society only gives a small % of their budget to childhood cancer. My mom has made it her mission to help and cure these children of the terrible monster we call cancer. My mom and her partner Mike had just started this campaign called the Truth 365, June 2 years ago. We have countless followers to help and try to do everything they can for kids with cancer. We have even made a documentary called the Truth365. I have been listening to Daughtry since I was little, and Chris had inspired me to become a musician I sing and I play the guitar and I am playing my first show for a fundraiser for childhood cancer in September. Buying every single one of his albums, watching all his music videos, learning all the words to his songs, seeing him in concert three times going on my fourth, and learning the meaning behind all of his amazing, powerful, and meaningful songs,I wanted to ask if Daughtry would be a spokespersons for The Truth 365. The reason I thought Daughtry would be the perfect spokespersons for this cause was because I know that Chris has done endless amounts of charity work and doesnt do it for the money he does it because he cares for the people in need no matter what it be. What really inspired me and gave me the guts to ask you this was when I saw the video Daughtry put up for the meaning behind the song Gone Too Soon and how Chris said he could never imagine what it would feel like to lose a child, I know he was talking about miscarriages, but it is sort of the same thing when you lose your child to cancer. By the grace of God my family was not one of those families who lost there children, but we fight for the families and for the kids who have lost there battle. I thought this would be a great way to get a very well-known band involved to help people rally behind this cause. Obviously I would not ask you to jump and say yes to this right away. For all the questions you may have about this and for my moms number to give her a call and ask her questions you can go to awoccf.org and thetruth365.org. Thank you. -Sydney Sherwood
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:04:04 +0000

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